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creating from South America.
My name is D M O El Corral and I represent academia Latinoamericana Equatorial is university in Quito, Ecuador.
私の名前はD M Oエルコラルと私はアカデミアLatinoamericana赤道を表していますキト、エクアドルの大学です。
We have different programs that we are very well known because of our Spanish programs.
We receive close to 1500 students a year and we're delighted tourism.
50% come from the United States and about 50% come from Europe and other parts of the world like water.
It's a very interesting country for students because they will learn pure clear in Spanish.
More more than that, they will be surrounded with loving people from the Andean region.
I'm also happy to say that we have other schools that basically concentrate on environmental science, business, administration and education in environmental science, probably.
Ecuador is one of the most unique countries says we are most biodiverse country per square kilometer or in the world.
Just imagine the country about the size of the state of Colorado, with 2000 and 16 species of birds close to 4 4000 species of bark vascular plants was to 70% off Bahaman birds of the world and close to 50% of the orchids registered also around the world.
ちょうど樹皮維管束植物の4 4000種に近い鳥の2000年と16種で、コロラド州の状態の大きさについての国を想像すると、世界のバハマの鳥を70%オフにし、世界の蘭の50%近くにも登録されていました。
This is a great place on a riel laugh for all.
Signing the students coming down to South America, our business program.
It's also very important because Ecuador could be the land of opportunities.
Everything is really affordable.
But the most important thing.
Foreign students will be able to have the connection with the Gregorian students and developed entrepreneur projects that sure, the most important thing is that they can work together between the two countries, also very important to mention our education program and, of course, our English part, where we're happy to receive foreign to general English teachers that we willing to come to Ecuador in South America.
We also offer a very important program on internships.
Remember for you coming down, learn the language and participate in any of our internship programs will be one of the most regarded experience but also will be extremely important for your recipe.