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  • (upbeat music)

  • - Oh my god.

  • - Yes.

  • - [Man] The color made such a huge difference.

  • - I know!

  • Look at the sign.

  • - [Man] Legendary.

  • - I love it. - I like it.

  • Oh my God. - We did the window too.

  • - I'm very grateful that Johnny kept the name.

  • I know how important it is to my customers.

  • Champagnes has had a lot of names over the years

  • but this is the one that stuck for a very long time.

  • And I think everybody's gonna be happy with it.

  • - [John] What do you think I'm loving it?

  • - [Greg] I'm loving it.

  • I'm loving it.

  • - Look at the sign.

  • Legendary since 1966.

  • This bar has had five different names

  • really over the years, but it's been Champagnes

  • for 20 years.

  • And that 20 years is really important.

  • Even the awnings were historic to me.

  • So I was extremely respectful

  • by keeping the outside the same.

  • It gave me the creative space to make the inside different.

  • - I'm scared.

  • (laughs)

  • - Are you ready to see it?

  • - Yes. - Go!

  • - Oh gosh.

  • - Yes.

  • Wallpaper.

  • - [Lady] Wow. I love it.

  • - Wow look at these booths.

  • Oh my god, yes.

  • - Look at what they did. - Oh my god.

  • - [Greg] Legendary.

  • 1966.

  • - [Lady] Oh that's cool.

  • - This is so good.

  • This is so nice, oh my god.

  • Where did these come from?

  • - The blueprints for this place

  • that people have been looking for for years,

  • I have no idea where John found them.

  • The previous owner told me he'd been looking for them

  • and he couldn't find them.

  • As far as we knew all these records were destroyed.

  • Nobody's gonna come in here and say they ruined Champagnes.

  • - No.

  • - Everybody that thought that John Taffer

  • was gonna ruin this bar were so wrong.

  • I think the naysayers are gonna be yaysayers.

  • It's just pretty awesome.

  • - Well, what do you think?

  • - Absolutely love it.

  • - There's a lot going on.

  • Sit down and we'll tell you all about it.

  • (upbeat rock music)

  • I didn't only keep the wallpaper

  • I made it the centerpiece.

  • Look in the back wall.

  • Look at the gold trim around the sconces,

  • and the black color in those insert panels.

  • All of that was designed to make the wallpaper pop.

  • And doesn't the wallpaper look better than it did before?

  • - It does. - It does.

  • - I restored it and made it a centerpiece.

  • And then I got vintage chairs that I recovered

  • so that they would fit back into the age.

  • This wasn't about just remodeling it,

  • this was all about respect.

  • Right down to the blueprints,

  • on the back wall, that were the original blueprints

  • of this building.

  • So when you look at those plans, you'll see how

  • respectful the history we were.

  • That is a picture spot.

  • And I want people to stand there under that Champagne sign

  • in front of that wallpaper and send it out

  • on the internet that you are legendary.

  • It's right there in a snapshot.

  • You now have three complete workstations

  • with three To Touch POS systems.

  • And you can really function now on a Friday,

  • Saturday night when you're packed.

  • And I'm really proud for the city of Las Vegas

  • that Champagne's (mumbles) for another journey.

  • - Beautiful.

  • - [John] So let's do this. Okay?

  • - All right.

  • - Oh my god.

  • Looks good, looks good.

  • - Hi mom.

  • Doesn't it look so much better?

  • - Yeah.

  • I'm feeling more like I'm back in time.

  • (crowd cheers)

  • - [Man] Derby's Bar and Grill.

  • (screams)

  • - Derby's.

  • What are we talking about?

  • Roller Derby.

  • Although there's a lot of nostalgia

  • for the roller rink in this community.

  • I needed to create a bar that could stand on its own

  • as a separate business.

  • This Derby concept will get new customers in the door.

  • And at the same time, honor the rinks importance

  • to the community.

  • The sign is placed there

  • so we do have visibility from the street.

  • What do ya think, Jesse?

  • - It's amazing.

  • The community deserves this.

  • My staff deserves this.

  • I'm proud to be the owner of Derby's Bar and Grill.

  • - There's really only one thing left to do.

  • Do you guys wanna see it? - Yes!

  • (crowd cheers)

  • Oh my god!

  • - Look at the bar. - Look at the bar.

  • - [Man] Penalty box, yeah.

  • - [Lady] Look at the roller skates.

  • - [John] Do you like your bar?

  • - [Lady] Oh we love it.

  • - There's actually a lot of little things going on,

  • come over to the bar, let me show ya.

  • The first thing that I did is

  • I got all historic photographs roller derby

  • to give it some authenticity.

  • I turned that into a penalty box up there.

  • Which is in essence, a place that you could sell

  • for bachelor parties, bachelorette parties,

  • and just use that as a little private area.

  • Each workstation has its own To Touch POS system

  • which is fast.

  • There's a printer in the kitchen.

  • So all the items print up with the stool number,

  • the table number.

  • So we know where it goes.

  • I got Fund a Group to give you all new bar tools,

  • everything that you need to be successful behind the bar.

  • I also wanted to make sure that we sold

  • nothing is over $5 in this bar.

  • The median household income level was 27,000 a year.

  • Poverty is 22.

  • So I wanted to provide value at low prices

  • so we could compete with the national brands

  • in the community.

  • Guys, we've got a bar to open.

  • We've got about 200 people standing out there.

  • Ready to do this?

  • - [Lady] Yes!

  • - All right, tonight, we make money.

  • - Yeah! (group applauds)

  • - Oh wow!

  • - Look at this.

  • It's beautiful.

  • And the new sign.

  • I love it.

  • - It's incredible.

  • (people talking over each other)

  • - I'm so glad that John chose

  • to keep the names of Tradewinds.

  • - The brand, the Tradewinds has been here since 1965.

  • I wanna put that out front.

  • I want everybody to know that right from the get go.

  • The Tradewinds is an outpost in the tropics somewhere.

  • Is what the concept is.

  • Now think of what happened when I got here.

  • The Tradewinds didn't mean anything.

  • - No.

  • - You were lost.

  • Correct?

  • Now that I got to know you, Chase,

  • you're a really good guy and look at you, man.

  • That's a guy who cares.

  • - I got the haircut to change the attitude.

  • I wanna show Dan, Eric, everybody that, I mean business.

  • - There's only one thing left to do guys.

  • - Let's check out the inside!

  • (crowd cheers)

  • - Go ahead.

  • - Yes, woohoo!

  • (laughs)

  • - Oh my god. - Look how bright

  • and beautiful it is in here.

  • (upbeat rock music)

  • - Oh my god! - Oh my god!

  • And we have real tables.

  • - It's cold in here.

  • We actually have something that works.

  • - I mean, do you not feel like you're on a cruise ship?

  • - I feel like I'm on the beach.

  • - Walk in here I'm thinking comfortable, tropic,

  • I think the college kids are gonna crazy for this.

  • - What do you think?

  • - Miracle worker. - Do you like it?

  • Let me show you everything.

  • There's actually a lot going on,

  • come over to the bar, guys.

  • So we took the old brand

  • and gave it a new identity.

  • We have storms in a video system going,

  • and we have maps around the room,

  • two To Touch POS systems that are set up for speed.

  • And the credit cards work.

  • And a third To Touch POS system around the corner,

  • a printer in the kitchen with table numbers,

  • bar stool numbers. - Yes.

  • - So there's no more confusion, Dan.

  • But my real challenge was your draft beer system.

  • It sucked, guys. - Beyond.

  • - So now we're at temperature

  • beers coming out of 39 degrees.

  • There's no foam.

  • We fixed the system completely.

  • But I also wanted to give us something

  • that was uniquely ours.

  • I wanted something that would add excitement

  • three or four times a night

  • at the push of a button.

  • Lightening storm mode. (laughs)

  • There's a lightening storm. (crowd cheers)

  • And we sell some cocktails.

  • And at that moment, we feature a signature cocktail

  • to drive sales.

  • You're with me? - Yes!

  • - You like that? - I like it a lot.

  • This is cool.

  • - You guys ready to do this? - We are!

  • - We're ready.

  • - Let's make this money.

  • - Oh my god!

  • - Whoa (laughs).

  • It's still like it used to be.

  • - When I turned around, it was like stepping back into time

  • especially with them colors, I'm waiting for pop

  • to come walking out that door.

  • - Thank you!

  • Oh my goodness, this is wonderful.

  • - I wanted to recreate the bar that Sam built.

  • I kept the outside colors the same.

  • Kept the original sign, recreating Sam's vision,

  • not changing it.

  • I took the white arches

  • made them black because the white letters now pop more.

  • You see his name?

  • - Exactly.

  • - I have one more thing that I want you to see.

  • - Oh my God.

  • - And that is...

  • (screams)

  • - Oh my god!

  • - Can you read that Ruth?

  • - Yes.

  • - Read out loud to everybody.

  • - On this side in 1959, Samuel Jordan founded

  • this tavern for the community of Bayview.

  • - Yeah! - That is awesome, John.

  • - You see that, you're seeing yesterday.

  • - Exactly right.

  • There's only one left.

  • You're ready? - Yes!

  • - All right, go ahead guys.

  • (crowd cheers)

  • - Look at my grandmother (cheers).

  • - Oh my god!

  • Look.

  • To see this place transformed is beyond words.

  • If he were here today to see us,

  • he would be so proud.

  • - I miss Sam.

  • I am so overwhelmed.

  • It's almost like he's here in spirit.

  • - What do you think?

  • - Oh wow!

  • - Come on over to the bar, I wanna tell you

  • all about it. - Okay.

  • - This wasn't a new concept.

  • This was a rehab.

  • We took his same floor plan

  • but we set it up for a whole new generation.

  • Look at the images of Sam,

  • that connects the generations.

  • Those stools are the stools that Sam bought.

  • I got B and L Seating to get those done for us.

  • - Beautiful.

  • - So we've got the environment to succeed

  • but I wanted to set you guys up

  • with the systems and everything.

  • I got To Touch POS to give you three POS systems.

  • So the bartenders don't even have to ring for the servers.

  • I got Funder Group to give you stainless steel tables

  • in the kitchen, a new fryer in the kitchen,

  • a printer for the POS system in the kitchen.

  • And now that we're operating as one business

  • I removed the register from the kitchen

  • so that all the bar's profits go into the same drawer.

  • So I got you table tents to promote your food.

  • All these cocktails are designed to pair

  • with the food menu, that allows the kitchen

  • and bar to better cross promote

  • increasing our revenue and paying your debt quicker.

  • You happy?

  • - We are. - Very happy.

  • I know that my father is smiling right now.

  • He always wanted us to be together as a family.

  • That's what it's about.

  • - I want to see the customer's faces when they walk

  • through that door.

  • - Sam is watching now.

  • So let's make him proud tonight, guys.

  • - Yeah. - So let's go

  • do it. - Okay.

  • I haven't been this close to my brother

  • in the past several years.

  • It's like we lost something and we got it back.

  • Hi everybody. (audience cheers)

  • We wanna welcome you to Sam Jordan's,

  • everybody come on in.

  • Hi.

  • How are you guys?

  • - Oh nice (beep).

  • - Damn.

  • That is awesome.

  • - Way better.

  • There it is, brother.

  • I mean it feels like a fresh beginning.

  • The fact that John was even here to help us do this.

  • It means everything to me that he kept the name.

  • It's a symbol of my life.

  • Everybody I've lost over the past years,

  • they're probably looking down right now

  • and they're just as excited as me.

  • And there's a rainbow right behind me.

  • Hopefully that's a good sign of good things to come.

  • - I bet you was scared I would change it too much.

  • - I was terrified.

  • - When you drive by, guys, you see that sign,

  • It's still The Triple Nickel.

  • So I wanted to give the logo a little more of a hard edge,

  • make it feel a little more rock and roll.

  • What I call, Call to Actions on the windows.

  • Gives you reasons to come inside.

  • Live music, draft beer.

  • But when you walk through those doors

  • that's when the concept comes alive.

  • You ready to see a cool concept?

  • - Yeah. - All right, go.

  • - Get it man. - Come on.

  • That is (beep) awesome.

  • - Badass. - Look at how cool

  • that looks right there.

  • - Oh that looks amazing.

  • - Dude that is badass.

  • I'm at a loss for words, I don't know what to say.

  • It's incredible.

  • It's very garage orientated.

  • Even though it's the same,

  • it's taken on a new identity.

  • - Look at the doors,

  • how that looks like toolboxes.

  • - Holy (beep).

  • It's amazing.

  • The Triple Nickel doesn't feel like a boys club

  • in here anymore.

  • It's inviting.

  • I could definitely see a lot of women

  • coming into The Triple Nickel.

  • It's awesome.

  • - What do you think JJ?

  • - It's awesome.

  • - Fits who you are?

  • - It does, 100%.

  • - Fits your concept? - 100%, 100%.

  • Thank you very much. - How'd I do bud?

  • - It's amazing.

  • You didn't change my home, but you made my home better.

  • - There's a bunch of stuff going on.

  • Come over to the bar, let me show you.

  • (upbeat rock music)

  • So when you think about this market, 35,000 military,

  • little older than normal, you got to provide good value

  • but rock and roll works in this town.

  • Where does rock and roll start?

  • In garages.

  • Look around the room.

  • Look at your drink rails.

  • Your tables, your chairs.

  • Look at how the upper area is now

  • a car lift with a car on top.

  • Our new bar top.

  • Look at the stainless steel in the front,

  • and the tire track verticals going up there.

  • Two complete workstations.

  • One, two, three To Touch POS Systems.

  • Those stations and that To Touch makes you faster.

  • - Yeah.

  • - Drives the revenues.

  • You thought you lost your home.

  • Look at that 555 man.

  • Your dad's legacy, fricking lives, buddy.

  • - It does, thank you.

  • - Look at me.

  • It's not going anywhere, and you know what?

  • Neither are you.

  • Guys, you have nothing but hope, right?

  • Tonight let's turn that hope into money.

  • Okay.

  • Let's do it. - Thank you.

  • (crowd claps)

  • - Oh my god! - Nice!

  • Look at this place.

  • - [Lady] It's a lot brighter.

  • - [Man] Yeah, it's awesome.

  • - Awesome.

  • - I love the new name.

  • - Oh my gosh.

  • Everything is perfect.

  • I'm so excited to get inside.

  • I can't wait.

  • - The sign's great.

  • New colors great.

  • It's nice and bright.

  • This is so incredible.

  • - You like?

  • - It's so awesome.

  • - You run this place like it's downstairs, like a basement.

  • So I wanted to build you the coolest

  • downstairs bar you have ever seen.

  • But the problem started with out here,

  • 'cause it didn't pull your eye.

  • So I infused a bright color with the orange.

  • Got your new sign with the new logo.

  • A little more class.

  • The name of the bar is Downstairs Bar and...

  • - Kitchen. - Kitchen.

  • The subtle differences make ya say,

  • it's new, it has food.

  • You guys ready to go inside? - Yeah!

  • Definitely. - You sure?

  • - Oh yeah!

  • - [John] Go!

  • - Wow, oh my god.

  • - Look at the bar top. - I know.

  • - I love it. - Oh the wall dude,

  • do you see this?

  • (laughs)

  • - That used to be where you only played pool,

  • now everyone will come back here.

  • - This feels like mom's basement.

  • - Yeah it does.

  • But it's so warm and more inviting.

  • And you're gonna kill it in here.

  • Definitely.

  • - Well?

  • - It's awesome. - You like?

  • - Yeah. - Oh yeah!

  • - It's beautiful.

  • - Got a coziness doesn't it? - It's like

  • you can really hang out here for a long time.

  • - Come over, I wanna show you guys what I did.

  • Everything in this room has one common thread to it.

  • You'd find it in a guy's basement.

  • Look at that cool retro lamp.

  • The elevated couch.

  • The retro TV in the background.

  • But it has a high Def screen in it.

  • I put in traditional basement paneling.

  • And of course every great basement has a rug

  • that is the ugliest color in the world.

  • Right?

  • Because you wouldn't put it upstairs.

  • It goes to the basement.

  • This is the perfect basement.

  • But we only make money if it works behind the bar, right?

  • - Definitely.

  • - Let me show you the bar, come on over.

  • Look behind you at the custom men's magazine covers

  • that I made.

  • Look at how the bar top now has a different finish.

  • Look at the tabletops, how they match the wood paneling.

  • The new bar stools that are retro in style.

  • I created bottle steps.

  • I almost always finish them in wood,

  • yours are made out of brick.

  • Just like a guy would do at home.

  • He'd stack the bricks,

  • and he'd make himself a back bar.

  • But, it's all about the money, right, buddy?

  • - Absolutely.

  • - Two workstations with soda guns, wells, ice bins.

  • We have two POS systems.

  • Double the production.

  • So Sean, you like your bar?

  • - I love it.

  • Thank you so much.

  • - You happy?

  • - I couldn't be happier.

  • - And Pamela, you deserve to see your son be successful.

  • Successful. - Thank you.

  • - Now he's on that path, isn't he?

  • - Yep.

  • - Sean, tonight you're our leader.

  • - Thank you so much, man.

  • I really appreciate it.

  • Thank you. - Congratulations. Go to work!

  • Woo.

  • I wanted Desi Romanos Sports Bar and Grill

  • to be Desi Romanos Sports Bar and Grill

  • when you walk inside.

  • You're ready Des?

  • - Yes, yes, yes.

  • - Go ahead, guys. - Go, (mumbles).

  • Go, go, go, go.

  • (crowd talking over each other)

  • - Shut up.

  • - [Lady] Wow!

  • Oh my god, look at the vase, the doors.

  • - [Des] Look at the POS.

  • Stop!

  • Unbelievable.

  • Look at the jukebox.

  • Look at the TV.

  • I can't quit saying that word, look a.

  • Look at the bar. - I know,

  • that's where we gotta be.

  • Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.

  • (crowd talking over each other)

  • - This is awesome.

  • Everything, the dog, the backboard is perfect.

  • This is beyond my imagination.

  • - Oh my God.

  • Did you guys see, we have charging stations?

  • - You can charge your, no, don't say that.

  • - Everywhere. - Don't say that.

  • - Around the whole bar.

  • - How does he think of that?

  • This is (beep).

  • - Hurricane Lindsey.

  • (screams)

  • - Alcohol Desi.

  • - I can't thank John enough for coming in here

  • and making my dad open his eyes,

  • and helping us all out.

  • I feel like I'm dreaming still.

  • - What do you think, guys?

  • You like? - It's unbelievable.

  • - You know, this was a challenge

  • because Desi Romanos is a 25 year old brand.

  • So we went out to an architectural artifacts house

  • and bought all of these old shutters,

  • the rod iron behind the bar,

  • to bring age and authenticity.

  • Your brand is authenticity.

  • History.

  • - This is definitely worth (mumbles).

  • - I got Future POS system to put two behind the bar,

  • one back here to make sure you're set up.

  • - Like I'm good, I'm good.

  • - Okay guys, I wanna show you what we did behind the bar.

  • Come on over.

  • When customers come to this bar

  • they're gonna stay so long

  • that their phones are gonna go dead.

  • So I got the company Bar Juice to fly out here

  • and work all night to put USB posts.

  • Go ahead, plug that baby in.

  • - I love it.

  • - That is the best, everything's the best thing.

  • - All of this stuff adds to value.

  • You don't give away drinks in a place like this, do ya?

  • - No.

  • - Oh I love that.

  • - Okay guys, there's only one thing left to do tonight.

  • We open.

  • We open in about 20 minutes, guys,

  • so let's get to it.

  • - Couldn't of done it without all of y'all.

  • All of y'all.

  • All of y'all.

  • All of y'all.

  • - Oh!

  • (crowd cheers)

  • - Big Mike's has been serving people

  • in this town since 1989.

  • I couldn't imagine running a place that wasn't

  • called Big Mike's to still have our signs.

  • - Couldn't change that sign, could I.

  • Does that sign pop or what?

  • - Absolutely.

  • - You can't wait to go in can you?

  • - It's killing me. - Go!

  • (crowd cheers)

  • - Y'all ready? - Open the door.

  • Oh my god. - Oh my god.

  • - [John] The main dining area, I put in a brand new floor,

  • 13 tabletops and six TVs.

  • - No way!

  • - [John] We have two solid workstations,

  • two Future POS Systems, brand new beer taps.

  • We had USB ports installed from Bar Juice,

  • four tabletops along the wall, and eight brand new TVs.

  • - It's just so exciting to know

  • that this is the place I'm gonna get to come

  • to work every day.

  • I'm gonna love spending a lot of time here.

  • - Look at this.

  • - Brand new Cisco kitchen equipment.

  • A brand new double batch pizza oven

  • from Turbo Chef Technologies.

  • And then I got Manitowoc ice machines

  • to give you the first ever

  • of their new machine that makes

  • that custom high-end ice now.

  • - Wow!

  • - To see it like this is just,

  • it's phenomenal.

  • - Look at the football, who signature?

  • - Deuce McCallister. - Deuce McCallister.

  • Oh my god. - No,

  • they kept the Saints room, are you kidding me?

  • - [John] For the Saints room, we had eight

  • brand new tabletops, and two TVs, and we decorated the walls

  • with Saints memorabilia.

  • - Wow. (somber music)

  • - I've never dreamed that I would have a place this classy.

  • - You deserve it big Mike.

  • - This is unbelievable.

  • This has been a week of emotions for me,

  • to come around that corner and to see the crown bar.

  • And again, the wood and the pool tables,

  • and the Big Mike's sign,

  • I mean, I could go on and on and on.

  • I can not believe that that is our bar.

  • - How did I do?

  • - Did amazing.

  • - You happy? - Oh my god.

  • I am speechless.

  • That bar brought me to tears.

  • Feels like a brand new home.

  • - Come on over.

  • So welcome to the Crown Royal room.

  • When you take a look at everything around this room.

  • This is a completely different feeling.

  • - Yes.

  • - Did we capture your vision?

  • - Oh, hell yeah.

  • - So I wanna tell you a story.

  • About two years ago, I rescued a bar.

  • Super storm Sandy had robbed them of their bar.

  • They wanted to send you this video.

  • - Hi Mike and Jocelyn and everyone down

  • at the Big Mike Sports Bar.

  • My name is Sean Tubridy,

  • this is my brother Dee.

  • We're from The Bungalow Bar, in Rockaway Beach, New York.

  • You know, we've been in your shoes before

  • and we want you to know that there are better days ahead

  • and this too shall pass.

  • When John called us and told us about this rescue,

  • we were excited at the opportunity to help out

  • where we could.

  • So please accept this $10,000 donation

  • from the Bungalow Bar family to you guys.

  • It's gonna get better.

  • One day at a time.

  • - You've gotta be kidding me.

  • - Tubridy's check for $10,000

  • is to get you a trailer for your girls.

  • (sobs)

  • That was the last promise, Mike.

  • - Thank you doesn't do no justice.

  • - For each one of us, it's gonna get better

  • starting tonight.

  • Let's share this with the community.

  • Okay.

  • Mike has been generous his whole life.

  • But he needed help to keep the generosity going.

  • - Hi, I'm Michael Vermont with the Baton Rouge

  • Area Foundation. - Oh okay,

  • nice to meet you.

  • My wife, Jocelyn. - Hi I'm Jocelyn.

  • Pleasure. - Very nice to meet you.

  • - So the Baton Rouge Area Foundation

  • does a lot of local work to help families like yours

  • and businesses get through the storm and the floods.

  • So Crown Royal charitable effort,

  • they wanted to write a check for $10,000

  • to help other families like we helped yours.

  • - Great, that is great. - That's very generous.

  • We've helped hundreds of families get back

  • into their own homes, and this will help

  • get even more families back to where they belong.

  • - That is wonderful. - That is wonderful.

  • - One.

  • Two.

  • Three. (crowd cheers)

  • - Oh I'm gonna cry.

  • Holy Christ.

  • You surprised the crap outta me I'll tell ya.

  • - I like it. I like it.

  • - Worried about the title of the bar

  • because there's been a lot of emotion

  • over the last couple of days.

  • Pat's Courtyard Bar is a nod to the past,

  • it's carrying her name.

  • Oh my goodness.

  • - Pat's Courtyard Bar. - Love it.

  • - I simply put vertical treatments

  • on either side to separate the space from the others.

  • Those are important elements to get people to come inside.

  • I wanted this bar to have your name on it

  • because I wanted every time Russ went in there

  • to be inspired by your dreams for him.

  • And then I wanted you to hand it off to him

  • and give him the proverbial key.

  • - You got it. - And make it his future.

  • You ready to see it?

  • - I am. - All right, go ahead.

  • (crowd cheers)

  • - Oh my!

  • Oh my god. What did they do?

  • Oh my god.

  • Oh my god, that's gorgeous.

  • Look at this.

  • Look at the pool tables, Russ, if you can see that far.

  • Yes. - Oh my gosh,

  • Russ, come here.

  • - There's pool tables, I see them.

  • - [Lady] This is so cool.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • - It's pretty. - I like it.

  • - It's just class.

  • I finally love my bar (laughs).

  • Finally!

  • - I like the separation.

  • - Holy cow!

  • Girls, did you see your bar?

  • - [Lady] Holy (mumbles), look at their back bar.

  • And there's that one.

  • You have two wells. - Two wells.

  • - You girls are gonna kick ass back there.

  • - Yes, do a lot better.

  • - So do you like?

  • - Come here, John, you deserve a kiss for this one.

  • Holy cripe.

  • - It's been flipped.

  • It's cool.

  • Yet you feel classier.

  • I'm overwhelmed.

  • I'm overwhelmed.

  • - So I wanted to create several different feels.

  • The center is the bar and by making the bar

  • seem outside, we created a courtyard concept.

  • And when you're in the courtyard,

  • you look into different rooms.

  • Look at the wallpapers behind me,

  • there's palms aren't there?

  • So there is reoccurring themes throughout the room

  • to connect the space.

  • And then on top of that in the DJ booth

  • is an Orange Door Entertainment System.

  • So I wanna show you what I did behind the bar.

  • Let's go over there.

  • Well, we're in the courtyard.

  • You know, in the bar business,

  • speed is everything.

  • So I put in a whole separate workstation.

  • So we have two complete wells now,

  • two Harper Touch POS systems behind the bar,

  • and the another Harper Touch POS system on the wall.

  • Russ you got this, don't you?

  • - Oh I got this.

  • I've been flying blind so to speak, no more.

  • - No more.

  • You guys ready?

  • - Yes! - Ready.

  • - Let's open.

  • One,

  • two,

  • three.

  • (crowd cheers)

  • - Whoa!

  • Wow!

  • Oh it's great.

  • It is absolutely beautiful.

  • - What do ya think?

  • - Awesome.

  • - Do you like it?

  • - Absolutely.

  • - So, Rich, what county are we in?

  • - Lake County.

  • - We came up with a new brand and a logo.

  • The Lake House after Lake County.

  • Look at the color now more adult.

  • The green is gone with the more mature blue trim.

  • What do you think, Rich?

  • - Beats my green.

  • - The difference is that'll make ya green.

  • - That's true.

  • - We put lighting over the patio

  • to pull the eye, make the outside look purposeful

  • which will make people curious to come in.

  • What do you think, Jeff?

  • - I'm speechless.

  • I love it.

  • I really do.

  • - So there's only one thing left to do, isn't there?

  • - Oh yeah.

  • - All right, go.

  • (crowd cheers)

  • - Oh!

  • Oh my god.

  • - Holy cow.

  • Wow!

  • - Look at the bar stools. - Yeah the chairs

  • are awesome.

  • - Look at the new bar top.

  • - Oh wow!

  • - [Lady] We have picnic tables.

  • - It is dynamite.

  • Now it looks like something that I can attract

  • every age group to come in.

  • Look at the decorations.

  • Just like sitting at the Lake.

  • - The natural wood finish on the walls,

  • that really gives it a nice touch.

  • - Two soda guns.

  • We didn't even have one gun that worked

  • wow we have two that work.

  • - We have a real bar set up.

  • - The Marinacci Mojito.

  • Oh!

  • - I'm still overwhelmed.

  • It's just something that I would never imagine

  • this thing could turn into.

  • - How'd I do?

  • - Oh, it's awesome. You did great.

  • It's got a whole different feel to it.

  • I'm still speechless.

  • - I wanna tell you guys what I did.

  • Why don't you grab a seat at the bar.

  • You like Lake House?

  • - I do.

  • - I had to do a brand change.

  • All new wood tabletops.

  • The dark blue colors compliments the wood, doesn't it?

  • - It does. - Our professional

  • back bar loaded with Bacardi,

  • and two Harbor Touch POS systems.

  • - Yes!

  • - You know, when I got here this was a broken family,

  • not just a broken business.

  • You guys have the same goal, now don't you?

  • - Yes, sir.

  • - You're a team going together to win.

  • I wanted to finish it up properly.

  • So,

  • what do you think, Rich?

  • - I like it.

  • - What does that one say?

  • - Joanne. (crowd moans)

  • - They work hard, they deserve this.

  • Guys ready to do this? - Yep.

  • - All right we've got a kitchen to set up,

  • bar to set up, tonight we make some money, okay?

  • - You got it.

  • Let's do it.

  • (upbeat rock music)

  • - Hi, this is Jon Taffer click here to subscribe

  • to Paramount Network on YouTube for more Bar Rescue.

(upbeat music)


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シーズン5のベストバーの変身 ?バーレスキュー (Best Bar Transformations of Season 5 ? Bar Rescue)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 27 日