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INTERVIEW 7: Catching Demons
And then there was the one demon.
Now this was the scary one.
This one was one that got me a little bit afraid to even sleep at night with my light off.
This huge, big demon that kind of rose up in front of me, up into the roof.
It was black, very gaunt.
It looked like a very old vampire that had been dead for ages. It was so scary.
It was like coming out, and rising up and I wanted to catch it,
but I was too afraid to put it inside me. So it would just disappear.
I said to Eagle, and I told him about the experience, and I said to him, "You know, there's one demon that really scares the living shit out of me.
I can't get it out of my head. I just see that picture of him burning in my mind and I'm too afraid to sleep with the lights off."
And Eagle said, "Okay. Well, look at it this way. Look at them as pictures.
Realize what they are believing themselves to be, is that picture.
Look "beyond" it, beyond that picture. Because it's not who they are. It's what they believe themselves to be."
From that moment, I looked at demons completely differently.
I saw them just as pictures.
Pictures of what they believed themselves to be. Much simpler. Because, I saw the demons as just pictures.
Therefore, can "pictures" harm me? No. They can't.
So it was very much simpler to take the demons and put them into my heart the whole time.
It was fun. I enjoyed doing that. I loved it.
And from then on, I didn't have any fear of demons, whatsoever.
And I didn't fear losing myself if I take them and put them into my heart and show them who they are, as one with me.
The first time I had the ability to see,
I saw human beings and dimensional beings as one.
For instance, there was no differentiation between this world and the dimensions.
Everything was one. Everything was white.
And I saw human beings and dimensional beings as these white "orbs."
It's like I would see... You know when you would see in alpha state?
You'd see picture, white, picture, white, picture, white. So I saw human beings walk -
picture, white, picture, white, not as everyone sees now, constant pictures everywhere.
So now, the dimensional beings I just see it in constant white. Orbs.
Now every time I walk, I would be able to see and understand --
for instance, there were black holes in human being's presence of themselves.
So for instance, if I've seen a human being with a black hole in their stomach area,
I'd be able to see, understand, interpret and explain what exactly that black hole represents.
Usually, it was points of fear or anger that there hadn''t been forgiveness applied.
And there was no transcendence yet.
The human being thus in that way, "harmed themselves" as the white orb expression as who they are.
I wouldn't see anything else but that black hole.
I was just in a moment understand, interpret, explain exactly what that black hole is.
And be able to assist and support them in such a way.
So it was quite fascinating seeing everything in that way.
Human beings and dimensional beings looked exactly the same.
So I was in both world at once. And I communicated openly with dimensional beings..
Even demons I could communicate with.
I could see "red spots" as anger.
All the colors, I know exactly what they are.
I'd see them, I'd understand them, and be able to communicate with both human beings and dimensional beings, equally.
Even my mother! I started communicating with her as well. Honey, from the dimensions.She'd come to me and tell me
, "I'm worried about you, you know? I'm worried about your father. And your brother and your sister."
And I'd say to her, "Forgiveness. You are still stuck in the Mother Matrix System."
And so I'd assist my mother interdimensionally as well.
So, this whole world opened up.
But then came the Big Fall.
So I've told you in terms of what I am able to see and understand, interpret and explain.
Experience with the demons, beings, on earth and in the dimensions. Everything. That lasted about a week.
And everyone in my world, of course, started to becoming jealous.
And angry. And scared.
And I allowed that to influence me, extensively.
Because nobody liked me. At all.
Because, here is this nineteen year old girl that has been here only for a few months, being able to see all these things in one moment.
In one moment.
And no other experience, nothing.
Just opened up in one moment seeing the demons and also seeing both human beings and dimensional beings as one.
Being able to communicate with them,
seeing these black spots anywhere, anyone, in any given moment I am able to explain what they are,
understand where they are, where they come from and how they were created, how it's influencing the human being's world.
I could even see human beings and dimensional beings past lives and understand them.
I can explain how their past lives are influencing their present life.
And all that in one, singular moment. I was 19 years old.19
And all these people that was here, were here for much longer and they hadn't been able to do any of it, yet. At all.
And so they kind of felt threatened. Very much so.
Which I allowed to influence me, and I fell.