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offer my congratulations for what your son has done here, which is just unimaginable.
息子さんのここでの活躍を 祝福します 想像を絶するものがあります
How would you put into words what this year has been for him?
Well, uh huh.
Is, um, again, a bit so realistic.
I think this this is stuff that nobody can imagine happening and has happened again and again.
And we've been blessed in.
Tommy stayed healthy.
And, um, you know, it zest really fun.
It's just that it's, uh, you know, after you win a couple of Super Bowls, you're so fortunate, and then you get up here and getting that attempts Super Bowl in 19 years of playing is is pretty.
スーパーボウルを何度か受賞した後は 幸運にもここまで来て 19年間のプレーで スーパーボウルに挑戦するのは素晴らしいことだ
It's incomprehensible.
Actually, it's beyond anything we could ever imagine.
It's beyond anything that's ever happened, that's for sure.
So that's why it's incomprehensible.
Give me a sense of the emotions here.
Normally, over all these years, you've been in all these big games now because of the circumstances, you're home and you're watching on television now, just take me to the moment where he throws the touchdown at the end of the first half.
Give me the reaction in the Brady household way.
Have to repair some holes in the ceilings way just came off the sofa and the chairs and just e.
I mean, that was just coming out of nowhere.
And it just worked out Well, well, I mean, well, you're all in and you're 100% excited, and then something like that happens.
I don't know how you become more than 100% elated and crazy, but we did.
And so it's, um it was so unexpected.
You know, we're looking for a little five yard out or seven yard out Thio stop the clock and kick a field goal.
And all of a sudden you put seven points on the board and it's very, very inflating for the Bucks and deflating for the Packers it was.
And for our house, I mean, we were just screaming e get an extra seven points on those guys is really awesome.
我が家のためにも 叫んでいたんだ 7点差をつけられたことは 本当に素晴らしいことだった
It was an enormous moment and an enormous play.
Now, fast forward to the end.
When the final seconds or ticking off the clock and you see the culmination of all of this work.
What was it like in the Brady household as you saw that this was official and he was going back again?
We're just Wow.
To be honest with you, we're exhausted.
There were playing every single play with them and and with the team.
And, uh, you know what?
The end of it you say, Can you freakin believe it?
We just can't.
We just can't get our arms around this thing that it keeps happening on its Ah, you know, it's It's been a crazy year for so many reasons and not not the least of which was the pandemic and the craziness of the scheduling And, um, you know, and even our household, you know, I saw yesterday where I challenged Dad is in the hospital right now with co vid e.
私たちは、それがその上で起こり続けているこのことの周りに私たちの腕を得ることができません ああ、あなたが知っている、それはそれはそれは非常に多くの理由のために狂った年だったし、少なくともパンデミックとスケジューリングの狂気ではなく、そして、あなたが知っている、そして、私たちの家庭でも、あなたが知っている、私は昨日見た、私が挑戦したところで、お父さんは今、病院でco vid eと一緒にされています。
I think, Oh my God.
Well, when the season started this year, I was in the hospital with Kobe for for almost three weeks, and my wife was sick with co.
But at the same time, we didn't even see the first two games of the year as the first two games I've ever missed in his career because I was sick as a dog and and my wife was sick as a dog.
And so I take my I put my heart out to Josh Allen being able to play under the circumstances with his father in the hospital.
ジョシュ・アレンが入院中の父親のもとでプレーできたことに 心から感謝しています。
That's that's that's, Ah, undue burden for anybody and I For him being in this big game yesterday against Kansas City, it's tough.
それは それは それは それは それは それは それは それは それは それは 誰にとっても過度の負担であり 昨日のカンザスシティ戦では 彼はこの大きな試合に出ていて 辛いですね
It's and But anyhow, that being said it, um, this year's been unbelievable.
とにかく 今年は信じられないほどの年だった
It's been, um, not knowing where we're going to start the season out and being where we are you and the season is just a stunning development.
As far as I'm concerned, it was always in the back of our mind that we could do it.
On the other hand, um, you know, you think you could do it, but until you do it, you didn't do it, and in this case, we've been able to do it.
So we're just elated for Tommy were later for that.
The new Buccaneers.
You know, the guys that have never been to the Super Bowl before.
It's pretty pretty exciting that they're able to get there and I know that that was one of Tommy's driving forces to because he said, I've been here before, but God, there's so many good guys on this team that it's gonna be great if we were able to experience it with, um, thank you for watching ESPN on YouTube for live streaming sports and premium content.
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