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Hi, Harper's Bazaar.
It's Rosie.
Welcome to my bathroom.
I'm going to be showing you my step by step routine before I go to bed.
So are you ready to go to bed with me?
So the first thing that I did was I had a really nice long bath this evening.
I knew it was gonna be filming this video, so I thought I'd started off by checking all.
I'm here in the UK at the moment, So it's freezing cold, the dead of winter, and some really enjoying having a lovely relaxing bath in the evening.
So the products that I used in the bath, where this nature of thing floral, restorative bath It's like a bath milk, actually.
そこで私がお風呂で使った商品は、この自然のものフローラルで、復元力のあるお風呂です。 実際にはバスミルクのようなものです。
And it's really lovely and comforting sense beautiful, and it's very hydrating on the skin on.
Then I followed up by doing a body scrub.
This is the body scrub from Susan Kaufman again with a really comforting, soft, gentle floral smell.
Very, very gentle on the skin.
I got out of the bath and I wrap myself up in my restore.
A towel Resource is a newly launched brand out of Australia is a toweling company, so they have this beautiful, big, um, body towel.
A towel Resourceというのは、オーストラリアから新しく立ち上げられたブランドで、タオルの会社なんですが、この美しい、大きな、うーん、ボディタオルを持っています。
And they also have a face cloth, which I'm going to introduce a little bit.
The towels are all anti bacterial.
So if you don't get to wash your towels every day, it's kind of nice to know that the towels are sort of working for you.
And also, if you have kind of acne prone skin like me, it's really, really great for that.
All right, so I'm gonna just quickly go get changed into my pajama.
I'll be right back.
So into the good staff.
First off, I'm just gonna throw my hair up.
So I've got my hair off of my face.
So I actually really like to use an old fashioned French hair.
Cliff I just brought, brought my hair up into little band, and then you slide this in, like, so on that pick my hair tied back nice and neat.
Okay, so the first thing I'm gonna do is cleanse my face.
I'm gonna use the story face washer.
So this is the face cloth that I was talking about earlier.
It comes in this beautiful, reusable parts which I actually think looks great in the bathroom by your sink or by your bathtub, or even in your shower on.
One of the things that's worth mentioning about the re story towels is that they are just so indulgently soft and beautiful.
re storyのタオルについて特筆すべきことの一つは、彼らはちょうどそのように耽溺的な柔らかさと美しさを持っているということです。
So I've got my towel.
I'm going to run the sink full of some lukewarm water, and I'm going to use this exfoliating cleanser from Zo Skin Health.
私はシンクをぬるま湯で一杯にして、Zo Skin Healthのこのエクスフォリエイティング・クレンザーを使うつもりです。
So this is for normal toe oily skin, which is probably how I would describe my skin.
It's sort of a combination I often find.
I'm sort of dry in some areas and then earlier in other areas.
I've acne prone skin, and I have to tell you that Zo skin health products are just incredible if you have any kind of skin issues or particularly acne, so this is an exfoliating cleanser.
I'm just going to show you what it looks like, but it is a sort of gel, and it has thes kind of beads in it that burst once you start to rub it into the skin, just softening the skin who and then taking a sort of pea sized amount of the cleanser unusually in the evenings.
I like to do a double cleanse, and I really like to spend a couple of minutes doing there, and I'm gonna rinse it all off.
Ah, see, found some makeup that had got hidden under my neck.
So now, taking a dry body tower, I just like Thio hat my skin dry really quickly.
Next step I am going Thio, use my cosmetic mystic hydrating treatment.
次のステップ 私はチオ、私の化粧品ミスティックハイドレーティングトリートメントを使用しています。
This is an AM PM hydrating mist in it really provides, like a lightweight sort of hydration, but it's got a lovely tingling effect to it, as it has a little bit of lactic in it, I think which again is great for my skin.
これはAM PMのハイドレイティングミストで、軽い水分補給のようなものですが、少し乳液が入っているので、ヒリヒリするような効果があります。
Any kind of h A is a really good for my skin, as I mentioned, because I have acne prone skin on really good for people with oily skin or breakout prone skin.
任意の種類のh Aは、私は脂性肌や吹き出物が出やすい肌を持つ人々のために本当に良い上にニキビができやすい肌を持っているので、私が述べたように、私の肌のために本当に良いです。
So I'm using a reusable cotton pad again, just sort of pushing instead of wiping just to bring that circulation into the face and not to drag your skin too much on this also will help remove any kind of residue of the cleanser.
So once I finished that the next step I actually like to do and I only learned this recently is to apply my eye cream first.
One of the things that I think we often do is apply our eye cream.
Actually last or at least that's what I was doing And just to protect the eye area because I'm gonna apply some Retin on some actives afterwards.
実際には最後か、少なくともそれは私がやっていたことです そして、目の周りを保護するために、私はいくつかの活性剤にいくつかのレチンを適用するつもりだからです。
You just want to make sure that you kind of create that barrier with a bit of an eye cream first, because you just don't want any of your actives going up too close to the I.
So this is a shiny garden intensive I renewal cream.
This is actually really new Shiny has bean facialist that I've seen in l a for Oh my gosh.
これは実際には本当に新しいシャイニーハズビーンフェイシャリストで、私はOh my goshのためにl aで見たことがあります。
Must be going on like, seven or eight years now on Dshea is a good friend of mine on and I absolutely love her products.
She really has helped to change my skin over the years.
Eso if you're ever in l.
A and you're looking for an amazing facialist, definitely recommend her.
I'm just gonna apply this lightly to the eye area using my middle finger or ring finger.
So it's got a really lovely thick, indulgent fields.
This cream but it absorbs really quickly if you're not rubbing for too long.
So I've done my ice cream, and the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to use my environment gold roller.
So this is sort of an at home micro needling tool.
And just very gently, I'd like to pull back my skin from the ear and from the top of the cheekbone.
And obviously this is creating a very minute little punches to the skin, which is really gonna help any product that I put on afterwards.
I find that this just makes my skin so dewy and radiant the next day.
I don't know what it does, but it's incredible.
So I would like to concentrate on the forehead anywhere that I might have any find lines beginning to show.
So my next step is to use retina.
I've been using retinal for, I don't know, going on eight years now.
Actually think Shiny was the first person to put me onto retinal recently, I've been using this one from Medicaid.
This is a brand out of the UK.
I have seen so many people talk about this retina, and it really is because it's very, very gentle has a lovely, creamy like texture to it.
So I'd like to use just a small amount if you haven't used retinal before.
That you probably want to do is build up to it.
So you want to start by just using it once a week and then gradually build up to a couple of times a week or every other night and then really wanna be using it every night.
I think often times people are a bit nervous about right now because it can leave your skin really dry if you sort of delve into it too quickly.
Retinal again, for me really helps with any kind of acne marks, all scars that I have left over fine lines that are beginning to show and just general kind of evenness and tone across my skin.
And then I'm going to follow that up by another Zo skin health product.
This is the daily power defense on this has replaced moisturizer for me, so I don't use a traditional moisturizer anymore in my routine.
I use this.
I think, really, they sort of describe it as a serum, even though it does really feel like a moisturizer.
And again, this has some amazing actives in it, such as glycolic, which are really good for my skin.
Just helping with that resurfacing in that cell turnover because I have acne prone skin.
What I've learned is that my cell turnover is a little bit lethargic, and so any kind of actives retinas air really gonna help with that.
私は細胞のターンオーバーが 少し無気力なのを知った だからどんな活性剤でも それを助けてくれる
And since using these products have definitely found that my congestion is much more managed, I always like to apply a lip product in the evening, go to bed with really hydrated lips.
This is the youth lip Alexia from Is Clinical another incredible brand that I've been using for many years now on What I love about this is that you go to bed with it on and you wake up in your slips or just so lovely and hydrated, sort of like a kind of overnight treatment lip mask.
これは、若者の唇アレクシア臨床からです別の信じられないほどのブランドは、私は今何をこの愛について何年も使用してきました何をベッドに行くし、あなたのスリップで目を覚ますか、またはちょうどとても素敵な水和、一種のような一晩の治療のリップ マスク。
And I love that, but it's not too shiny or sticky, and it's gonna get stuck on your pillow, just leaves your lips looking really plump.
And even when I take out my hair and what I like to do in the evening is to just brush through my hair with a nice comb starting at the bottom.
This is a comb from Crown Affair, which is a new brand that's new hair care brand that I've seen really loving.
And I think this comb is so sheikhoun beautiful, great for kind of travel when we have when we have a travel again, but also great for sort of slipping in your handbag or just having with you around the house.
So just like to brush through my hair.
And then I'm actually going to apply their hair oil just to the ends of my hair just to again give my hair a little bit of hydration.
So much damage is done to your hair at night time, just from rubbing it on the pillow.
After I had my son Jack, my hair was so brittle and it just kept breaking.
And so I really found just putting a little bit of hydration through the ends in the evening before I went to bed.
Really kind of helped bring the vitality back to it, so it's gonna very lightly apply that through the ends.
本当に元気が戻ってきたので 軽く端から当ててみました
Well, sometimes I like to tie my hair up in the evening then what's nice is when you let it down the next day you've got lovely sort of bouncy wave to it, and it gives a lovely kind of sheen as well to the hair.
All right, so the last couple of steps are more body focused.
I like to use the body serum by necessary in the evening.
I love to apply like a body cream before I go to bed again.
Just feel really, really hydrated when I wake up in the morning.
But I actually bean really enjoying serum just because it's not too thick.
So for those people who often find a kind of heavy, indulgent body cream too much to go to bed and it makes them sweat or I often find in the summer like I don't want anything too heavy on my skin, this is really nice.
It's fast absorbing its fragrance free s.
It's a great kind of unisex product, and I love that it gives a really nice glow to your skin.
Then I'm gonna follow that up with a little spritz of perfume, so I always like to wear a little bit of perfume to bed.
I've been wearing lucky by Christian do You're lately a really wonderful fresh scent.
Just kind of nice and romantic to go to bed with a little bit of percent on and then finally, before I go to.
But I always apply hand cream because I don't really like wearing hand cream in the day.
I find that just gets on everything, and it makes me actually feel dirtier.
So I like to apply a really indulgent hand cream in the evening.
I love this one from by radio in rows.
by radio in rowsのこれは大好きです。
Um, it just smells so wonderful is your big lump of it and just really work it into the hands.
Guy smells so good.
Harper's bazaar.
So there you have it.
That is my evening routine.
Thank you so much for joining me whilst I get ready for bed.
Take care and I will see you soon.