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  • these groups that we're seeing can be up to 2000 elk at a time in in order for us to properly classify them, the pilot has to go in there and actually carve off a group of about 35 to 40 elk at a time.


  • And then his job is also to keep the elk separated from the main herd.


  • So when we're doing this, it's, um, definitely the pilot in his skills that get us the data that we need As a biologist, I sit there and I talking to a recorder and just call off whether I see a cow, a calf or a bull and a t end of the day I go back.


  • I listened to my recording.


  • I get that all down into a spreadsheet, so it's kind of a long labor is processed.


  • Thio come up with some really good data.


  • A cow Ebola below a cow Informant point is spiking 10 cows, a calf, a cat L.


these groups that we're seeing can be up to 2000 elk at a time in in order for us to properly classify them, the pilot has to go in there and actually carve off a group of about 35 to 40 elk at a time.


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