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based on his play this season.
Browns fans should be hopeful about that.
He had actually fewer passing yards this year, but everywhere else he made huge improvements.
This year.
Had a better touchdown interception ratio, better completion percentage, much higher.
Q b R.
Q b R.
He was just candidly, a much better player this year.
So he's saying, We will be back.
And Dominique, I know you're saying life isn't always that simple.
Yeah, I agreed with all of that, and I was so happy for the Browns.
They found that quarterback they found their coach.
They even won a playoff game.
I thought this year was a great success until Patrick Mahomes got hurt.
Once Patrick Mahomes got hurt and they had that fumble at the one yard line, it seemed like a missed opportunity.
I don't know if they will ever have a chance as good as they did.
Their obviously No one wanted Mahomes to get hurt.
But it happened and you had Chad Henny on the other sideline in a game that you should win and you punted it away on fourth and nine and you never saw the ball back again.
チャド・ヘニーがサイドラインにいたのに 勝つべき試合で 4回と9回にパントしてしまい 二度とボールを見られなかった
This play right here that we keep watching like it's gonna go down in history along with the fumble and the drive as missed opportunities in Cleveland Browns history.
このプレーは歴史に名を残すように見続けています ファンブルやドライブと共に クリーブランド・ブラウンズの歴史の中で 機会を逃したとされています
And that's really unfortunate because unless they win a title or get to the Super Bowl in next five years, they're gonna look back on this and think this was their closest opportunity and they weren't able to capitalize on it.
これは本当に残念なことだ タイトルを獲得するか 5年後にスーパーボウルに 行かない限り これは彼らにとって最も近いチャンスだったのに それを生かすことができなかったと 振り返ることになるだろう
Yeah, Earnest Byner fumbled on the one yard line once upon a time.
昔々、アーネスト・バイナーは 1ヤードラインでファンブルしてた
And then this one on the one yard line is, well, not right at the end of the game, but obviously an extraordinary play.
How about that, D would you played on a lot of really good teams.
When you make a deep run and you fall short, you say we're gonna be back.
How does the team view that?
And how confident are you?
The Browns will be back well, Green and Coach Belichick used to tell us all the time that each year is different.
Each team is different and regardless off, you know the success that you had in that particular season, there's no guarantee that you're gonna be back.
There's no guarantee that that team is gonna have the same amount of success.
I mean, shoot as Dan Marino about that when he said, You know his second, you know, his second year in the National Football League, he went to the Super Bowl.
I guarantee he thought he would be back to never saw the Super Bowl again.
彼がスーパーボウルを見ないように 戻ってくると思っていたことを保証します
So, you know, the game of football is always tricky.
You have injuries and and battle of attrition, and you need a little luck.
So I get where the excitement is coming from with, you know, the Cleveland Browns, making the playoffs and and doing some good things in the postseason.
But trust me when I tell you this, there is no guarantee that you're gonna be back in this particular situation next year or any time after that.
Particularly dominate when we look at what the A F C shapes up to be in the near future.
Just look at the young superstar quarterbacks, Obviously, Patrick Mahomes.
If the Shawn Watson winds up on another A F C team, or even if he winds up staying in Houston long term, you look at Josh Allen what they're doing in Buffalo.
もしショーン・ワトソンが他のA F Cチームに移籍した場合、あるいは彼がヒューストンに長期滞在した場合でも、バッファローで何をしているのかジョシュ・アレンを見てみましょう。
You look at Justin Herbert on what they could build in Los Angeles and so many other places the A F C is going to be a beast for the foreseeable future.
あなたは、彼らがロサンゼルスや他の多くの場所で構築することができるものについて、ジャスティン・ハーバートを見て、A F Cは、将来のために獣になりそうです。
Yeah, I don't look forward to that opportunity.
Like I mentioned before.
This was this might be a close as they can get and they're gonna be in a division.
That's always gonna be tough.
The Steelers aren't gonna fall back too far, and Lamar and the Ravens are a team that's gonna be tough for them to contend with.
So this may be a missed opportunity.
I hope for their sake, they can get back to that spot.
But you don't get to carry those winds over.
You don't get to start in the championship game next year on in division around next year.
You have to win all those games all over again and get and again get back to that spot against Patrick Mahomes, and he's probably gonna be healthy then and it's gonna be a lot more difficult.
You're right.
And I didn't even mention Lamar Jackson and there's Joe Burrow was in that conference.
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