字幕表 動画を再生する
So this is what it's like to fly during a pandemic in Japan.
今回はコロナ渦の中、日本で飛行機を利用は どんな感じになってっか紹介すっぞ
And I've got special permission today with Japan's leading airlines A and A, and I'm gonna be able to show you what happens behind the scenes during coronavirus.
But in order for me to show you what's happening behind the scenes, we're gonna first need to check in.
So let's do that right now.
So flying, not so popular these days around the world.
But how does the carrier like a and keep its passenger safe and domestic flights running?
最近、世界中どこでも飛行機での移動は 少なくなってるかもしれねぇが
Well, let's find out.
And by the end of this, you can let me know how it compares to your country.
And if Anna Service truly earns the mark made in Japan Okay, social distancing markers in place.
みんなの国の航空会社と比べて どう違うかも教えてくれよな
Good start.
ANAのサービスが日本のサービスの 基準って考えていいじゃねぇかな
Let's see what else this is A Oh, I see what he's doing here, offering me a trade to help minimize contact.
おっソーシャルディスタンスの目印だ いいスタートだな!
I can get with that.
So what's changed for you since the pandemic?
なるほどな、トレイを使うことで 人との接触を減らそうとしてるな
Keep taking the handcuffs.
I don't believe myself because way just checked in, and now we've got to drop off our baggage.
Usually at that counter, you could just do right there, but I wanted to show you the process.
今まではカウンターでするのが一般的だったけど、 違う方法で手荷物を預けられるんだ
So let's go check in your baggage right now.
ここはまぁ普通だな 誰とも接触せずに預けられたぜ
This part seems pretty standard.
37.5℃以下 オラは大丈夫だな
No contact with anyone on to the next check point below 37 a half.
I'm good.
So we just got our temperature checked, and now I'm heading towards the gate.
ANAではどうやって搭乗準備されてるか 裏側を見に行こうぜ
But we have a little bit more time before the flight leaves.
オラ、今エプロンに降りてきてたぞ そろそろ清掃係の人たちが来るはずだ
So I wanted to show you behind the scenes of what Hannah does to prepare its planes.
So I'm on the car, Max right now and the penny who is about to get here.
Oh, there they are.
清掃してるのを見てると F1のピットクルーを見てるみたいだぜ
A and A's cleaning crew usually scheduled to clean every international flight in every night for domestic flights.
Just seeing them go.
I feel like I'm watching a Formula One pit crew.
So it looks like they do the cleaning and two parts.
First they clean the plane and get rid of all the trash and what things down.
And then afterwards they sanitize everything.
それに加えて、乗客の手が触れそうなところも 消毒していくんだってさ
They are working at amazing speed.
It is so impressive to see how fast they could clean.
これで飛行機全体が清掃されたけど、 空気の循環はどうなってんだ?
So what changed for your crew after the pandemic?
ちょっと下に行ってみて、 どうなってるか覗いてみようぜ
Uh, so he took Oh, no, How to call a sort of fake enough.
清掃はチェック済みだけど、 飛行中オラたちが呼吸する空気はどうなってんだ?
On top of that, they also sanitize spots on the airplane where customers hands could possibly touch, Which for me seems like everywhere now that the plane is all clean.
ANAのメンテナンス施設に行って、 エンジニアに詳しく聞いてみたぞ
I'm still wondering about the circulation in this plane.
オラ、ANAの格納庫に来たぜ エンジニアを探しにいくぞ
Let's go down below and figure out how it all works.
So cleaning check.
But what about the air we're breathing?
しかもここは、空港内のANA格納庫の ほんの一部だってさ
During the flight?
映画の中で悪いヤツがヒーローに捕まえられるのって 大体こういう場所だよな〜
I'm gonna have to visit a Anna's airplane maintenance hangar and talk with an engineer to find out more.
ここの人はみんな真剣に働いてんだから 冗談はほどほどにしねーとな
So I just made it to Anna's hanger.
オラ、貨物室に下りてきたぞ あそこにエンジニアがいるみてぇだ
Let's go see if you can find an engineer.
Wow, the hangers.
A lot more spacious than I expected.
It could fit about 4 to 5 airplanes inside, and this is just one of several an airplane hangars at the airport.
それを高機能エアフィルターを 通して機内に循環させてるらしい
Also, this place kind of reminds me of where bad guys go in the movies just to get caught by the hero.
But anyway, let's stay focused.
People are working hard here, so we've made it down to the cargo space, and it looks like one of their engineers is working over there.
実は、同じ高機能エアフィルターが 病院の手術室でも使われてんだって
Let's call a motor and see what they're doing.
A lasagne.
日本の航空会社の裏側を探る上で、 もうひとつ忘れちゃいけねぇところがあるぞ
It's the moons.
客室乗務員がフライト前、フライト中に 何やってるかも気になるだろ?
Only this car.
オフィスの中にもアクリル板や ビニールカーテンを設置してるのいいな
オラ、ANAのオフィスに潜入してて、 今から客室乗務員がブリーフィングをするみたいだ
Thanks for coming over.
What are you doing right now?
Uh, I think you know, a company.
乗客へのマスク着用のお願いや 消毒に関する最新のコロナ対策を確認してるぞ
A thing.
会社の規定で、ANAではフライトに向かう客室乗務員に 新しいマスクを配布してるぞ
Apparently, the airplanes taken fresh air from outside every three minutes and circulates the air inside of the plane through these specialized HEPA filters.
Exactly like the new one she was carrying earlier to completely clean the air inside.
Interestingly, the same HEPA filters air also used in hospital operation room.
今はゲートの前 そろそろ搭乗だぞ !
That's pretty reassuring.
グランドスタッフは、渡航者に対して 常に前の人との距離を空けるように呼びかけてるな
So this behind the scenes look in Japan's flight services wouldn't be complete if I didn't check on with a cabin attendants do before and during the flights.
コロナ対策として6つのグループに分かれて 搭乗するようになってた
Oh, nice.
They even insulted critic boards and curtains throughout the office.
So I'm at his office right now, and the cabin attendants are about to go into their preflight meeting.
Let's see what they talk about.
Yes, s s s O in the meeting.
離陸したから、飛行中何が起こってるか 見に行ってみようぜ
In addition to the standard preflight discussion, the CIA's review the most up to date cove in 19 countermeasures like how to request passengers that were mass and sanitized a za part of the company's policy.
シートベルト着用サインが消えたら 機内サービスの準備が始まる
And it provides all of the cabin attendants with mass so they can change into new ones before going on a flight.
ここ最近は乗客に安心してもらう為 追加の対策があるみたいだ
So what was the biggest change for cabin attendants after the pandemic?
それからアルコール除菌シートを配布して ゴミ用のビニール袋もそれぞれに配ってたぞ
I'm feeling a lot better about getting on the plane now.
We're right in front of the gate.
ここでもまた新しい手袋に付け替える トレイも使う前に除菌してるんだぞ
We're about to get on board.
Let's do this.
フライト全体を通して客室乗務員は 機内清掃の頻度を多くしてるぞ
Three ground staff continually remind passengers to maintain social distancing at boarding and as part of their cove in 19 countermeasures, they organized passengers to board in six separate groups.
Yeah, I know.
All right, that was pretty smooth.
So much of the flight itself is what we've come to know.
ドア、ノブ、シンク、便座、洗浄ボタン 全部しっかり消毒清掃だ
The cabin attendants go through the regular pre flight procedures.
オラみたいな乗客が安心して飛行機に 乗れるようにしてくれてるんだな
You know, the usual.
見てもらったみてぇに、本当にいろんなところで 日本の航空会社は努力してるんだぞ
Now that we're in the air, let's see what happens during the flight.
あと、どんだけこういった状況が続くかわかんねぇけど 早くいい方向に変わればいいよなぁ
Once the seatbelt lights turn off, they start preparing for the in flight services.
But these days, taking additional measures to help reassure passengers of a safe flight.
さて、これでフライトは終わりだけど、 みんなはどう思った?
First, they change in a new gloves before serving passengers, and then they pass out alcohol shades for passengers to use and individual plastic bags for trash.
日本の航空会社のコロナ対策について コメント欄でみんなの意見を聞かせてくれよな
I think we'll take one of those thank you very much.
After that, the CIA starts preparing for drink services again, changing into new glove to serve out the drinks and even wiping down the trails before use.
Oh, yes, I'll have some, Ojha.
Thank you.
Oh, and more frequent cleanings is another Responsibilities and CS have taken on to ensure passengers experience cleaner facilities throughout the entire flight.
And like other services, changing the new gloves before starting, they focused on high touch facilities such as the restroom.
Everything from the front door, inside handles, sink area, toilet seats and flusher all get wiped down, which allows passengers like me to sit back and simply enjoy the flight.
Times have changed.
And as you can see, flying procedures in Japan has changed with it.
I don't know how long it will last, but hopefully not too long.
But for now, this is the level of service you can expect and flying in Japan.
Alright, so that's a flight.
What do you all think?
Would you fly in Japan during coronavirus?
Let me know in the comments Also give a quick shoutout to noon.
Thank you for helping me film this one.
And if you guys want to see more Japan guides, food videos or anything else related to Japan.
Hit that.
Describe one and the velvet and I'll catch you guys in the next.