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Yeah The head of world athletics, Sebastian Coe, said that there is a cast iron determination to deliver the Tokyo Olympics due to begin in just six months time.
世界陸上競技界のトップである セバスチャン・コー氏は わずか半年後に始まる東京五輪に向けて 鋳鉄製の決意があると述べています
That comes as Japan has been denying reports on Friday in Britain's Times newspaper that it wants to cancel the Olympics because of fears over public health.
Speaking to Reuters, Co moved to reassure fans and Japanese locals at this moment there is an absolute cast iron determination to deliver the games, but to deliver them in a safe on secure environment with a rigorous, rigorous focus on the protocols, the co vid protocols around athletes around, media around, volunteers around coaches.
ロイターといえば、Co 移動ファンと日本の地元の人を安心させるためにこの時点で絶対的な鋳鉄の決意があるゲームを提供するが、それらを提供するために安全な安全な環境で厳格な、厳格なプロトコルに焦点を当てて、プロトコルの周りの選手の周りの co vid プロトコル、メディアの周り、コーチの周りのボランティア。
This is a challenge.
The Olympics were postponed from the summer of 2020 but co said two big differences almost a year on left him confident they will go ahead with the games beginning on July the 23rd.
オリンピックは 2020 年の夏から延期されたが、co は 2 つの大きな違いはほぼ 1 年で彼は自信を持って彼らは 7 月 23 日に始まるゲームを先に行くだろうと述べた。
We do have the vaccine and the vaccine is being rolled out and over the next few months um it will increase in its availability.
Andi at this At this moment, the athletes are also having greater access both to training and Competition Co.
Is himself a double Olympic champion over 1500 m on led the successful delivery off the London 2012 games.
彼自身は、ロンドン 2012 年のゲームをオフに成功した配信を率いて 1500 m 上のダブル オリンピック チャンピオンです。
He did concede these Olympics may have fewer Spectators or even none at all, on that competitors would spend less time in Tokyo and have to maintain social distancing.