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If your Apple watch isn't pairing with your phone, there are a number of ways you can fix the connection.
あなたのAppleの時計はあなたの携帯電話とペアリングされていない場合, あなたが接続を修正することができますいくつかの方法があります.
If the watch is not paired to your phone, you will display a red iPhone image at the top of the screen.
There's a chance your phone is simply too far away from your apple watch, because the watch and phone pair via Bluetooth proximity is key.
So get them closer together and see if that alleviates the issue.
Check the settings on your phone and watch.
If your phone has its Bluetooth turned off.
Or if either of the devices are in airplane mode, they won't be able to pair up.
Make sure all settings are set properly to facilitate the connection.
If the previous tips did not fix the connection, you can try restarting your devices both the watch and the phone.
You can also try resetting your iPhones network connection To reset your iPhones network connection, open the settings app, then scroll to general in general.
また、iPhoneのネットワーク接続をリセットしてみることもできます。 iPhoneのネットワーク接続をリセットするには、設定アプリを開き、一般的な一般にスクロールします。
Find reset, then hit reset network settings and enter your password to confirm the move.
Now try to repair the watch.
Still having issues?
Then it's time to reset the watch this fix should resolve the pairing issue, but it will wipe save data off the watch in the watches, settings app, choose general, then reset, then hit a race all content and settings, then in the watch app on your iPhone at the top.
Click all watches, then tap the information button beside the watch and shoes.
UNP Air Apple Watch Now everything should be just like new and you'll be able to pare your apple watch and iPhone.
UNP Air Apple Watch 今はすべてが新品同様になっているはずなので、アップルウォッチとiPhoneの皮をむくことができるようになります。