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is that enrich the lives off all the steak orders that participate in it, you know, and I think that's really where we feel very strongly the investment universe is going.
I think it's a great point.
That one, I think, you know, Fabiana made the point about the value chain on the often the hidden value that sits inside the Value chain to the A Z.
その1つは、私は思う、あなたが知っている、ファビアナは、しばしばA Zにバリューチェーンの中に座っている隠された値にバリューチェーンについてのポイントを作った。
You described it the kind of high branded companies that casually attention.
I think the point that Rishi makes is also equally important, which is the value that comes from the integrity of the supply chain at each incremental step.
If you can hold that integrity, the end consumer will pay MAWR for the product, knowing the process that has gone through and the end.
Consumer wants to participate in that, which is a huge change from the past.
It wants to have a say okay, and this also brings us back to to a comment that you made earlier Fabiana about how to measure because because we know what people want.
それは大丈夫と言っていると、これはまた私たちをもたらすコメントに私たちは以前のファビアナを作ったことを私たちは人々 が何をしたいか知っているので、どのように測定する方法について。
But how do we give them confidence that the information they're receiving about the health, about the environmental footprint, about the supply chain is legitimate.
So I mean, I think as an industry, we should work hard across the Atlantic on on getting yeah, viable measurement mechanisms for all this.
So we can invest behind these companies that, as Colin Mayer says, the purpose of corporations solve the problems of people in violet process.
Okay, Things is a really interesting conversation.
I'm afraid, however, that our time is up s so I'm gonna have to call it to a close here.
Um, but I want to thank you all for participating Andi also for taking us on such a broad, uh, covering such a broad range of topics.
Maybe we can try and gather you all together in a year's time and see how things turned out.
I'm sure there'll be a few surprises in there, but in the in the meantime, like, say, thank you to invite our virtual audience to give you a virtual round of applause.
Onda, thank you all very much for joining.