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  • our nation continues to face challenges from the coronavirus pandemic to this economic recession.


  • From our climate crisis toe a long overdue reckoning with racial injustice, thio healing and strengthening the democracy that we all cherish.


  • But we are ready to get to work, and we are filled with a sense of purpose and hope.


  • And part of the reason we're so hopeful about what we can achieve is because of you.


  • We've all seen what you have accomplished.


  • We've seen the grassroots movements you lead on behalf of the people, all the people struggling in this recession and deserving to be seen and heard movements based not on fear and division, but based on unity and President elect Biden and I look forward to working with you every step of the way toe usher in a brighter future for all Americans, especially those whose voices have not always been heard.


  • So I know this Inauguration day may look a little different from years past a lot different, but let's take a moment.


  • Let's all take a moment to celebrate, and then let's get to work building.


our nation continues to face challenges from the coronavirus pandemic to this economic recession.


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