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  • 2020 was one of the hottest years ever, and it brought to an end the warmest decade ever recorded.


  • That's the verdict of scientists from five leading agencies around the world.


  • The U.


  • N said the findings showed the planet was on course for a catastrophic rise in temperatures this century.


  • Here's our science editor David Shipman, a desperate rescue in Indonesia after torrential rain triggered landslides earlier this week, and scientists say that even heavier downpours are likely in future as the world gets warmer well in some countries, hotter, drier conditions air on the cards.

    ここでは、私たちの科学編集者デビッド ・ シップマン、インドネシアでの絶望的な救助の後の集中豪雨トリガー地滑り今週初め、科学者たちは、世界はいくつかの国でも暖かくなるとさらに重い土砂降りが将来的に可能性があると言います、カード上の暑い、乾燥した条件の空気。

  • The wildfires that struck Australia last year are nothing new in themselves.


  • But the MAWR human activity releases the gas is heating the atmosphere, the greater the risks of more violent conditions on Although the pandemic lockdowns have reduced traffic, they haven't made much difference to the carbon dioxide that keeps being added to the air.

    しかし、MAWR 人間の活動は、ガスが大気を加熱しているリリース、より暴力的な条件のリスクが大きいパンデミック ロックダウンは、トラフィックを削減しているが、彼らは空気に追加され続けている二酸化炭素に大きな違いを作っていません。

  • Year on year, we're increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere on DNA.


  • Notwithstanding the pandemic, we still increased the common dioxide levels in the atmosphere by over two parts familiar last year on a zloty.


  • As that continues toe happen, we are putting our foot on the accelerator off climate warming.


  • Over the past 170 years, the average global temperature has bean monitored by teams in Britain, America and other countries.


  • And although it's varied year by year, the recent trend has bean really dramatic as the planet has heated up.


  • The result.


  • The most recent decade was the hottest on record, and we're also getting closer to an increase of 1.5 degrees and internationally agreed limit that climate scientists say would be dangerous to cross the risk Is Mawr extremes the world over.


  • This village in the Vale of Glamorgan was flooded over Christmas after the heaviest rainfall there for 70 years.


  • And as temperatures rise, heat waves will become more common, like the one in the UK last summer.


  • The Met office says the latest records are part of a pattern 2020.


  • We're seeing temperatures that yet again, giving us one of the warmest years on record, despite some factors such as conditions in the tropical Pacific that in 2020 would've normally suppressed temperatures, So will anything be done?

    私たちは、再び気温を見ています 記録上最も暖かい年の一つを与えています 熱帯太平洋の条件などのいくつかの要因にもかかわらず 2020年には通常気温を抑制してきました それで、何かが行われるのでしょうか?

  • Well, Joe Biden has promised that America will lead a big push to tackle climate change on China for the first time has committed to go in carbon neutral negotiations a do in Glasgow later this year, there's a lot at stake.

    まあ、ジョー ・ バイデンは、アメリカは中国の気候変動に取り組むために大きなプッシュをリードすることを約束している炭素中立的な交渉グラスゴーで今年後半に行くことを約束している初めての場合は、多くのリスクがあります。

  • David Shankman, BBC News.

    デビッド・シャンクマン BBCニュース

2020 was one of the hottest years ever, and it brought to an end the warmest decade ever recorded.


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B1 中級 日本語 気温 炭素 大気 気候 記録 リスク

地球は、気温の "壊滅的 "な上昇のためにコース上の惑星は、科学者が言う- BBCニュース (Planet on course for “catastrophic” rise in temperatures say scientists- BBC News)

  • 18 3
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 15 日