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given how I guess irregular and how atrocious the attack was on the capital and everything that's going on lately, you know, we feel that we need to go above and beyond that, and I think it's It's It's time Thio explore doing algorithms to flag content in advance.
推測するに、どのように不規則で、首都への攻撃がどのように非道なものであったかを考えると、最近起こっているすべてのことを考えると、我々はそれを超えていく必要があると感じています。 それは、コンテンツに事前にフラグを立てるためのアルゴリズムを模索する時期だと思います。
You know, we'll still keep the idea of people are innocent before proven guilty.
But, you know, if we could get to a place where algorithms could be able to determine violations that are clear violations most of the time and then mark them as, hey, that can't go out, I'm sorry, you know, it just we think it's a violation.
So if it is, if it's a false positive and you believe you're actually innocent and you should be able to send it to the jury to make that determination, So we're trying to be more proactive about it, and we want to be very proactive about it because you know, these things shouldn't happen.
もしそれが偽陽性だったとしても 実際に無実だと信じているなら 陪審員に判断を仰ぐことができるはずです だから私たちはもっと積極的に 取り組んでいます 積極的に取り組んでいきたいと思っています
You know, if everything is perfect and we don't lose any more vendors, which I won't happen, you know you're talking, you know, half a week, but you'll start losing anymore.
You know, it could be.
It could be never.
I mean, we don't know yet.
Well, very importantly, we lost Cilla Enterprise on DFA.
まあ、非常に重要なのは、DFAでCilla Enterpriseを失ったことです。
Those who aren't familiar, you know, Cilla is a, um is a database.
知らない人は知っていると思うが シラは... えーと... データベースのことだ
It's a very, very high speed data base.
It's really the backbone of, you know, parlors, feed, system and a lot of other components that we have.
And so by losing them, that was really a big blow.
Other agreements, like we lost access to stripe eso.
Even if we were online, we can no longer process ads and have revenue.
Um, American Express said any anybody, nobody can pay for anything to partner with American Express anymore.
Uh, we've had quite a lot of vendors, you know, twilio.
So we can't send SMS, uh, lack so we can no longer talk to the community jury who enforced our terms of service.
Eso We don't have any communications with our own jurors anymore.
江曽 自分たちの陪審員とはもう連絡を取り合うことはありません。
I mean, we're gonna fight and do everything possible to come back as soon as possible, and I'd like to think that's viable next week or that's viable tomorrow.
But really, in order to come back quickly, the best thing that could happen to us is.
You know, uh, you know, we we filed a request with State Thio.
You know, during the lawsuit that we filed that that basically says we have to get back on Amazon because the damage of them taking us off is far beyond financial that we cannot recover unless they put us back.
And so that's the first step for us.
Recovering is to get back there.
Um, now the You know, the rest of it is really about, um whether or not we can find alternative places to go who will do business with us again.
But at least clearing our name of this, you know, Or at least you know, helping with that could help us find other people who do business with us.
でも、少なくともこの件をクリアにするか、 少なくとも君は知っているだろう、 それを手伝ってくれれば、我々と仕事をする他の人を 見つけるのに役立つかもしれない。