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what should the MBA do now?
So they're gonna have toe adopt some changes, Rachel, Because while there definitely are positive tests happening, we know of a lot of them.
だから彼らはいくつかの変更を採用しなければならないだろう、レイチェル なぜなら、確かに陽性反応が起こっている間、我々はそれらの多くを知っています。
What's really causing games to be postponed is the contact tracing when one player gets a confirmed test and then, all of a sudden they have to put six or seven players into a contact tracing protocol.
So the idea here would be to amend some of the day to day procedures so that you won't have to put his many players in contact tracing, keep them farther apart, put some more measures in it, maybe not have contact tracing, be so long so that you wouldn't have a devastating effect on a team.
But there's another message is gonna have to get through.
しかし、もう一つのメッセージを 伝えなければならない。
There are hundreds of players in this league who have had co vid over the last nine or 10 months.
There are certain teams that have had double digits.
I've heard at least one team thinks its entire roster has the antibodies, but, um, that does not necessarily mean as we saw with Kevin Durant, who has admitted he had covered in the past that you can't be put into contact tracing.
少なくとも 1 つのチームは、そのロスター全体の抗体を持っていると考えていると聞いたが、うーん、それは必ずしも我々 が見たように彼は過去にカバーしていたことを認めているケビン ・ デュラントを意味するものではありませんあなたは接触のトレースに置くことはできません。
And so players may be instructed to change their behavior off the court away from team facilities even if they're operating under the belief that they have something protection with co vid.
だから選手はコートから離れたチーム施設からの行動を変更するように指示されることがあります彼らは何かの保護を持っているという信念の下で動作している場合でも co vid と。
And that's gonna be, ah, hard sell as well.
I mean, this is difficult.
This is, uh this is a difficult circumstance.
While Cove it is peaking at its highest moments right now, I do think that they're gonna have to put more protocols in place to try to protect these guys.
But at the end of the day, I think people are just going to get it.
Um, you know, it's just inevitable.
It's too many different layers to it to where people have contacts and can possibly, you know, contracted.
And so I think teams, they're gonna have to keep, you know, really being strict with their players.
Players have to be pros about this to make sure that everyone staying healthy in the building and ultimately we're gonna see postponed games.
That's just gonna be part of the deal.
But I do think they're gonna keep moving forward, and eventually maybe by the time we get to the playoffs.
You may see another bubble then, and now we get everybody in the building like we did in Disney last year, which went off amazing.
But I think they got to get to that point.
And look, if you wanna be high in the standings, if this is important to you to go after this championship, then you have to make sacrifices about where you go and who you interact with.
ランキングで上位になりたいなら チャンピオンシップの後に行くことが重要なら どこに行くか、誰と交流するかを 犠牲にしなければならない。
And if teams aren't taking care of business and their whole team is getting cove it, then somebody or multiple people on that team is not really serious about what they're doing and not being professional.
So I do think the lady has to be very strict about this, and they have to get a hold on this so that we can move forward with a successful season.
It's important distinction, right?
People who test positive for Cove.
It hasn't necessarily done anything wrong.
There are so many people I know who have tried to do everything the right way, and this virus creeps in that how this works.
But there is also a matter of Hey, you can try to mitigate your risk and your point about having to sacrifice goes exactly to what Brian was just saying.
しかし、Hey, you can try to reduce your risk, and have to have to sacrificeというあなたの指摘は、今ブライアンが言っていたことと全く同じです。
The idea that in players, personal lives, especially, do you and I'm not talking about crazy stuff, I'm not talking about wildly irresponsible stuff.
I'm talking about the same stuff the rest of us are all grappling with.
Hey, we haven't had barbecue in six months.
Can we finally have one?
It's outside.
Hey, my kid really is desperate for just some human contact.
They wanna play with their friends, these air things that all Americans are dealing with every day as the spike in coronavirus case.
You can't even call it a spike anymore.
Just the way cases continue to mushroom in this country are dealing with and the level of sacrifices that players may be asked to make from here on out.
To mitigate some of the contact tracing issues that Brian is talking about.
Kevin Durant.
The example he gave a friend or family member having a positive test is what caused him to sit right for those days, even though he already had cove it, even though he did test to still have antibodies.
Now we don't know enough toe have him just mixed with the rest of team, so he had to sit.
And it's going to be harder and harder for players to just live their daily lives.
And to your point is, they have to decide.
Is it worth it?
It's what I started the show with.
Is it worth it?
We're all having to decide over and over again every day with every interaction we have.
Is it worth it?
And it exports extends to what Doc Rivers was upset about in that Philly game Saturday against the Nuggets.
そして、それは輸出は何をドク ・ リバーズについては、フィリーのゲーム土曜日ナゲッツに対して動揺していたものに拡張します。
The seven players who played three played more than 40 minutes, including rookie Tyreese Maxi, who scored 39.
Doc explained before the game his concern about any of his players playing that much.
Take a listen.
I'm more concerned with health on the floor.
You know, we're gonna play players tonight that haven't played ah, lot of minutes, you know, I'm not gonna you know.
So when you got seven bodies, if someone's gonna have to play 40 plus minutes and so and that's not just for today, that's long term health.
You know, with the accused's relation of games, you know, it's the numbers.
We want to stay away from what?
Our players, All right, So if it is, you know Doc's pain you've had to manage minutes in your time is the head coach.
選手たちよ 分かった もしそうなら ドクの痛みを知っているだろう 君の時間の中で分を管理しなければならなかったのは ヘッドコーチだ
What was your concerns be when faced with the same situation is Doc?
He's hitting it on the head.
I mean, the one thing I think all of us coaches have become over the last few years is like sports scientists like like unofficially, right?
So we have learned that there is a science to the fact that if a guy is playing so many minutes, say, five minutes a game, low minute guy and all of a sudden he jumps up to 40 minutes a night playing competitive NBA basketball against the best players in the world that could lead to injury, especially over cumulative nights.
And so he's right.
And so again, the league is gonna have to figure out how do we work this So that one, we're protecting our players from Cove it, But at the same time, we're protecting our players on the court from getting serious injuries, you know, pulls, you know, twist things like that that could have you out for a whole year for six months things like that.
リーグはどうやって選手を守るかを 考える必要があります 1つはコーブから選手を守ることですが 同時にコート上の選手を守ることで 重傷から選手を守ることにもなります ひねったり、引っ張ったり、ひねったり... そうすると1年も6ヶ月も休むことになります
And so yes, doctors, Right, When you're a coach, you're trying to manage all of this.
And when you got seven guys, you really don't have a choice.
Most of those guys, we're gonna play close to 40 plus minutes, and that's just the situation that you're.
When they came up with this eight player rule, it wasn't in the cove it era.
And maybe maybe it would happen one time or two times a year in the entire n b A.
そして、もしかしたら年に1回か2回、n b A全体で起こるかもしれません。
And maybe it would just happen for one night because a guy or two had had a twisted ankle or or was under the weather for one day.
This this rule, this a player rule was not built for contact tracing the last seven days.
And so there's really only two options.
Your they're gonna have to reevaluate the contract tracing rules as a result of new protocol.
Or they're gonna have to consider expanding the rosters, which they've already done.
Ah, little bit of by allowing 10 day contracts, which they don't usually allow this point in the season.
We've seen a couple of teams signed hardship players before this season started.
Rachel, the MBA kicked around, extending the amount of two way players from two per team toe, four per team or even, you know, negotiate to three.
They ended up not doing that.
They may have to relook at that to see, to give a little bit of more of a buffer.
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