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Australia's National Cricket Authority has issued an apology to the visiting players from India over allegations that fans in the crowd hurled racist abuse of them.
The Indian team lodged an official complaint after Day three of the test match on Saturday after two players Jazz pitbull Maria Um Mohammed Siraj complained of hearing racist slurs whilst fielding near the Spectators.
Six people were then ejected from the ground once the issue had been raised with umpires.
Another player, Ravi Ashwin, says this isn't the first time such incidents have happened in Australia, but it is a time where they've actually gone one step higher and used today She'll abuses and uh like like we already mentioned there was an official complaint that the large yesterday and the umpires also mentioned that way must bring it to their notice as it happens on the field.
別の選手、ラビ ・ アシュウィンは、このような事件はオーストラリアで起こっているが、それは彼らが実際に 1 つのステップを高く行っている時間ではないと言いますし、今日彼女は罵倒し、我々 はすでに言及したような公式の苦情があったように、大規模な昨日と審判も言及したその方法は、フィールド上で起こるように彼らの通知にそれを持って来る必要があります。
Justin Langer is the head coach off the Australian cricket team.
I've said for years it's one of my big, greatest pet hates in life that people can cut, think they can come to a sporting event, whether it's cricket or any code and pay their money and think they can abuse or so whatever they like.
I mean, I've hated it as a player or hide as a coach.
Cricket Australia announced is working with New South Wales police to investigate the matter further and promised to take the strongest measures against anyone found guilty.