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  • Scotland harvests vast quantities of seafood from off its Atlantic coast.


  • It's then rushed by truck to grace the tables of European diners in Paris, Brussels and Madrid.


  • But now many Scottish fishermen have halted exports to European Union markets.


  • They say post Brexit bureaucracy has shattered the system.


  • Exporters fear their businesses could become on viable after the introduction of health certificates, adding that customs declarations and other paperwork have added days to their delivery times, costing them hundreds of pounds for each load.


  • Jimmy Berken is from the Scottish Seafood Association, but it appears of checking every lorry every polit, every box Now that's taking instead of 45 minutes to one hour.

    ジミー・バーケンは スコットランドのシーフード協会の出身だが ローリーごとにチェックしているようだ 政治家も箱もすべてチェックしている 45分から1時間もかかっていない

  • It's taking five hours.


  • In the first working week after Brexit businesses said one day deliveries were taking three or more days.


  • If they got through it all, some owners could not say for sure where they're valuable cargo.


  • Waas Onda trade group told fishermen to stop fishing exported stocks on Thursday evening, the Scottish fishing industry's biggest logistics provider, DFD S.

    Waas Onda貿易グループは木曜日の夜、スコットランドの水産業界最大手の物流業者DFD Sが輸出株の漁をやめるように漁業者に伝えた。

Scotland harvests vast quantities of seafood from off its Atlantic coast.


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