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  • The Trump administration announced Monday that it was returning Cuba to the U.


  • S list of state sponsors of terrorism, a move that could complicate any efforts by the incoming Biden administration to revive Obama era easing of strained relations with Havana.

    テロリズムの国家スポンサーの S のリストは、ハバナとの緊張した関係の緩和オバマ時代を復活させるために入ってくるバイデン政権によって任意の努力を複雑にする可能性があります移動します。

  • Just nine days before President Donald Trump leaves office.


  • Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Cuba was being blacklisted for quote repeatedly providing support for acts of international terrorism by harboring U.


  • S fugitives in Colombian rebel leaders.


  • Cuba Security support for Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was also cited by Pompeo as another reason for the blacklist.

    キューバ ベネズエラのニコラス・マドゥロ大統領への安全保障支援も、ポンペオ氏がブラックリストのもう一つの理由として挙げていた。

  • Pompeo said in a statement quote.


  • With this action, we will once again hold Cuba's government accountable and send a clear message The Castro regime must end its support for international terrorism and subversion of US justice.

    この行動により、我々は再びキューバ政府の説明責任を果たし、明確なメッセージを発信します。 カストロ政権は国際テロリズムと米国司法の破壊への支援を終わらせなければなりません。

  • In 2015, former U.


  • S president Barack Obama formally removed Cuba from the terrorism list to help restore diplomatic ties between the two countries.


  • Returning Cuba to the list rolls back that effort and would require lengthy legal deliberations for President elect Joe Biden to reverse the move.


  • The terrorism designation carries a prohibition on US economic aid and a ban on US arms exports.


The Trump administration announced Monday that it was returning Cuba to the U.


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