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  • If you are visiting Japan, or even just have a layover here

    日本を訪れたり または成田で乗り継ぎする場合

  • it's not unlikely that you'll end up spending a few hours or more at Narita Airport


  • Although it is true that Narita is quite far from downtown Tokyo


  • this doesn't mean your time here needs to be spent waiting around the terminals


  • In fact,


  • there are several worthwhile attractions within half an hour of Narita.

    成田から30分以内に 訪れる価値のある観光スポットがいくつかあります

  • And not only this but there are even tours to these locations

    それだけでなく これらの場所へ

  • which depart right from the airport.


  • The two types of tours are: The Narita Airport Transit and Stay Program tours

    ツアーは2タイプあります 無料の個人ガイド付きの

  • which come with a free personal guide, are pay as you go, use public transportation, go to only one location,

    成田空港トランジット&ステイプログラムツアーは 都度かかる費用を自分で負担するもので 公共交通機関を利用します

  • take about 3 hours to complete, and include a meal only if you decide to buy one.

    1か所だけ訪れるので 所要時間は3時間ほどとなり 希望すれば食事をとることもできます

  • And the Narita Select Bus Tours.

    そして 成田セレクトバスツアー

  • These come with a group guide, cost a flat fee of 3500 yen,

    こちらはグループガイド付きで 料金は定額で3500円です

  • and (as the name implies) you travel everywhere in a private tour bus.

    名前からもわかるように 貸切ツアーバスを使って色々な所へ行きます

  • Each of these tours goes to three different locations,


  • take around 6 hours, and include lunch.

    所要時間は6時間ほどで ランチも含まれます

  • And of course, both type of tours bring you back to the airport at the end.

    もちろん どちらのオプションも最後は空港に戻ります

  • We already made an entire video about the pay-as-you go Transit and Stay tours,

    かかった費用を自分で負担するトランジットアンドステイツアーについてご紹介するビデオは 既にご覧いただいたので

  • so in this video we're going to cover the bus tours.

    このビデオでは バスツアーについてご紹介しようと思います

  • So follow along as we go on 2 Bus Tours from Narita Airport.


  • There are two different themed tours to choose from, but both courses have the exact same boarding points.

    テーマの異なる2つツアーから選ぶことができますが どちらのコースも出発場所は全く同じです

  • These are at either Terminal 1 or Terminal 2 of the airport or at the bus stop outside JR Narita Station.

    空港の第1ターミナルか第2ターミナル またはJR成田駅の外にあるバス停です

  • Here, here, and here.


  • Tickets for these tours are available at the JR


  • EAST travel service centers in the basements of Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 as well at any of the other locations in this list.

    第1ターミナルと第2ターミナルの地下にあるJR東日本トラベルサービスセンターと このリストに載っている場所でも入手できます

  • OR you can also pay directly in the bus after boarding.

    または 乗車後にバスで直接お支払いいただくことも可能です

  • Back to the the course options.


  • There are two options to choose between:The Sawara Course which is more Japanese history themed,

    次の2つの選択肢があります 日本の歴史をテーマにした佐原コースと

  • and the Shibayama Course


  • which is more about Japanese culture.


  • Let's go through what each entails:

    では それぞれの内容を詳しく見て行きましょう

  • Tour 1: The Sawara course


  • The first stop of the tour is Boso no Mura,


  • a large outdoor museum built to look like town from the feudal era. Here, visitors can see first-hand


  • what life in the surrounding area was like in centuries past.

    ここでは 何世紀も前のこの地域の人々の生活を体験できます

  • Before entering, tour participants also have the option to rent a traditional overcoat (called a “happi”) for an additional fee.

    入場する前に ツアー参加者は追加料金を支払うと伝統的な上着(「はっぴ」と呼ばれる)を借りることもできます

  • Boso no Mura has several distinctive areas to explore:

    房総の村には 探索できるいくつかの特色あるエリアがあります

  • There is the main street with numerous shops, buildings, and eateries.

    たくさんのお店 建物 飲食店が立ち並ぶメインストリート

  • A samurai residence and the tea house next door.


  • And the farm complex which has several buildings to walk through, and even grows real crops.

    そして実際の作物を栽培する畑と 中に入ることができる農家があります

  • Also, although it costs extra, depending on your interest and time available

    また 追加費用がかかりますが 興味や時間に余裕があれば

  • you may want to experience traditional tea ceremony which is conducted in the tea house.


  • After Boso no Mura, the bus goes to the Hakko no Sato Kozaki Michi no Eki to make your own instant

    房総の村の後 バスは「発酵の里こうざき」に向かいます

  • miso packets, have lunch, and shop.

    そこでは あなた好みのインスタント味噌汁を作ったり 昼食を取ったり 買い物をすることができます

  • Miso soup is a common element in many traditional Japanese meals and

    味噌汁は 多くの伝統的な日本食を構成する定番の要素です

  • at this roadside station an instructor will walk you through making your own balls of miso complete with custom toppings.

    この道の駅では トッピングをカスタマイズして完成させる あなた好みの味噌ボールの作り方をインストラクターが説明してくれます

  • Once back home, just add hot water, stir, and enjoy a nice cup of miso soup.

    家に帰ったら お湯を入れてかき混ぜるだけで おいしい味噌汁を味わうことができます

  • After the lesson, it's time for lunch

    レッスンの後は 昼食の時間です

  • (which is included in the cost of the tour), and there will also be time to explore the rest of the roadside station

    (ツアーの費用に含まれています) そして 道の駅で

  • where several shops sell local specialty items and produce.


  • Interestingly this particular michi no eki has a shop

    この道の駅では 味噌から醤油 酒に至るまで

  • specializing in fermented goods from miso to soy sauce to sake.


  • The last stop of the tour is the quaint town of Sawara which is famous nationwide for its biannual

    ツアーの最後は趣のある佐原町に立ち寄ります ここでは「佐原の大祭」という日本で有名なお祭りが年2回開催されます

  • festival called the Sawara Matsuri where giant, ornately crafted, floats are pushed through the streets.


  • To start off in Sawara,


  • the tour head to the Dashi Kaikan, a museum dedicated to the festival which features examples of real floats,

    祭りのことが詳しくわかる博物館「山車会館」に行き 本物の山車の展示を見たり

  • a theater where a multi-lingual video about Sawara is shown, and


  • informational displays.


  • After the museum you'll take a pleasant stroll along the Ono River which runs through the historic and picturesque center of town.

    博物館の後は 歴史的で美しい街の中心部を流れる小野川沿いを散策してみましょう

  • Here there are many well preserved dating as far back as the feudal period, which is why Sawara also has been given the nicknamed

    ここは封建時代の街並みがそのまま保存されており 伝統的なお店やお屋敷

  • Little Edobecause exploring the many traditional looking shops residencies, and warehouses feels a bit like going back in time.

    蔵を散策していると当時に戻ったような気分になるので 「小さな江戸」という愛称が付けられています

  • After finishing in Sawara, the tour ends back where it started, either at Narita Airport or JR Narita Station.

    佐原の後は 成田空港かJR成田駅のいずれか出発した場所に戻ります

  • Tour 2: The Shibayama Course


  • Just like Tour 1, Tour 2 starts off at Boso no mura, the large replica town

    ツアー1と同じように ツアー2も房総の村から始まります

  • we talked about earlier. Since we already covered this location,


  • we'll skip ahead to the second stop, the roadside station known as Tako Aji-sai-kan Michi no Eki.

    この場所はすでにご紹介しているので 2番目に立ち寄る場所「多古あじさい館 道の駅」へと進みます

  • The town of Tako, where this facility is located, is known for producing large quantities of high quality rice.

    この施設がある多古町は 高品質の米がたくさん取れる場所として有名です

  • And so, on this tour, you get to try your hand at making traditional Japanese rice balls (calledonigiri”)

    なので このツアーでは地元で収穫した多古米を使って

  • using locally harvested Tako rice.


  • An instructor will guide you step by step to properly form the rice

    インストラクターが ご飯のにぎり方と海苔の巻き方を丁寧に教えてくれ

  • and wrap it with seaweed to create several onigiri that you can enjoy


  • immediately afterward during lunch (which is also included in the cost of the tour).


  • Other things to do at this michi no eki are;


  • explore the shops selling locality specialties,


  • take a nice stroll on the nearby river which is lined with seasonally blooming hydrangea bushes


  • and cherry trees,


  • And if there's time briefly explore the beautiful rice fields next to the river.

    時間があれば 川の向こうの美しい水田を探索することもできます

  • The last stop of the tour is at Shibayama Nio-son Temple


  • which was established in the late 8th century during the Heian Period.

    平安時代 8世紀後半に設立された芝山仁王尊 観音教寺です

  • The tour guide will lead you through the historic temple grounds while explaining


  • its various points of interest.


  • Some of the highlights are: The main gate which houses statues of two Nio Guardian Kings,

    ハイライトは次のとおりです 2体の仁王様が祀られた仁王門

  • The main hall, and its attached museum

    本堂と その隣にある5世紀から7世紀の

  • which houses many haniwa clay figures from the 5th to 7th centuries.


  • Ringing the bell behind the main hall,


  • and for those joining the tour on weekends


  • there is also the opportunity to experience a Goma fire ritual, in which a monk

    僧侶が 参拝者の願いが書かれた

  • ceremonially burns wooden sticks that have participants' desires written on them and


  • asks for the deities' blessing.


  • After departing Shibayama Nioson Temple, the tour concludes by dropping you off where you started and

    芝山仁王尊 観音教寺を出発した後 ツアー1と同じ成田空港またはJR成田駅のいずれかで解散となります

  • that's what each tour is about. If you have six hours or more to spare at night to airport

    これが各ツアーの内容です 成田空港で6時間以上時間があれば

  • these bus tours might be a good way to spend the time.


  • For more information or to watch another video,


  • click the links on the screen now or head over to, your comprehensive,

    スクリーン上のリンクをクリック もしくはジャパンガイドのサイトへアクセスしてください

  • up-to-date travel guide, first-hand from Japan.


  • Thanks for watching, be sure to subscribe and click the notification bell for more videos about Japan.

    ご視聴ありがとうございました この他の日本についての動画を見るにはチャンネル登録をお忘れなく

  • Happy travels


If you are visiting Japan, or even just have a layover here

日本を訪れたり または成田で乗り継ぎする場合


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