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  • So how did these calls actually work To make the call?


  • A phone isn't actually being used.


  • A computer is robocalls are made using what's called voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP.


  • For short.


  • It's the same technology used in popular APS like FaceTime and Skype.


  • And it's important because no international phone bill means robocalls are incredibly cheap and easy to make.


  • And while the computer generates a random number to call, it's also generating a false number to show up on your caller I d.

    コンピューターが乱数を生成して 電話をかけている間にも 偽の番号を生成している あなたの発信者に表示される I D.

  • Disguising its identity.


  • Ah, process called spoofing.


  • And with neighbor spoofing the number on your caller, I D is meant to look almost identical to yours to increase the likelihood that you pick up.

    隣人がなりすまして電話に出た番号を使って IDはあなたが電話に出る可能性を高めるために あなたのものとほぼ同じに見えるようにしています。

  • But if you call that number back, your local pizza shop might answer instead because these computers are often spoofing with riel phone numbers.


  • Now, according to the FCC, your best bet is to not answer calls from unknown numbers in the first place.


  • Since answering a robocall lets the computer No, you might engage in that case, get ready for even more robo calls.


  • Now that you're on the hot list, you'll also be prompted to connect with an actual person who will either try to sell you a product or worse yet, trick you into a scam to inform you that the I.


  • R s is filing lawsuit against you Now in the United States, the majority of these calls are illegal under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.

    R'sはあなたを訴えています 今、米国では、これらの電話の大部分は、電話消費者保護法の下で違法となっています。

  • But because robo calls can originate from anywhere in the world, it's extremely difficult to enforce the law, though heavy fines have been slapped on robo callers in the past.


  • In the meantime, phone companies are working on systems that more effectively identify and block illegal robocalls.


  • But for now, robo callers will likely keep on calling you.


So how did these calls actually work To make the call?


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