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do you want to come sailing with me on my friend George's boat?
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And today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 most epic sea voyages ever.
The course was a difficult one south to Sierra Leone, enduring storms and long calls ALS hands were safe.
Not one life had been lost, for this list will be looking at the most impressive, dangerous or otherwise historically noteworthy journey's taken across the high seas, since we're focusing on documented expeditions will be excluding the no less grand cruises of Mariners whose names are lost.
1 つの生命が失われていた、このリストは、最も印象的な危険なまたはそうでなければ歴史的に注目すべき旅の公海を渡って撮影されたを見ているため、我々 は文書化された遠征に焦点を当てているので、名前が失われているマリナーの劣らず壮大なクルーズを除外することになります。
A legend.
Since these travelogues have inspired many a movie, consider this your spoiler alert.
Do any of these adventures stir your wandering heart, Share your travel bucket list or other opinions in the comments below?
If you like what you're hearing, be sure to check out the full song at the link below says the job you want.
You want you here, you got together again.
It was E.
Ever say Number 10.
Leif Ericsson's Voyage to North America Hey, everybody, its Leif Ericson Day.
レイフ・エリクソンの北米への航海 皆さん、今日はレイフ・エリクソンの日です。
This Viking came from a long line of famous explorers, including his father, Erik, the Red, who founded the first settlement in Greenland.
Not to be out done.
His son sailed further west, becoming the first European to lead an expedition to North America.
It's at this point that the Viking legends then make an extraordinary assertion.
Ah, Viking sailor named Leif the Lucky set out onto the treacherous waters of the North Atlantic and reached the American continent 500 years before Columbus.
One account claims he heard of the new land from a trader who was blown off course by a storm.
Another version says life himself stumbled upon it.
Either way, traversing the cold, stormy waters of the North Atlantic without GPS or even a magnetic compass was quite the accomplishment.
The medieval warriors new community didn't stand the test of time, but he did manage to return home, ensuring his vanguard of Vikings would eventually get the credit they deserved, leaving one to ponder.
Will we ever know the extent of the debt that Columbus old, his Viking predecessors, number nine?
Captain Cook's first voyage of all this captain's claims to fame?
His first journey is his most influential, full of danger and deception.
It almost reads like an adventure novel The story starts with cook racing from England to Tahiti to observe the 17 69 transit of Venus.
それはほとんど冒険小説のように読み取る 物語は、金星の17 69トランジットを観察するために、タヒチにイギリスからのコックレースから始まります。
After that, secret orders instructed him to search the South Pacific for a hypothetical continent thought to balance out the land mass in the Northern Hemisphere.
That's a continent or land of great extent may be found to the south.
Would you are to proceed to the southward in order to make discovery of the continent.
While they never found it, they did become only the second group of Europeans to ever explore New Zealand and Australia.
The sailors almost sank on the Great Barrier Reef and finally made it home nearly three years after setting sail.
Then the unthinkable the resolutions for mast, the work of shoddy naval ship rights snapped during the violent squall.
Cook had no choice.
He had to reroute his ships back to the safety of Calica.
彼はカリカの安全のために 船のルートを変更しなければならなかった
Kub Cook wasn't as lucky on his third track when he died while trying to kidnap the King of Hawaii.
Number eight Thor Hair dolls, Contiki Expedition Torre Hair doll was about to become famous.
8位 トール毛人形 コンティキ遠征トーレ毛人形が有名になろうとしていました。
The world over is an explorer, a scientist on a navigator.
If anyone can claim to be a real life Indiana Jones.
It's this Norwegian scholar.
Not only did he fight Nazis during World War Two, he also led one of the craziest odysseys of modern times when others laughed at the thought that ancient Mariners could cross the mighty Pacific.
This scholar put his money where his mast waas when nobody believed him.
Hey made the decision.
One day, Thio go out and prove it.
People thought he was crazy.
Yeah, and he probably waas In 1947 Herod, all five other men and the parrot named Laurita set out from Peru aboard a balsa wood raft.
1947年にヘロデと5人の男とオウムのラウリタが バルサ材のいかだに乗って ペルーから出発したんだ
Parents gradually developed into a bird killing.
Florita kept warm by performing acrobatic in the game's over.
She hates it to waste her times in the case.
Using the winds and currents, they chased the sunset over 4340 miles of ocean.
Though his hypothesis that South Americans colonized Polynesia was wrong, subsequent research proved that pre Columbian Polynesians had made the same journey.
Onley in reverse hair dolls Legacy stands as a monument to courage and curiosity.
逆毛人形のオンリー レガシーは、勇気と好奇心の記念碑として立っています。
Number seven Ernest Shackleton's trip from Elephant Island to South Georgia, Sometimes life is a journey.
第7位 アーネスト・シャックルトンのエレファント・アイランドからサウスジョージア州への旅、時に人生は旅である。
It's a desperate struggle to not become a leopard.
Seals lunch Ernest Shackleton and his crew learned this when their ship Endurance got trapped in ice on route to Antarctica.
アザラシの昼食 アーネスト・シャックルトンと彼の乗組員たちは、南極に向かう途中でエンデュランス号が氷に閉じ込められたときに、このことを知った。
28 men fought unceasingly to save their ship from the onslaught of the ice.
Mhm, the outside world had no idea of their predicament.
After a frosty year, the floating grazier crushed the endurance to harrowing.
Months later, their island started breaking up, forcing the lot to make a treacherous crossing to the nearest barren rock.
With no chance of rescue, a small crew set off on a lifeboat with a desperate mission.
This is regarded as one of the epic small boat voyages ever undertaken across some of the steepest, harshest seas in the world and indeed a feat of navigation by his captain, Frank Worsley.
Somehow they crossed 800 miles of the world's roughest seas during a hurricane and 32 miles of snow capped mountains before finally arriving at a whaling camp.
Shackleton wasted no time in rescuing his compatriots, all of whom survived.
All hands were safe.
Not one life had been lost.
Number six, Christopher Columbus's first voyage to the New World.
Who was this man whose life was shaped by one great obsession?
A man who set in motion forces he could not possibly grasp?
Few failures changed history like this.
Seafarers First voyage After sailing with no sign of land for weeks, his crew had run out of patience.
船員たちの最初の航海 何週間も陸地の気配がないまま出航した後、乗組員は我慢の限界に達していた。
Fortunately for Columbus and Island was spotted on October 12th.
Over the next months, they bumped into Cuba, Haiti and Hispaniola.
Christopher Columbus was about to discover a new world and within a few short years turn a paradise into a hell.
However, they never found Japan their original destination, which was 6000 miles or so further than Old Colombo calculated Before heading home, the admiral plundered whatever gold knickknacks and people he could.
Narrowly surviving a storm and captured by the Portuguese.
He returned to Spain on March 15th, 14 93.
14 93年3月15日にスペインに帰国。
He was hailed a hero and a delighted Ferdinand and Isabella continued to bankroll Columbus's voyages.
Columbus's travels inspired others, such as Giovanni Cabot, better known as John Cabot, who led England's first transatlantic ferree only a few years later.
Number five Francis strikes circumnavigation of the globe.
This Sea Dogs expedition wasn't the first to circumnavigate the globe, But at least Drake actually made it home in one piece.
このシードッグスの遠征は、 地球を一周するための最初のものではありませんでした。 しかし、少なくともドレイクは、 実際にそれを1つのピースで家に帰ってきました。
Not that all his men were so lucky.
In fact, so many sailors died on the journeys first leg that two ships had to be scuttled.
The Elizabeth turned tail ended up finding herself back in the strait and sailed home to England, leaving only the golden hind alone in the Pacific.
After executing a mutineer little armada pushed through the treacherous straits of Magellan while only one vessel made it to the Pacific.
Drakes Daring never cracked to think all those men him this money hey plundered his way up the new Worlds West Coast, amassing a vast fortune worth hundreds of millions in today's money.
After a quick rest in California, Drake pushed on across the Pacific around Africa and finally back home, where Queen Elizabeth promptly had him knighted.
He was the hero, not of the hour, but of the decade.
Number four, the first voyage of Vasco da Gama.
その4 ヴァスコ・ダ・ガマの最初の航海
Bartolomeu Diaz reached the southern tip of Africa in 14 88 after battling storms, currents and a mutinous crew, using what Diaz learned Nine years later, Vasco da Gama went even further, becoming the first European to sail to India.
バルトロメウ・ディアスは、ディアスが学んだことを使って、嵐、潮流、反乱軍の乗組員と戦った後、14 88年にアフリカの南端に到達しました。
Along the way, he explored East Africa, bombarded a city and Pirated a few trading ships.
He is the first one successfully to get into the Indian Ocean, work his way up the coast of East Africa and ultimately reach India.
When the little fleet finally reached its destination, their modest gifts failed to impress the king of Cali cut.
It became clear that any riel trade would be impossible.
So after three months of fruitless effort, they set out for home.
Feeling insulted, de Gama decided to kidnap several locals before hightailing it out of Asia.
Half his crew died during the return trip, but the adventurer himself survived, becoming a national hero in Portugal, though folks in India and Africa definitely beg to differ.
Number three Joshua Slocum Solo voyage Around the world, Slocum's interests were narrow but deep.
3位 ジョシュア・スローカム 単独航海 世界一周、スローカムの興味は狭くても深いものでした。
He was obsessed with the sea in love with in need of some alone time.
The Seafarer set out on an epic yet solitary venture in 18 95.
Over the next three years, he single handedly traversed 46,000 miles of the briny depths to become the first human to solo sail around the planet.
Starting in Boston, he crossed the Atlantic after a quick jaunt to Canada dissuaded from a sunny Mediterranean cruise due to Corsair activity, Slocum reversed course.
He visited Brazil before passing through the Straits of Magellan for a few shoeless pirates boarded his slope, finding the deck covered in nails.
In the captain.
Armed to the teeth, the bandits beat a quick retreat.
From there, it was mostly smooth, sailing across the Pacific around Africa and finally back to Beantown number two, Ferdinand Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe.
In the wake of Columbus's voyages, Spanish expeditions continued pushing further from home.
The course was a difficult one south to Sierra Leone, enduring storms and long calls.
In 15 13, Ponce de Leon recon ordered a peninsula he dubbed Florida.
15 13年には、ポンセ・デ・レオンの偵察は、彼がフロリダと呼ばれる半島を命じた。
Though contrary to myth, he probably never searched for the fountain of youth.
Later that decade, Ferdinand Magellan out did them all, planning to reach Indonesia by heading west, he barely suppressed a mutiny before sailing around South America, the first European to do so.
Captain dispatched, leaderless crew quickly caved in.
The gallant took control of the ship and then blocked the other ships from escaping.
What was expected to be a quick jaunt across the Pacific turned into a near four month long ordeal that saw over two dozen men die likely due to scurvy in the Philippines.
The explorers forceful proselytizing got him shanked, though his surviving crew carried on, finally reaching home in 15 22 completing the first circumnavigation of the globe.
探検家たちの強引な布教は、彼の生き残った乗組員が続け、最終的には15 22年に地球の最初の一周を完了して家に到達したにもかかわらず、彼はシャンクを得ました。
Magellan changed the way Europeans navigated.
He increased the knowledge of seafaring navigation exponentially before we unveil our number one pick.
Here are a few honorable mentions.
Jacques Cousteau's Antarctic expedition The legendary French oceanographers surveyed Antarctica's frigid coast off King George Island and on the shores of volcanic deception, diving explorations were made.
ジャック・クストーの南極探検 伝説のフランスの海洋学者たちは、キングジョージ島沖の南極の寒冷な海岸を調査し、火山の欺瞞の海岸では、潜水調査が行われました。
And now Calypso travels towards the Antarctic Circle and beyond James Cameron's descent into the Mariana Trench, the famous director takes a deep dive, plunging 6.8 miles below the ocean surface.
Depth Bud Brigman went to in a bit.
I'm doing it for Riel, Roz Savage panels.
The Pacific, this toughest nails adventurer quit a job and marriage to row her boat across the world's oceans.
When I finally saw this silhouette on the horizon of Antigua, I was just like I'm going to get there today if it kills me.
So I just canceled all my breaks.
I just rode solidly for 12 hours.
George Vancouver maps Northwest, North America.
ジョージ・バンクーバー 地図 北西部, 北アメリカ.
This British captain surveyed the tempestuous dark waters of the Pacific Northwest.
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Number one Journey of the Survivors of the Essex Forsythe tragedy of the Essex inspired Herman Melville to write Moby Dick and The Rial story is even more terrifying than the novel.
ナンバーワン ジャーニー オブ ザ サバイバーズ オブ ザ エセックス フォーサイスの悲劇は、ハーマン・メルヴィルがモビーディックを書くきっかけとなり、リアルの物語は小説以上に恐ろしいものになっています。
The ship sailed from Massachusetts to an offshore whaling ground in the remote South Pacific while hunting the huge beasts thousands of miles from land.
An enraged sperm whale, estimated to be 85 ft long, sunk the ship with histories hardest head but now stranded on both little bigger than surfboards, the 20 men foolishly headed for South America instead of the Marquesas Islands, fearing rumors of men eating natives.
Hey, what are you looking at.
I'm fine, have a party finishing fiddle.
In a cruel twist of fate, the survivors themselves resorted to cannibalism before being rescued.
While far from a triumph, this nightmare still haunts sailors even 200 years later.
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Let us know in the comments.
And hey, if you're a fan of the song playing right now, be sure to check out the music video for it.
Right here again.
E se surreal sales success French, won't you?
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