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the US government is considering giving some people half the dose of modern is co vid 19 vaccine in order to speed vaccinations of federal officials said on Sunday.
米国政府は何人かの人々 に現代の半分の線量を与えることを検討している co vid 19 ワクチン連邦政府当局者の予防接種を高速化するために日曜日に言った。
Moncef Slow We head of Operation Warp Speed, the federal vaccine program, said on CBS's Face the Nation that officials were in talks with Moderna and the Food and Drug Administration about the idea.
Madonna's vaccine requires two injections.
That would mean people aged 18 to 55 would receive half the current quantity in each of the 1st and 2nd doses.
Slowly, said quote.
We know it induces identical immune response, noting that ultimately it would be up to the FDA to make such a decision.
Moderna and the FDA could not immediately be reached for comment.
The U.
S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it had administered more than four million first doses of Cove in 19 vaccines in the country as of Saturday morning and distributed over 13 million doses.
S 疾病対策センターによると、土曜日の朝の時点で国内の19のワクチンでコーブの400万回以上の初回投与を行い、1300万回以上の投与を配布していたという。
The U.
S has also approved a vaccine from Pfizer, which like Madonna's, requires two shots.