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  • It is not a surprise, but it is significant.


  • And Adam Schefter, as always, has it for us.


  • Schefty.


  • What can you tell us?


  • Well, that's well, said Greeny.


  • The Jacksonville Jaguars this morning parted ways with their head.


  • Coach Doug Marrone moved in a different direction.


  • I think a lot of people saw this coming.


  • They changed general managers about a month ago, getting rid of Dave Cobb.


  • Well, And now this morning, they've parted ways with Doug Marrone, a man who a couple of years ago got this team to the A F C championship game.

    今朝 ダグ・マローンと別れました 数年前にこのチームを A F C チャンピオンシップゲームに導いた男です

  • Jacksonville is probably the most desirable job out there.


  • At this point in time, they have the number one overall pick.


  • They have over $100 million in cap space.


  • They've got 11 total picks.


  • This becomes the number one job out there with all due respect to all the others, because it offers so much.


  • But Jacksonville this morning moved in a different direction.


  • The Jaguars now joined the New York Jets, the Detroit Lions, Atlanta Falcons in Houston, Texans as teams with head coach openings this morning.


  • Okay, so I have a variety of follow up questions for you.


  • Let's start with where else you are keeping a close eye on today.


  • Well, let me say this green.


  • Just moments ago, the Bengals announced that Zach Taylor will return for this season.


  • I don't think that's a surprise to a lot of people, but again, the Bengals struggled for a second straight year.


  • They have Joe Burrow coming off the A C L injury, and Zach Taylor will return as the Bengals head coach, which came from Mike Brown this morning.

    彼らはジョー・バロウがA C Lの怪我から復帰し、ザック・テイラーがベンガルズのヘッドコーチとして復帰することになりましたが、それは今朝のマイク・ブラウンから来たものです。

  • Now, today, I think people are watching the Los Angeles Chargers.


  • Anthony Lynn, when his last four games has had over 100 starts missed due to injury.


  • But a lot of people wondering what's gonna happen there in Los Angeles with a man who a couple of years ago was a finalist for the NFL Coach of the Year and now is obviously on a hot seat.

    数年前にNFLのコーチ・オブ・ザ・イヤーの 最終候補になった男が... 今は明らかに注目されていて... ロサンゼルスで何が起こるのか 疑問に思っている人も多いでしょう

  • That would be the one other spot from a head coaching perspective toe watch today that would bring it to six total openings and all, which is a little bit under the annual average for the NFL on a yearly basis on.


  • And there's frequently a surprise one that we didn't see coming.


  • So we'll see if we wind up getting that this year and then let me go back to your previous thought about Jacksonville.


  • Is it too soon to be thinking about candidates for the openings in particular?


  • The one you just described?


  • I think rightfully so as the one so many people will be drawn to because of the Trevor Lawrence and all the cap space.


  • Well, the first name that will come up, of course, of the Urban Meyer, because essentially, he has been pondering the idea of returning or at least making a move to the NFL.

    まあ、最初に出てくる名前は、もちろん、アーバン メイヤーの本質的には、彼は戻ってのアイデアを熟考されているか、少なくとも NFL への移動を行うために。

  • And so people know that he's coached in Florida.


  • And I think that that's something that he's been sifting through in recent weeks, trying to decide whether or not to make the jump to the NFL level.


  • And we'll see whether he does or doesn't, but that it's a big decision if he decides to go to the NFL.


  • And he's clearly thinking about that over the last couple of weeks that would be a candidate for the Jacksonville job and somebody that would garner ah lot of attention.


  • They've already interviewed from general manager candidates at this point in time.


  • I think they've interviewed Rick Smith, the former Texas GM Jerry Reese.


  • Think Luis Riddick has spoken to them, So there have been a number of people involved for the general manager job.


  • But again, this is the most desirable job out there because the number one pick because of all the pics because of all the cap space, because the market it's in so we'll see what Jacksonville decides to do.


  • But Doug Marrone and Dave Kabul, the former tandem that got this team for the A F C championship, is no longer thank you for watching ESPN on YouTube for live streaming sports and premium content.

    しかし、ダグ・マローンとデイブ・カブール、A F C選手権のためにこのチームを手に入れた元タンデムは、もはやスポーツとプレミアムコンテンツのライブストリーミングのためにYouTubeでESPNを見てくれたことに感謝しています。

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It is not a surprise, but it is significant.


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