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...let them know that they shouldn't be touching the doors
NYA "magical train station wake up skill power beam boost".
にゃ。 「マジカル・トレインステーション・ウェイクアップ・スキルパワー・ビームブースト」
You start saying the traffic light is blue instead of saying it's green.
Hey guys and girls it's CathyCat your flashy fashion reporter here from Tokyo.
どうも、みなさん。東京から来た派手なファッションレポーターの CathyCat です。
and this time we're gonna talk about five things that people who've lived in Japan for too long might do, might catch themselves out doing, that almost count as having turned them a little bit Japanese. What could it be? Let's go and find out together let's go
今回は、日本に長く住んでいる人がやってしまうかもしれない5つのことについてお話します。それは、彼らをちょっと日本人に変えたと見なされるでしょう。 それはなんでしょうか?一緒にみていきましょう。
Number one. when you ride a taxi or when you get out of a taxi in Japan here you never touch the doors...
The same way that the black cabs are unique to the United Kingdom so do Japanese cabs have a very specific or special mechanism in the doors.
And that mechanism lets the driver of the cab open the doors for you.
You don't have to touch it.
He opens it for you to step in and he opens it for you after you paid the bill to leave the cab.
I must say a couple of foreigners get that wrong at the start they open the door by themselves and they close it by themselves and it can make the cab driver pretty angry because that mechanism isn't built for that...
it can apparently also break it if you really put a lot of force and effort into it.
So if you have friends and they're new to Japan and they're just about to go with you on the cab maybe let them know that they shouldn't be touching the doors because it's dangerous and it's not good...
but once you've lived here for a long time you kind of expect the driver to do it and you kind of get a little bit annoyed if he's taking too much time opening the door for you so that's one of the things that you're realize.
しかし、あなたがここに長い間住んでいると、運転手がそれをすることを期待し、彼がドアを開けるのに時間をかけすぎると少しイライラします。 それがあなたが気づくことの1つです。
So don't touch the doors just step out or into the cab like that that's one of the things if you live here for long enough you do it automatically but when you're new here you might get confused about.
ですから、ドアに触れないでください。ただタクシーに出たり入ったりしてください。 これは、ここに長く住んでいると自動的に行うことの1つですが、初めての場合は混乱するかもしれません。
So when you go back to your family house in your own country you feel like out of place NYA because you should have taken your shoes off NYA.
二つめ。 靴を履かずに誰かの家に入ると、不快に感じ始めるでしょうにゃ。なぜなら、 一般的にあなたはいつも靴を脱ぐことに慣れているからですにゃ。
when you enter someone's house NYA therefore NYANYA when you enter someone's house with shoes on you're not happy and you feel like something's wrong
So when you go back to your family in your own country you feel like out of place NYA because you should have taken your shoes off NYA.
Number three you can do the "magical train station wake up skill power beam boost"
What do I mean by that now Japanese people generally if they get a seat on the train and if they're going out of Tokyo to go where they live because it's cheaper out of Tokyo they sometimes are on the train for an hour an hour and a half two hour or even longer and some people have it down to a notch that the moment ...
つまり、日本人は一般的に、電車の座席に着いたとき、また東京の外にある住んでいる場所(東京の外に住む方が安いので)に行く場合、1時間、 1時間半、2時間またはそれ以上電車に乗っていることがあるのですが、一部の人はその時間を落ち着く時間に使います。
they sleep the whole journey but they wake up one minute before their station.
I don't know how they do it it's a real skill I thought I could never do it but when I started doing the full-on commute into work out of Tokyo two and a half hours commute or similar things like that I started getting so tired that I learned to sleep on the train that was step one and then step two I actually did the thing...
彼らがどうやってそれをするのか分かりません。 それは真のスキルです。 絶対に私にはできないと思っていたのですが、東京から2時間半の通勤やそれに似たもので本格通勤を始めたとき、疲れ始めて、電車で寝ることを学びました。それはステップ1でした。そしてその後、ステップ2で私は実際にそれをしたんです。
I actually woke up just before my stop or when my stop was announced and I don't know how I don't know why it's some kind of magic voodoo thing and it's working, it's working you just wake up magically it's fascinating
私は実際に私の駅の直前、または私の駅がアナウンスされたときに目が覚めました。 理由はわかりません。それはある種の魔術・呪術のようなものでしょう。 そしてそれは機能しています。魔法のように目を覚ますだけです。魅力的でしょ。
Number four you start developing a taste for plain white rice
Japanese people will sooner or later say they miss rice and they just want the rice the way they're used to it meaning the Japanese type of sticky rice which means it sticks together and it's really tasty and you actually figure out you don't need much more.
日本人は遅かれ早かれ、米が恋しいと言うでしょう。 慣れ親しんだご飯が欲しいのです。つまり、日本式の粘りのある米です。それは本当においしいです。そしてあなたは実際に、それほど多くを必要としないことを理解します。
so for example you can just have a bowl of like hot steaming rice and then maybe a little bit of flavoring with it or maybe a bit of salt with it or a bit of soy sauce with it.
And it's fine you don't even more so if you have just a salted onigiri the ones that you can sometimes get in the supermarket and that's all you need you're good...
そして、それでいいんです。 それ以上はしません。 だから、スーパーで時々手に入れることができるような、塩おにぎりを持っているなら、それがあなたが必要とするすべてです。
you don't need all the fancy stuff and I think that's interesting I never saw rice the same way we had like different types of rice in Germany and with like wild rice and dark rice and all kinds of rice flavors but when you come to Japan you start to love the "shokkan".
あなたは色んな派手なものを必要としないのです。 それは面白いと思います。 私は同じような形で米を見たことがありません。 ドイツにはワイルドライスと黒米などさまざまな種類の米があり、そしてあらゆる種類の米の味がありました。 でも日本に来るとあなたは「食感」が好きになります。
the way how there's a bite to the rice and the way the rice sticks together and you don't need much more it's fascinating sometimes all I just want is a boil a bowl of steaming hot rice and a raw egg on top and that's it...
ご飯を噛みしめる感じとご飯がくっつく感じ。 それ以上は必要ありません。 それは魅力的です。 時々私が欲しいのはお茶碗一杯の炊いたご飯と生卵だけです。それだけです...
maybe a bit of soy sauce I tell you it's delish... it's so good
Number five you start saying the traffic light is "blue" instead of saying it's "green"
now I don't know why Japanese people say this usually "The traffic light turned blue"
meaning the traffic light has turned blue for us it's usually green but culture perception can be different so the green light you can see here right now in Japanese you'd actually say the light is blue and once you get used to telling that or hearing that
信号が青に変わったことを意味します。 私たちにとって、それは通常緑ですが、文化の認識が異なるのかもしれません。ですから、今ここで見ている緑色のライトは、日本語では実際にはライトが青色であると言うでしょう。 そして、あなたがそれを言うか、それを聞くことに慣れたら...
you might catch yourself out on actually also referring to this color as blue Hey I don't know why but you have it just happens I tell you it happens
この色を実際に青と呼んでいることに気付くかもしれません。 いえ、理由はわかりませんが、それがただ起こるのです。私はあなたにそれが起こると言います。
cultural perceptions
Those were five things that you might catch yourself doing when you've lived in Japan for a little bit too long.
Another one that happened to me this morning was when I was getting ready putting all of this on I was too lazy to check where my phone was, wanted to find out what time it is and turned my water tab to hot water and there's a little display in my bathroom that then told me the time.
Is there anything we missed in this list let us know in the comments down below
I hope you've already subscribed for more stuff here from Tokyo and don't forget to give us a like to say thanks for this video it was lovely hanging out with you and I catch you soon with another video from Ask Japanese
東京からもっとたくさんのものを見るために、チャンネル登録していることを願います。 そして、「いいね」をして、この動画に対して感謝を伝えるのを忘れないでください。 あなたと一緒に過ごせて良かったです。 Ask Japanese からの別の動画で、すぐにお会いしましょう。
This was CathyCat and take care. Bye!
CathyCat でした。 お元気で。さようなら!