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  • hour later journal Because I have read something in the newspapers that saddened me in a country that I don't remember tow.

    時間後のジャーナル 私は新聞で何かを読んだので、私はトウを覚えていない国で私を悲しませた。

  • Avoid the lock down and go on holiday.


  • More than 40 planes left in one afternoon.


  • They are good people, but they didn't think about those who were staying at home.


  • We may never know a Casa off the economic problems of many people who have been hit hard by the lock down off the sick people.


  • Only about going on holiday and having fun at this paint me a lot.


hour later journal Because I have read something in the newspapers that saddened me in a country that I don't remember tow.

時間後のジャーナル 私は新聞で何かを読んだので、私はトウを覚えていない国で私を悲しませた。

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