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Britain on Friday reactivated emergency hospitals built at the start of the pandemic and shut primary schools in London, one of the areas worst hit by UM, or infectious variants of the coronavirus.
金曜日にイギリスは、パンデミックの開始時に構築された緊急病院を再活性化し、ロンドン、UM、またはコロナウイルスの感染性の亜種によって最悪の打撃を受けた地域の 1 つの小学校を閉じます。
With more than 50,000 new daily cases of Cove in 19 in the last four days, the health service said it was preparing for an anticipated rush of patients and needed more hospital beds.
The announcement comes just days after the Royal London Hospital told staff in an email it was now in disaster medicine mode and unable to provide high standard critical care.
The temporary Nightingale Hospitals at locations such as convention centers have barely been used since the start of the outbreak but have remained on standby, according to the Royal College of Nursing.
コンベンション センターなどの場所にある一時的なナイチンゲール病院はかろうじて発生の開始以来使用されていますが、王立看護大学によると、待機したままになっています。
The country does not have enough nurses to staff the new sites, especially with many sick with the virus or forced to isolates on schooling.