字幕表 動画を再生する
now we fail are you ready oh yeah
it was so peaceful out here i could just feel myself drifting off and i allowed it to happen
hello hello
well hello everyone happy saturday and welcome to club nautica we are here on the shores
よくこんにちはみんな幸せな土曜日そして私達が 川のプレートの 海岸 に いるクラブnauticaへようこそ
of the river plate and today we're doing something a little bit different this lovely couple who
そして今日は少し違うことをしています。 私たちのビデオ を 見ている この素敵なカップル
watches our videos reached out to us and they invited us to come sailing and this is the first
が私たちに連絡を取り、彼らは私たちをセーリングに 招待しました。見知らぬ人からの招待を受け入れるの
time we've accepted an invitation from strangers but they just seemed so nice so sweet we were like
はこれが初めて ですが、彼らはとても素敵でとても甘いようでした私たちは
okay um so they came to pick us up this morning at our apartment in almagro then
we drove out here to the club and yeah it's just a beautiful day to be out you got sun like
私たちはここでクラブに車で行きました 、そしてええ、 昨日は灰色で雨が降り、今日 は太陽が
yesterday was gray and rainy and wet and today the weather finally cooperated so it's gorgeous
降り注ぐのは ちょうど美しい日 です天気がようやく協力し てくれた ので、ゴージャス
we're gonna go sailing and we're gonna have a nice lunch first yes first we need food so let's go eat
and then we'll go out on the water all right tell us about the drive over drive was great well we
just talked the whole way but i mean it was cool we left the center of buenos aires argentina and
we're driving for about just over an hour maybe an hour and 15 minutes passing through these
neat little i guess you would call them satellite cities and we came to san ysidro right yeah yeah
素敵な小さな レストラン を通過している と思います。サンイシドロにそうそうそうそう
and there was a few different yacht clubs and some beautiful mansions along here this looks like just
like an incredible area to live just outside of buenos aires argentina and yeah i can't wait to
go sailing i know this is something that your dad is is passionate about oh yeah he's always dreamt
見えます そしてそうそう私は これが知っているセーリング
of owning a boat so i think he's gonna have his his best day today and we're gonna love it too
に 行くのを 待つことができません あなたのお父さんが情熱を注いでいる何かそうそう彼はいつも ボートを所有する ことを夢見ていた ので、彼は今日彼の最高の日を過ごすつもりだと思いますそして私たちもそれを愛するつもりです
so then it was time for lunch we didn't film too many english clips because we wanted to be present
with our new friends mirta and jorge but we enjoyed a wonderful meal at the club's restaurant
since it was such a beautiful day we opted for a table on the outdoor terrace we started lunch
、屋外テラスのテーブルを選んだので 、クラブのレストランで素晴らしい食事を楽しみました。
with empanadas which are these delicious stuffed savory pastries you can get them with all sorts of
これらのおいしいエンパナダで ランチを始めました。 あなたはすべての
ingredients but these ones were filled with ground beef and egg and then for the main the men opted
成分 の種類とそれらを得ることができ香ばしいペストリーを詰め
for steak and i got the sorrentinos which are kind of like round ravioli stuffed with ham and cheese
たが、これらのものは、牛ひき肉と卵を充填したし、メインのために男性が ステーキを 選んだ と私は親切ハムとチーズの
i got them with the putanesca sauce which is a tomato-based sauce with anchovies capers olives
私 を詰めラウンドラビオリのようなのですsorrentinosを得ました アンチョビ、ケイパー、オリーブ、
garlic and chilies it's a nice way to spice up any dish we also shared a bottle of wine
ニンニク、唐辛子 を使ったトマトベースのソースであるプタネスカソースでそれらを手に入れました。これは
this time a malbec from mendoza by bolega santa julia it was a good one now we sail
どんな料理にもスパイスを効かせる良い方法です。 今回 はワインのボトルを共有しました。 今、私たちは出航
are you ready oh yeah what a lot of lunch what a lunch how's the belly the belly is rotating
all right guys so we are now fueling up we're gonna head out for a day of sailing
大丈夫です、私たちは今燃料を補給しています私たちはセーリング の 日のために出かけるつもり
the only thing is there isn't a lot of wind today so we can't actually use the sails
です今日は風があまりないので、実際に帆 を 使うことはできません。
we need to use the motor to get moving some diesel yeah this is like a floating gas station it's like
a gas station for boats basically first time i'm seeing this but yeah it's gonna be fun
です。基本的には初めてのボートのガソリンスタンド のようなもの です。これを見て、ええ、それは楽しいだろう
、 低コストの thを 行います 私の相棒のサムは彼のシエスタから目が覚めたばかりですああとても素敵な誰か
low cost
がとても 大きなランチを
there's my buddy sam just woke up from his siesta oh so nice someone said such a big lunch
it was so peaceful out here i could just feel feel myself drifting off and i allowed it to happen
それは素晴らしかったですここで出航するのはとても素敵です ブエノスアイレスアルゼンチンの街の
it was great it's so nice to be sailing out here i mean we've had incredible views
素晴らしい景色を眺めること が できました。
of of the city of buenos aires argentina as we've been approaching
これは、 パレルモやプエルトマデロなどの
just shows the the magnitude this is the sheer size of the city we can even recognize certain
特定の 場所を 認識することができる街の大きさの大きさを示しています。 ここには他に
places like palermo and puerto madero it's great and there's just been there's a lot
もたくさん のヨットがあり ますが、ここに詰め込まれているように感じ
of other sailboats out here but it just feels like there's enough space for everybody if you
don't feel like you're crammed out here it's just so peaceful and quiet love it
so having spent the afternoon on a vessel yeah would you ever like to have one of your own are
you the seafarer you know what i love it um i mean if i had an opportunity i think i could get into i
could see how people could get into sailing it's just there's it's so peaceful out here but not
only that but just being in charge of of you know of of the vessel knowing when to put up the sails
how to switch from side to side which we do not yeah just all of the all of the you know the the
かを知って いることです。 左右に切り替える方法を知っています。私たちがそうとは限りません。あなたのすべてが、
little details that allow you behind it the skill behind it i mean obviously there's a lot to learn
その背後にあるスキルを可能にする小さな詳細を 知ってい ます。その背後には、明らかに学ぶことがたくさんある
and i remember they were just saying to us that you know it took years of of taking courses and
ということです。彼らは、コースを受講し、 練習して間違いを犯し、それらを解決する方法を学ぶのに何
just practicing and making mistakes and learning how to solve them yeah a lot of it is probably
you know solving things in real time you know you can learn as much theory as you possibly want but
when it comes to actually being out on the water you know there's there's real life problems that
、実際に水に出ることになると、 解決 し
you have to solve and sometimes it's not just what you read in the book that you end up using
なければならない 現実の問題が あり、時にはそれはあなたが読んだものだけではないことを知っていますあなた が 外国人 を 使うことになった本
私たちは海岸に戻ったら本当に楽しい一日を水上で過ごしましたそれはメリエンダ時間別名 ティータイム でした
あなたがここで見るこの飲み物は潜水艦または潜水艦と呼ばれ、それはのバー で 構成されています
we had a really fun day out on the water once we got back to shore it was merienda time aka
tea time this drink you see right here is called a submarine or submarine and it consists of a bar
of dark chocolate melted inside a glass of hot milk it's a classic we also shared a few slices
of ricotta quince and sweet potato cakes the perfect way to end the day with our new friends
we are back in the apartment
oh my what a wonderful day that was your first time making internet friends that went very
yeah super super nice people that they uh took us out for the day they took us out and they
they're selling boat yeah we went sailing on the river plate uh just uh facing the city and we had
彼らはボートを売っ て いますええ私たちは川のプレートを航海しましたええとちょうどええと街に面していて
a beautiful afternoon it was nice and sunny and warm and you could not ask for a better day to go
、 私たちは 美しい午後 を過ごしまし た素晴らしく、晴れていて、暖かくて、 セーリング
out sailing and uh we also had lunch with them and we had a coffee and cake in the afternoon
に出かけるのに良い日を求めることはできませんでした。 彼らと一緒に昼食をとり、午後にコーヒーとケーキを
so yeah it was just fantastic they they took care of everything they picked us up they drove
us to the area to the to the sailing club such a generous people might yeah it's just the whole day
私たちをその地域に 連れ て行ってセーリングクラブに行きましたそのような寛大な人々はそうかもしれません それはちょうど
was planned by them and it was just so much fun this is something we wouldn't have done otherwise
一日 が彼らによって計画されただけでとても楽しかったですこれは私たちがそうでなけれ
had they not reached out to us yeah so i feel like we got to experience a different part of
ばしなかったで あろうことです ええ私たちに連絡したので私たちは私たちのように感じます
argentina different part of like the let's say the greater area of buenos aires yeah in a way
アルゼンチンのさまざま な部分を体験する ようになりました。たとえば、ブエノスアイレスのより広いエリアを、
we wouldn't have have normally experienced by by sailing wow it's just so much fun
通常の航海では体験できなかっ た方法 で体験できます。とても楽しいです。
and now we've made some great friends i'm sure we're going to be seeing them again
next time we're back in buenos aires argentina yeah definitely but yeah it was so nice
meeting them and that was today's adventure sailing on the river plate we hope you guys
彼らに会えて とても良かったです。 それは今日のリバープレートでの冒険でした。皆さんが
enjoyed it and then tomorrow's another day tomorrow is another adventure and uh we'll bring
楽しんで くれたことを願っています。 そして、明日の別の日は別の冒険 です。
you along too yeah and we'll see what uh what's in store for us uh tomorrow yes stay uh stay tuned
ええと、私たちはあなたを連れて行き ますええ、私たちは何が私たちのために用意されているのかを見るでしょ うええと 明日はい滞在
stay tuned for more more things to comment buenos aires argentina yeah all right bye bye
ええとご期待くださいブエノスアイレスアルゼンチンええ あなたは このビデオを
thanks for joining us on this fun adventure sailing down the river plate if you enjoyed
this video we invite you to subscribe hit that notification bell and join us for the rest of
すべてのバイバイ右の おかげで 、私たちは それ以降、その後 のヒットその通知の鐘を購読し、
this epic three-month trip first through argentina and then onwards to uruguay and chile see you soon
最初のアルゼンチンでこの壮大な3ヶ月の旅行 の残りのために私達を結合するためにあなたを招待 し、ウルグアイとチリへのsはすぐにお会いしましょう