字幕表 動画を再生する
A number of Palestinian militant groups launched eight rockets into the Mediterranean Sea off the Gaza Strip on Tuesday at the start of what they call their first ever joint exercise.
Israeli media described to the exercise as a show of force organized by Iran.
The 24 hour exercise was announced on behalf of a joint command set up by the groups in 2018, including fighters from Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
It includes land and coastal exercises they described as a test of their preparedness for any future confrontation with Israel spokesman Abou Ubaida.
それは土地と海岸の演習が含まれています彼らはイスラエルのスポークスマンAbou Ubaidaとの将来の対立のための彼らの準備のテストとして説明した。
In the head in one hour diphtheria thes resistance drills are an assurance of the readiness of the resistance to defend our people in all its states and under all circumstances on the leadership of the resistance is ready for any battle to protect our land and people.
1 時間のジフテリアの thes の抵抗の訓練の頭部では抵抗のリーダーシップのすべての状態の私達の土地および人々を保護するためにあらゆる戦いのために準備ができているすべての状況の下で私達の人々を守るために抵抗の準備ができていることの保証である。
God is mighty and victory 12 people and Resistance Lena.
Tensions between Iran and Israel have risen since the assassination of a top Iranian nuclear scientist last month.
Iran has blamed Israel for his death, but Israel has neither confirmed nor denied it played a role.