字幕表 動画を再生する
Wonder Woman, 1984 has pulled in about $36 million at movie theaters around the world since its release on Christmas Day, making it the highest box office opening of the global health crisis.
An estimated $16.7 million off the box office total came from U.
S and Canadian theaters.
However, the film was simultaneously available on streaming services for those fearful of returning to the cinema or unable to do so due to closures.
Warner Brothers said Millions watched a film on streaming service HBO Max, but they didn't reveal how long viewers tuned in for off the back of the film's success.
ワーナー・ブラザースは、何百万人もの視聴者がストリーミングサービスHBO Maxで映画を見たと述べたが、彼らは映画の成功の裏でどれくらいの時間視聴者がチューンインしたかを明らかにしなかった。
The company confirmed it will fast track the third installment of the superhero franchise.
It will be written and directed by Patty Jenkins, who helmed the previous films on Well Against Our Girl.
Girl Dot Warner Brothers is planning the same hybrid release strategy for its 17 theatrical movies in 2021.
ガール・ドット ワーナー・ブラザースは、2021年に17本の劇場公開映画についても同様のハイブリッド・リリース戦略を計画している。
The strategy has angered some top Hollywood directors in cinema operators who had hoped for a rebound in cinema going during 2021 This year has been a disaster for movie theaters, with box office receipts down 80% from a year earlier, according to comScore.
戦略は、2021年の間に行く映画館の反発を期待していた映画事業者のいくつかのトップハリウッドの監督を怒らせている 今年は、comScoreによると、以前の年から80%ダウンの興行収入で、映画館のための災害であった。
While the latest Wonder Woman film is a relative success, Stagner against the previous installment is telling within the U.
That movie Eclipse is It's sequel more than five times over, having taken in $100 million in its day, be there or be it in 2017 in a world without the global health crisis.