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  • How to Keep a Conversation Going. Here are pointers to help fill those awkward silences.

  • You might be surprised by what someone has to say once you get them to open up. You will

  • need Interest Listening skills Eye contact Enthusiasm Open-ended questions and humility.

  • Step 1. Encourage someone to talk about themselves by asking questions like, “What do you do

  • for a living?” or "What kinds of movies do you like?" People are flattered by someone's

  • interest and like to talk about themselves. Step 2. Display an interest in a wide range

  • of topics. Step 3. Listen quietly and maintain eye contact. The more trusted and sensitive

  • their audience, the more willing people are to open up and engage. Avoid being intrusive,

  • prying, or gossipy. Step 4. Respond enthusiastically to comments to keep someone talking. Keep

  • your enthusiasm sounds genuine. Step 5. Encourage further conversation by asking who, what,

  • why, when, where, and how questions, like: “What did you do?” andWhen was this?”

  • Keep it low key, so it doesn't feel like you're interrogating. Step 6. Don't be afraid to

  • admit your ignorance when discussing a topic. That gives the other person an opportunity

  • to show their knowledge of the subject. Did you know? Francis Ford Coppola’s

  • 1974 film, The Conversation, lost the Oscar to his other nominated film that year, The

  • Godfather, Part II.

How to Keep a Conversation Going. Here are pointers to help fill those awkward silences.


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B1 中級

会話を継続させる方法 (How to Keep a Conversation Going)

  • 1184 129
    Hhart Budha に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日