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Hi, I'm Tara Stiles, and today on the Yoga Solution I'm gonna show you Part Two to the
Intense Cardio Workout Program. Let's get started. So we'll start in a Downward Dog.
Spread your fingers wide. Tuck your toes and take a big inhale to lift yourself right up
and back. Maybe sway a little side to side -- it'll loosen up any areas that could use
a little loosening. So just breathe a lot. So we'll take a big inhale, reach your right
leg all the way up and back behind you -- Downward Dog Split. Open up your hips and shoulders
here. Make some space. So we're gonna roll around the hips a bit here. Arc your knee
way up and around, tap it to your right shoulder, nice and high. Then keep it lifted, sweep
it all the way across your body, and then open up your hips here, ends on the leg, right
back behind you -- Downward Dog Split. So same thing, starting, twisting, bring your
knee all the way down and across your body, and then open up your hips and send it all
the way right back behind you. All of that one more time, real smooth. Way up and up
and out, tap it to your right side then gently sweep it across. Open up the hips and send
it all the way back behind you. Last one, starting, twisting, bring the knee all the
way down and across your body, and then gently open up your hips and send it right back behind
you. And we'll take your knee right up to your forehead, super high. Softly bring your
foot between your hands -- Low Lunge. From here, push down, big inhale lifts you right
up to a nice High Lunge. And then press your palms together, bring your thumbs right up
into your heartbeat. Big inhale to lift, and as you exhale spin around to your side here.
Elbow hooks right outside your knee. Firmly push down with your top palm to spin your
belly all the way open. And then from here, look a little ways out in front of you. Lift
up in your hips and belly. Reach the back foot all the forward coming into your nice
Chair Pose in a Twist. And we'll come all the way back into your regular Chair. And
then same thing other side here. Right elbow comes all the way outside your knee. And then
look down here. Shift your weight into your left leg, lift up in the right knee, stretch
your leg all the way back behind you, and gently place it all the way back on the ground
here. From here, push down, we'll come all the way up to a nice Reverse Twist here. Slide
the back arm all the way down the back leg. From here, reach your top arm all forward
toward the front of you. Shift your weight up and over, tip over to a nice Twisted Half
Moon. And then we'll swap sides here. Left finger tips catch you on the ground, open
up your hips here to a nice Open Half Moon. Once your hips are open then maybe the belly,
shoulders, fingertips and gaze can open up as well. And then gently come all the way
back into your Warrior 3. So we're gonna round all the way up to stand here. Soften the knees,
round your back here, use your belly, give the knee a nice little squeeze, and then we'll
send the leg all the way right back behind you. Twice more just like that here. Soften
the knees, round your back here, use your belly, give the knee a nice little squeeze.
And, again, send it all the way back behind you. Last one just like that here, soften
the knees, round your back, hug the knee right up into your chest, and we'll send the leg
all the way right back behind you. This time coming through your nice Low Lunge. Plant
your palms, step right back into your Plank Pose. And simply holding here for a few long,
easy breaths. So we'll lower and lift here a few times. Knees up or down, you're call.
Bend the elbows all the back. Lower right down to your belly till you're lying down.
Plant your palms all the way right back up for one. Twice more just like that here. Bend
the elbows, lower right back down, and then plant your palms all the way up for two. Last
one just like that one here. Bend the elbows straight back, and then all the way right
up and back, this time into your nice Downward Dog. Relax your heels and head and neck and
shoulders. So from here, start to walk your feet all the way up to the top of your mat
here, one step at a time. Once you're all the way up, folding inward, let your head
soften, let your neck relax. So we'll come into a chair pose from here. Sink your hips
nice and low. Big inhale to sweep your arms all the way upward. Relax your shoulders and
your back. Breath staying really calm and easy. And then as you exhale, we'll fold up
and over your legs, gently interlace your hands behind your back. Nice shoulder release
here. Let your head go. Let your neck go. Breathe a lot. And then when you're ready,
gently bring your fingertips and your palms down to the ground. Plant your palms firmly
down. Lift your knees really high into your arms. Look a little ways out in front of you.
Lift up in your hips and belly. Maybe the feet stay on the ground. Maybe one toe comes
off today. If you feel steady to bring the other one up, that's great. If it doesn't
happen, it really doesn't matter. Just keep breathing. And then when you're ready, we'll
come all the way right back into your nice Downward Dog here, relaxing the heels and
shoulders. And then same thing other side here. So next inhale, take your left leg way
up and back behind you -- Downward Dog Split. Open up the hips and shoulders. Bend your
knee, reach the toes. And then we'll roll the hips around here a little bit. So arc
your left knee way in and around, tap it to your left shoulder. Keep it lifted, sweep
it all the way across your body, and then we'll open up your hips and send the leg right
back behind you. Same thing, starting, twisting, bring your knee all the way down and across
your body. Gently open up your hips and spin it all the way right back. All of that one
more time. Real smooth, way up and out, tap it to your left side. Sweep it across. Open
up your hips and send it all the way back. Last one, starting, twisting, bring it all
the way down and across your body. Open up the hips and send it right back behind you.
And then we'll take your knee right up to your forehead, super high. Softly bring your
foot between your hands -- Low Lunge. Nice push down. Big inhale lifts you right up to
a High Lunge here. Press your palms together, thumbs come right up into your heartbeat.
Big inhale to lift. And as you exhale, spin around to your side here. Elbow hooking right
outside your knee. And firmly push down to lift your belly away from this top thigh.
And then from here, look a little ways out in front of you. Lift up in your hips and
belly, enough to draw your back foot all the way forward. Coming right back into your Twisted
Chair Pose. And then we'll come all the way into your nice Neutral Chair Pose. Lifting,
and then same thing other side. Bringing the palms together, spin around here. Elbow comes
right outside your knee. Push down at the top palm to lift your belly away from that
thigh. And then from here, take a gaze down. Lift up your left foot, bring it all the way
right back behind you. Come into this nice Twisted Lunge, lifting the back of your thigh
right up. And then we'll come all the way up and out of this into your Twisted Lunge.
And we'll come right back into your Twisted Half Moon here. Fingertips catch you on the
ground. Shift your weight up and over to your nice Twisted Half Moon. Spin your belly all
the way up and around, breathing easy. And then we'll swap sides here. Right finger tips
catch you on the ground. Open up your hips here. Once your hips are all rolled open,
then maybe your belly, shoulders, fingertips and gaze can follow. And then when you're
ready, we'll come all the way back into your Warrior 3. So we'll roll up to stand here
a few times. Again, soften the knees, round your back here, use your belly to guide this
knee all the way in. And, again, send it all the way right back behind you. Twice more
just like that here. Soften the knees, round your back here, use your belly, hug the knee
all the way in. And, again, send it all the way right back behind you. Last one, just
like that here, soften the knees, round your back here, use the strength of your stomach
to guide the knee all the way in. And then send it all the way right back behind you.
This time, come right back through your Low Lunge. Plant your palms, and we'll step right
back into your Plank Pose. Just simply hanging out here for a few deep breaths. Again, top
of your head floating forward. Heels lengthening right back behind you. And then this time,
gently lift your hips all the way right up and back to your nice Downward Dog. So remember
here, soften your elbows, we'll come all the way down to your nice forearm on your Downward
Dog here. Just breathing a whole lot. And then we'll start to walk your feet all the
way back behind to a nice Forearm Plank here. So top of your head lifting forward. Heels
reaching back behind you. So we're gonna roll onto some Side Forearm Planks here. Leading
with your belly, roll onto your right forearm, open up your whole body to the side. Maybe
the fingertips follow. And then gently come back to your middle. Same thing other side,
roll onto your left forearm. Open up your whole body to the side. And send it all the
way back. Now one more time each side here. Nice and smooth. You can also keep the hands
on the ground here if you want a little bit more support. And back to your middle. Last
one on the other side. Open everything all the way up. And then all the way back to your
middle. And we'll walk your feet all the way into your nice Downward Dog on your forearms
here. Press your palms firmly into the ground, straighten both arms right into your nice
Downward Dog. And, again, slowly start to walk your feet all the way up to your hands,
one step at a time. Once you're up here, folding inward over your legs. So we'll come right
back into that Chair Pose here. Bend your knees, sink your hips, big inhale to sweep
your arms all the way up. And then as you exhale, we'll fold up and over your legs.
Gently interlace your hands behind your back. Nice shoulder release here. Let your head
go, your neck relax. And we'll bring your fingertips and your palms onto the ground
here. So, again, planting your palms firmly down, lift your knees super high, look a little
ways out in front of you. Looking out really helps out a lot. Lift up in your hips and
belly. Try not to jump, just looking, lifting, and maybe the toes come off here. But if you
jump, it really doesn't work very well. And when you're ready, we'll come all the way
back out of the that one. And we'll come all the way down to sit on your hips here, nice
and gently on the tailbone. Lift your legs all the way up here for a Boat Pose. So however
you like your boat today, bent legs, straight legs, keeping a nice long spine. So we're
just gonna lower halfway down. And then ten little pulses here, nice and smooth -- 1,
2, 3, 4. You can do it, just hang in there -- 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. And then come all the
way back up. Again, grab the legs here. Maybe lengthen out your spine. Breathe a lot. And
we'll do a few little twisty ones here. So let go of this one, draw your knees over to
the right, arms come to the left, lower down into a twist. And then all the way up for
one here. Nine more of these here, nice and smooth. Halfway down. And then all the way
of for two. And, again, halfway down. And three. And, again, halfway down. And four.
Really easy, keep breathing a lot. Down. And five. And down. And six. Almost there, breathe
a lot. Down. And seven. And down. And eight. Two more. Down. And nine. Last one here. Halfway
down. And then all the way up for ten here. Grab ahold again. Draw your shoulders. Nice
long, long spine. And then we'll lower halfway down. Up to you, the fingertips forward or
back behind you. Nice big stretch here. And then gently hug your knees into your chest.
Give yourself a nice squeeze. Maybe rock a little side to side. Just release your back
here. And then real gently, we'll rock all the way right back up to sit nice and tall
and easy here. And just for a moment close your eyes, start to draw your attention a
little bit deeper inward. Just see if you can start to bring your heart rate back to
a nice calm and easy, even pace. And when you feel settled, gently open your eyes, and
great job. So there you have it: Part two to your Intense Cardio Yoga Workout Program.
I'm Tara Stiles, and I'll see you next time on the Yoga Solution.