字幕表 動画を再生する
Hello, everyone s So I've always loved how people send out Christmas and New Year's cards to friends and family.
And this year, we wanted to do the same, but in a video version to our friends and family.
オラ、クリスマスカード・年賀状を友達や家族に送るの 好きなんだけど、今年は動画でお送りすっぞ!!
So we wanted to share with you all of our favorite moments this year.
Especially those of you who don't watch both of our channels Paula from Tokyo and Tokyo Zebra and let all of you know what we have planned for 2021.
"Paolo from TOKYO" と "Tokyo Zebra" の 両チャンネルを登録してない人のためにな!
But first, let's take our family photo smile.
So I think this little elf is getting a little bit sleepy between music to take a little bit of arrest, right?
Yeah, yeah.
Eso you couldn't start this video without thanking all of you for helping us get one million subscribers earlier this February.
エルフが眠くなってきたみたいだから、 ちょっと休憩
It still blows my mind that we get to share and create everything that we love about Japan with you every week.
なんて言っても2月初めに100万人登録に達成したぜ みんな本当にありがとうな!!
And we're almost hitting two million subscribers.
本当感激っ!!大好きな日本についてあれやこれや 毎週できてシェアできて嬉しいぞ
Yeah, that's pretty freaking crazy s o thank you for sharing this journey with us and the second channel.
Oh, yeah.
And we started a second channel earlier this year.
チャンネル登録してくれてるみんな!! 本当〜〜にありがとな!!
Tokyo zebra and we're even at 100,000 subscribers.
So thank you for that.
今年からサブチャンネル "Tokyo Zebra"も始めだぞ
We are so blessed.
It is freaking amazing.
Quick note.
This will be our last video in 2020.
年末年始を家族でゆっくりすごすつもりだ おめぇらもホリデーエンジョイしてくれよな
You wanted to spend a little more family time kind of doing stuff together and kind of just enjoying the end of the year.
土曜日朝9時のいつものスケジュールには 来年、2021年1月中旬に帰ってきます!!
We hope you guys can do the same, so we'll be back in the regular schedule Saturday morning.
9 a.m. from me January So that said, Let's talk about what happened this year and I'm not gonna lie.
It was a bit challenging, probably more challenging than a previous years, not only because of the pandemic, but we also had a baby this year, and trying to create content on top of all of this every single week was quite challenging.
So it was really, really tough this year, right?
それに加えて、週に1回動画をアップするのは、 ほんと〜〜〜〜に大変だったぞ
Eso If you pick a theme, what would it be for this year?
本当にタフな年だったけど、 今年テーマをつけるとしたら何だと思う?
I would say it would have to be maybe creative perseverance, and this is why first of all, at the beginning of the year we announced that we're having a baby.
You did it.
You could tell of it.
Tronto taking taking a tithe.
赤ん坊がお腹にいる間に、家を買って、 できたらリフォームもしたかったんだ
So with the baby on the way, we started to look to buy a house and possibly renovate.
例えば、この家は約4100万円くらいで、 ちょっと高いかなって感じだったな
For example, this place was about $400,000 which we thought was just a bit too much for what we got.
あまり条件に合うところがなくて、もうすぐ ウルフィーも生まれてくるし、賃貸に変更
So we didn't have a lot of options, and, well, he was coming out really soon.
So we decided to rent instead.
この部屋に申し込みしたんだけど、 オーナーが他の人に貸しちまったんだ
Way still had issues.
We applied to rent this place, but the owner decided to rent to another person.
マンション探し最初の方にオラが気に入った ところがいくつかあったんだけど。。。
Super nice view, though.
So our initial apartment search brought us to a few pretty good options that I was pretty sold on.
何でMaikoが嫌だったかというと、 2年の定期借家物件だったんだ
But I wasn't.
オラめちゃ好きだったんだけど、 2年じゃあっという間だしな
Yeah, and thank God that she wasn't sold because if we had moved into one of the places, we would have to be moving out right now because it on Lee had a two year contract.
ほんとあの時Maikoの勘に頼ってよかったよ この部屋まじ最高だからな
Even though I loved it, it was just a little bit too short of a contract.
I'm glad you stuck to your guns because I love the place we're in now.
Me to first time our place.
Here's the apartment before we moved in.
Oh, happy.
Yeah, but first we had to move out of our place.
I have a little trouble with blood meet.
Then we showed you how we set up our house.
リビングに働けるスペースを確保するのが 結構重要なポイントだったんだ
All right, so this is the main living, dining and kitchen area.
In fact, we live in a two l d.
Which means in Japan.
まだわかんないんだけど、 一旦チェックしに来てみたらって
Two bedrooms, living, dining in kitchen.
So one of things that was quite important to us was to keep the workstations here in the main living area so that when the baby comes, we can also watch over the baby while we're working.
Then just after we moved in, I went into labor.
もう少しで親父だぜ、あ〜やばい!! 待ちきれない!!
Is happening.
What's happening?
産後はほんと疲れてたし、 一人で産んだとか今でも信じられない
What's happening?
So we don't know yet.
She just suggested Just called him to check.
2020年5月25日ウルフィーが生まれました (虎 ウルヴァリン デグズマン)
Oh, my God.
立ち合いはできなかったけど、 助産師さんが動画を撮ってくれたんだ
I think it's, um how Oh, my gosh.
Oh, my gosh.
Okay, Well, I just got a call.
Looks like she's checking in.
心拍がちょっと弱くなってた理由がわかったよ へその緒が首に3周も巻きついてたんだって
Oh, wow.
I'm gonna be a dad Suit.
I'm so excited.
I can't wait.
So because of Corona, they didn't let Paolo into the clinic.
So I spent six days at the hospital all by myself.
So I was pretty tired after birth, and so I can't believe I did it all by myself.
But somehow I managed to record some stuff there.
I'll be like sitting this doughnut cushion.
I went.
I had time where I can't even sit.
I did this.
It hurts.
日本のお菓子グルメの詰まったボックスを 家だで届けてくれるサービスだ
Then on May 25th, 2020 our son, Tiger Wolverine Guzman a k.
Wolfie came into this world.
老舗メーカーなどからユニークなお菓子を提供してて 中には創業100年の老舗もあるぞ
Although I missed my son's birth, the nurse was kind enough to take some video for us.
Every time I see that video, my heart just melts.
Yeah, I can't watch that again and again.
初回はSeason of Japan ボックスが届くようになってて 次からはこのテーマ別のボックスが届くんだ
A little guy, also cute.
I can't believe he was in your stomach.
全てのお菓子についての詳細や、 日本についての豆知識が学べるようになってる
Oh, and like we figured out why he was having trouble with the heartbeat was get speak once in a while.
Yeah, Hazel was like pulling three times on his neck.
And finally, six days later, I got to see my son for the first time.
オラのコードを使って、10%オフで 日本のお菓子の詰まったボックスをトライしてくれ
E Oh, hey!
Oh, This is my son.
パンデミックの中でも動画コンテンツを 発信できるように頑張ったな
Aren't you excited?
"Day in the Life" シリーズもスケジュール調整や コーディネートが大変だったけど
This is my son.
配送スタッフの1日に密着した動画は、 コロナが始まる少し前に撮影した
Hey, son.
Hey, it's me and you from now on, little dude, then Maiko and will be finally came home.
Let's go pick up my co and our new baby boy.
編集してる時、彼女の周りの人がすごく 素敵だなって思ったよ
Yeah, we've got among that.
Thank you.
オラ、毎日スーツから制服に着替えるの すげぇ好きだったぞ
What about way?
Celebrated Wolf is one month birthday in traditional Japanese fashion way.
E way even partnered with new sponsors this year, like books who provide a gourmet experience of Japanese snacks delivered to your front door.
出勤の時ヘルメット持ってて、視聴者の人が なんでヘルメット持ってのって不思議がってたんだよな
A perfect gift for the ones you love near and far during the holiday season, folks who works with traditional Japanese factories some over 100 years old, to provide you with unique snacks and each monthly box has its own unique themes.
なんでそうなったかというと、 いつもはバイクで納品してたりするんだけど
So you get new snacks every time first time users get a seasons of Japan box, and after that they'll get a theme box like this one, right?
撮影の日はオラたちのために バイク使わないで納品してくれたんだ
When you open up the box, you get this nice booklet that takes you through each snack as well as extra information about Japan.
You get 10 to 25 snacks in your box, depending on the package you choose, and they're all hand picked from all over Japan to deliver you unique and local Japanese flavors get 10% off your own authentic Japanese snack box from books It and save up to $47 is called Apollo 10 Link in the description all this time still finding a way to create content despite the pandemic.
おすすめフードスポットの動画がなかったら この動画は生まれなかったんだぞ
Even with a day in the life videos, they were so hard to schedule and coordinate.
But I still found a way.
The Japanese delivery worker was a bit of an exception because we feel that just a little bit before coronavirus.
But we still released it this year, and it was quite memorable.
Yeah, but the funny thing was, I thought a lot of people said that she's so actress.
麻布十番ではとんかつに初めて メイプルシロップをかけて食べたぞ
Yes, it was a real deal.
一緒に食べ歩きいろいろしたかったから 最初撮影始めたんだったな
I thought it was cool when I was editing that people in the neighborhood knew her.
ステイホーム中はちょっと頑張って 違った動画もアップしてみたぞ
The pachinko worker was also pretty amazing.
I loved how Ken Toe would change from his suit into a uniformed every day.
I liked how he changed into the same shoes to same shoes.
E was funny.
I even got to film a Japanese butcher this year, which is pretty cool.
パンデミックの中でクリエイティブに いろいろトライして、頑張ったよな
Well, one of the funny things from that video is if you see him going toe work in the morning.
みんなも困難な中でもくじけないで 前を向いて頑張っていこうな
He's carrying a helmet after he arrives, and a lot of people were like, Why is he carrying a helmet?
Didn't even ride a bike.
People were really, really confused.
And the story behind that one Waas usually every day he does some of his deliveries with a scooter with a motorbike.
実際今年に計画してた "Day in the Life"の 動画もいくつか延期になったものもあったな
But that day he didn't just because it was gonna be easier for us to film.
だから来年もコラボ動画アップしていくぞ オラ、めちゃ楽しみだぜ
That was why he was carrying a helmet.
みんながチャンネル登録してくれて、 登録者数がぐんと伸びたことによって、
But you know what?
This video wouldn't be right if I didn't talk about some of the favorite food spots that I had this year I shared a sesame and macho parfait.
紹介できるようになったぜ 来年はもっとすんげぇぞ
And how did you Good, he rolled.
I had a fried wagyu only garage style sandwich in Daikon Yama.
It's still a little bit rare on the inside, but crispy on the outside.
これがオラたちからみんなへの クリスマスカードと年賀状だ
Wow, these things to my inner soul.
I also got to have a Okatsu with maple syrup in a savage even.
みんながいなかったらこのチャンネルは こんなすごいことにはなってなかったぜ
Well, it's sex that I couldn't be at the old filming now.
2021年も日本のことや日本旅行について知りたい人は チャンネル登録を忘れずにな
Yeah, I mean, that was kind of one of the reasons why you started this channel was so that we could enjoy food together.
But because of the quarantine, we did get a little bit creative and we had to stay home for some of the videos and We still had fun, right?
It almost looked like tampons, right?
He's like, tampon size Michael.
All right on.
And that was our year, pandemic and all.
We got pretty creative.
We persevered, and we got to create some pretty cool moments.
We hope that you are able to do the same and find your silver lining.
And what's been a pretty crazy and scary year coming 2021.
And we have a lot of stuff plan, given that everything comes down a little bit and restrictions are lifted.
In fact, we had a lot of day in the life plan for this year, but because of everything going on, we had to postpone.
So a lot of those collaborations will continue from next year, which I'm super excited for.
Also, with the channels growth this year.
Because of all of you guys, I'm getting more opportunities to show you places and things in Japan that are rarely seen, which is gonna be pretty awesome this coming year, and it's gonna be older than music and come with you.
Oh, that's gonna be so awesome.
So that's our Christmas and New Year's card to all of you.
Thank you again for joining us on this journey.
Thank you so much.
This channel wouldn't be the same without all of you.
And, like always, if you want to see more Japan videos and join us on our 2021 adventure throughout Japan, hit that subscribe button and the bell button and we'll catch you guys in the next one.