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hello it is jennifer from tarle speech with your christmas homophone lesson we
こんにちは tarle speechのジェニファーです。クリスマスの同音異義語のレッスンです。
have three words today i love this one claws which are sharp nails typically on animals
今日は3つの言葉を持っている 私はこの1つが大好きです 爪は動物によく見られる鋭い爪です。
clause an article in a contract or a grammatical structure and claus the big guy himself
santa claus so let's go ahead and take a look at our words we have clause clause and
clause fairly easy lesson what you're going to do is you're going to start with the k sound your
句は簡単なレッスン 何をしようとしているのかというと.........kの音から始めようとしています
tongue is going to be low in your mouth for this sound and the back of your tongue is going to be
pulled up and your mouth is open then you are going to move to the l kl by just moving your
プルアップされ、あなたの口が開いているときには、単に移動することによってl klに移動しようとしています。
tongue from the bottom of your mouth to behind the back of your top front teeth try not to
move your lips because sometimes that will add an extra sound in there kl kl then move to the open
時にはそれがそこに余分な音を追加しますので、あなたの唇を移動します kl kl その後、オープンに移動します。
oh by opening your mouth wide and an oval tip of the tongue is low back of the tongue is pulled up
and then end with the z sound yes a z to do this you are going to have your tongue behind your top
front teeth or pointed down air is going to keep moving out of your mouth you are not touching
your teeth voice box is on vibrating and moving let's put it all together claws clause claus claws
clause claus and now for a sentence santa claus has a clause in the elves contract stating
the need to keep the animal's claws trimmed so santa claus has a clause in the elves contract
stating the need to keep his animal's claws trimmed give it a try people are going to
notice the difference if you found this helpful please share the christmas joy and share it with
違いに気づく もしこの記事が役に立ったならば、クリスマスの喜びを分かち合い、共有してください。
your friends don't forget to subscribe if you're looking for some more help or a great gift idea
check out our products on google play itunes and at tarle's beach merry christmas everyone
google play itunesやtarle's beachで商品をチェックしてみてください。