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hey everyone it's jennifer with your tarle speech christmas week
lesson and our mini series continues with two words that are pronounced exactly the same way
knotty meaning full of knots or a difficult problem and
naughty meaning bad
so let's go ahead and look at these words we have naughty and naughty to say these words
correctly you are going to start with an n sum touch the tip of your tongue to the back of your
正しくは、舌の先を舌の裏に当てる「n sum」から始めることになります。
top front teeth and the air moves out of your nose next we're going to move to the short oh
上の前歯を伸ばして 鼻から空気を抜いていきます 次はショートに移行していきます
sound and to do that open your mouth and a wide oval so the tip of your tongue can get super low
in the front of your mouth and the back of your tongue can be pulled up next touch the
tip of your tongue to the back of your top front teeth for that d d and then smile for the e
e yes we do have a silent letter here the k we do not say it and yes we have a flap t situation
E はい、私たちはここで沈黙の手紙を持っています K 私たちはそれを言うことはありませんし、はい、私たちはフラップTの状況を持っています。
here where we say d instead of t i like to teach the flat t as a super fast d instead of a t sound
that seems to be easier for everyone if you do want to continue to say a t that is totally fine
everyone is going to understand you if you say naughty instead of naughty but since this is
american english and i'm doing a lesson on it i will teach you in american english with the flap t
and we say naughty naughty naughty and now for a sentence the naughty elf tied the shoes together
in a naughty mess give it a try people are going to notice the difference if you found
this helpful give us a little christmas present and spread some christmas cheer share our video
and if you're looking for some help you can check out our products on
google play itunes and all of our class options at tarle speech thanks everyone merry christmas
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