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  • we have our resident Jet fan, Mike Greenberg joining us this morning, Mike.


  • The big question, of course, is whether this wind turned out to be a loss.


  • And I want to just set this up by saying your lifelong Jet fan and we all have our teams that were DNA dyed in the wool with.

    君の生涯のジェットファンであることを 伝えたいんだが... 我々のチームには みんなDNAを受け継いだチームがあるんだ

  • And you come up with that team and you come up with your interest because of helmet a jersey, a player, your dad, like that team.


  • You think about all those things way before you get to be a more sophisticated fan and learn about dead money and the cap and the draft.


  • So that said, just from an intrinsic standpoint, just stepping back with your Jets fan and we'll get into the future of the Jets.


  • What it means Donald's future.


  • Just from a simple fan perspective.


  • Put yourself back in his eight year old Mike Greenberg.


  • What, are you happy to see what happened?


  • Yes.


  • No, uh, I don't I'd like to think that even at eight years old, I would have understood that that was a devastating win.


  • And let me make it clear, like I feel good for the players and I give them a lot of credit.


  • That's two weeks out of the last three.


  • They were the better team on the field.


  • They should have beaten the Raiders.


  • Obviously, we all remember what happened there.


  • So in a completely lost season when you could easily have packed it in two out of three weeks, they were the better team.


  • This is this.


  • A team that now, when the second consecutive week they had a 3000 mile trip out to the West Coast.


  • They've just been in Seattle the week before.


  • Now they go out to L.


  • A and play this game.


  • It was a game they absolutely should have gotten shellacked.


  • So for them to have risen up and been the better team on the field yesterday, definitively, I give them a lot of credit.


  • The players, Ah, lot of credit, and I'm happy for them.


  • They will not have to suffer the indignity of a No.


  • 1 16 season that said, Obviously, for the franchise, it's devastating.

    1 16シーズンは、明らかに、フランチャイズのために、それは壊滅的だと言った。

  • The only thing the New York Jets had going for them, they had one thing going for them, and that is they were in position to get Trevor Lawrence who everyone says is the next coming of insert whatever name you want, Elway lock or whatever other you wanna put in there.


  • They're no longer that.


  • So now they literally have nothing.


  • They are, They are.


  • They are the worst, I mean, and Bill Barnwell said it last week.


  • If they don't get the first pick, they're the least attractive coaching job that will become available this offseason, and I think that's right.


  • So I I feel great for the players.


  • But for the organization, nothing worse than this could possibly have happened.


  • So, G.


  • If things stay status quo and the Jacksonville Jaguars don't win again, the Jets end up with the second overall pick.


  • What should they do?


  • Well, that's really the big question here is.


  • Did Sam Donald yesterday become the Jets quarterback for the next two years?


  • They can pick up his fifth year option, and they don't have to commit to him beyond that, so he would be their quarterback then for the next two years.


  • What a what a good organization would do is they would find a coach and they would let the coach make that decision, and that coach would be working hand in hand with the general manager.


  • In a perfect world, those to every now and again would actually be hired at the same time.


  • So in theory, they have some unison in what they're doing, as opposed to the rare and delicate genius that is Christopher Johnson, who obviously sees a different way of doing things.


  • Eso What I think will happen is the Jets will make that decision and then tell the coach who the quarterback is going to be, which is exactly the opposite of the way you should do that.

    江蘇 私が思うことは、ジェッツはその決定を行い、その後、あなたがそれを行うべき方法とは正反対の方法であるクォーターバックが誰であるかをコーチに伝えるだろうということです。

  • I would love to see.


  • Well, the question is, has Justin Fields and he will have it least one more opportunity if not to to show the world how good he is.

    さて、問題は、ジャスティン・フィールズを持っているし、彼はそれを持っている少なくとも1つの機会を持っている 彼がどのように優れているかを世界に示すためにではない場合。

  • They'll play Clemson in the semi finals, and if they find a way to win that, then maybe he gets a shot at Bama.


  • Is Justin Fields, the kind of player that you get a king's ransom for the number two pick?


  • You'll get a King's ransom for number one.


  • Would you get a King's ransom trading away the number two pick?


  • See, I think that's what the decision hens on the compensation that the Jets could actually get with the number two pick because Todd McShay, Mel Kiper they both think that Trevor Lawrence and Justin Fields are gonna go 12 So if you're the Jets and you're at number two and you're convinced that Sam Donald is gonna be your guy, at least for the next couple of years, then I think that's really where you have a choice to make.

    私は、それがジェッツが実際にナンバー2のピックで得ることができる報酬についての意思決定の雌鳥だと思います なぜなら、トッド-マクシェイとメル-カイパーは両方ともトレバー-ローレンスとジャスティン・フィールズが行くと考えているからです 12 だから、あなたがジェッツであり、あなたがナンバー2にいる場合、あなたはサム-ドナルドがあなたの男になるだろうと確信しているなら、少なくとも今後数年間は、あなたが選択する必要があると思います。

  • But I'm in agreement with you that the head coach should be the one to make that decision.


  • But I feel bad for all the Jets fans because I think they're in a glass case of emotion is to steal a phrase from Ron Burgundy from Anchorman just because of you know, you're in this position where you're rooting for your team because you don't want to see them go winless.

    しかし、私は彼らが感情のガラスケースにいると思うので、私はすべてのジェッツのファンのために悪いと感じる 彼らは感情のガラスケースの中にいると思うので、あなたが知っているので、アンチョーマンからロン-バーガンディからのフレーズを盗むことです、あなたが知っているだけで、この位置にいるので、あなたのチームを応援しているところで、あなたは彼らが無敗に行く見たくないので。

  • But you're rooting against your team because you know what's at stake in a generational talent and Trevor Lawrence.


  • Now let me just clarify one quick thing.


  • No Jet fan is happy at all today that they didn't go winless.


  • Not going winless was not.


  • There was no e.


  • I think Evan would have something to say about that really, I I would not have.


  • Look, at the end of the day, there's only one Trevor Lawrence, and if he's really that good, I mean, it would at least have been something to be excited about.

    結局のところ トレバー・ローレンスは一人しかいない もし彼が本当に優秀なら 興奮しただろうな

  • If you are rooting for this franchise, which is so dysfunctional, the ownership is so totally out to lunch, um, that at least there would have been something to feel good about.

    このフランチャイズを 応援しているのであれば 所有者は完全にランチに出かけています 少なくとも何か良いことがあったでしょうね

  • Now there's literally nothing to feel good about.


  • There is nothing better about being one and 15 and having the second pick than being Oh, and 16 and having the first pick.


  • There's no doubt about it.


  • Apparently, the ownership is out to lunch in the United Kingdom, though that might be changing way should mention here.


  • Over the last few weeks, when we've had Mel and Todd on our draft experts, everybody has said there's been, you know, ah, negligible difference between Trevor Lawrence and Justin Fields.


  • But over the last few games, especially since Lawrence has returned from co vid and the way that Ohio State has struggled, quote unquote, relatively speaking, including against Mike's alma mater over the weekend, that gap has seemed toe widen a bit So let me ask you moving forward.

    しかし、ここ数試合の間に、特にローレンスが共同ビデオから戻ってきて以来、オハイオ州が苦戦してきた方法を引用して、相対的に言えば、週末のマイクの母校戦を含めて、そのギャップは少し広がっているように見えます だから、前に進むことを尋ねさせてください。

  • Whether it's one to Lawrence Fields, Fields, Lawrence, Jets, Jags, Jags, Jets You're looking at a situation where the Jags haven't won since Week one.


  • The Jets finally won yesterday.


  • Both coaches air on scalding hot seats and are unlikely to return.


  • Um, the Jets do have a little stability in the front office because you can't pin all this on Joe Douglas.


  • While the Jags have been a revolving door in the front office, neither situation is optimal.


  • But which right now, like, if you're Trevor Lawrence saying all right, I'm not gonna pull in, Elway.

    でも今は トレバー・ローレンスが言ってるように 俺は引き下がらないよ エルウェイ

  • I'm not gonna pull in.


  • Eli Manning.


  • I'm gonna go to the team that drafts me at number one.


  • Which team should he hoped that ISS Well, I'll start by saying it's going to be Jacksonville.


  • Jacksonville wouldn't win another under these circumstances.


  • That winning you out of your mind, the Jets just handed them the gift of all gifts.


  • As an organization, they'll bench everybody before they'll win another game.


  • Um, I think we were just talking about this during the break.


  • Um Szubin.


  • And it's an excellent question what the Jets have going for you if you're Trevor Lawrence, is that at least it is New York.


  • I mean, you get to go to the New York market, you get a chance to be the savior at Look, I mean, just look at ESPN, like for however much the Jets have not been winning half of our lineup.

    私が意味するのは、あなたがニューヨーク市場に行くために、あなたは救世主になるチャンスを得る 見て、私が意味するのは、ちょうどESPNを見て、いくらジェッツは私たちのラインナップの半分を獲得していないような。

  • Our former Jets, there are days, went on my show.


  • I've got I've got Mike Tannenbaum, Rex Ryan and Mark Sanchez all at the same time at Barton there And and Bart Scott, What am I talking about?

    マイク・タネンバウム レックス・ライアン マーク・サンチェスが同時にバートンにいて バートン・スコットもいた 何の話だ?

  • I mean, you know what I mean.


  • So, like, there is a There is a value in going to New York.


  • And if you should ever figure out a way to resurrect that franchise and be the quarterback who leads them for the first time, I mean, look Joe named Look.

    そして、もしあなたがフランチャイズを復活させる方法を考え出すべきならば... ...最初に彼らを導くクォーターバックになる、 つまり、ルックという名のジョーを見てください。

  • Look at the celebrity that Joe Nemeth remains Half a century after winning a Super Bowl with the New York Jets.


  • Thanks for watching ESPN on YouTube for live streaming sports and premium content.


we have our resident Jet fan, Mike Greenberg joining us this morning, Mike.


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