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  • long lines forming again at supermarkets in the UK that after warnings Monday from Tesco and Sainsbury's, the country's two biggest supermarket chains, said fresh fruit and vegetables could soon run short.


  • Supplies are being held up by virus related travel bans imposed by France and other countries that has seen trucks stuck at ports on either side of the English Channel.


  • On Tuesday, ministers said shoppers shouldn't worry.


  • They say food supplies are plentiful and there is no need for panic buying.


  • But industry isn't totally reassured.


  • The British Retail consortium, which represents major stores, said there could be gaps on shelves if the transport issue isn't solved soon.

    主要店舗を代表するBritish Retailのコンソーシアムは、輸送の問題がすぐに解決されない場合、棚に隙間ができる可能性があると述べた。

  • It said the borders needed to be running smoothly by Wednesday.


  • A spokesman pointed out that 70% off the soft fruit eaten by Britain's at this time of year comes through channel ports.


  • Hopes for a deal have risen.


  • The BBC cited France's Europe minister as saying Britain and France would restart freight movement by Wednesday.


long lines forming again at supermarkets in the UK that after warnings Monday from Tesco and Sainsbury's, the country's two biggest supermarket chains, said fresh fruit and vegetables could soon run short.


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