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  • Welcome to Georgia Highlands College Math 97 and Math 99 video tutorials.

  • In this video segment well be answering the question, how do you add and

  • subtract or combine fractions with like denominators.

  • Well it’s a very simple process because you have like denominators. You have the

  • same piece sizes that youve cut that whole into. So all you're doing when

  • you're adding or subtracting is youre counting up how many of those same piece

  • sizes that you have.

  • So the steps are, combine your numerators over your common denominator.

  • So if we look at it theoretically, we have A over B plus C over D, we have the

  • situation of having like denominators here. So we have our piece sizes being B,

  • and A and C is how many of those we have.

  • So we simply combine them, A plus C and put it over what the piece size was to

  • begin with, which is B.

  • So let's look at that with numbers so it’s a little bit clearer.

  • All right, so we have two situations set up here. We have 2/5 plus 1/5 and 2/5

  • minus 1/5.

  • Now please notice that all of these holes are the same size and I have all of

  • the holes cut into the same piece size, which is fifths.

  • So let's look at that first one where we are adding. So we start out with 2/5 or

  • 2 of these pieces that are of the size of being a 1/5 of the whole, and then

  • Were going to gather up 1 more of those pieces that are fifths to give us a

  • total of 3/5.

  • So if we use our rule and look at the symbolic representation below, we have 2/5

  • plus 1/5.

  • Since we have a common piece size, we simply gather up how many of those we have

  • in the numerator by combining them and put them over the common denominator.

  • So we have 3/5 in that first example.

  • Now if we look down where were subtracting these, we start out with 2/5. So we

  • start out with 2 of these pieces that are in fifths, or that are of the size of

  • being a fifth, and then we end up taking one of those pieces away.

  • So we started out with 2 of those pieces that are fifths, but then we end up

  • taking 1 of those pieces away. So we end up with 1/5.

  • And if we look at it symbolically, we combine our numerators 2 and negative 1 or

  • 2 minus 1 over that common piece size of fifths. So 2 minus 1 leaves us with

  • 1/5.

  • So a lot of times, it's much easier to look at fractions in the form of

  • pictures.

  • So hopefully this helped you understand that all you're doing is collecting up

  • how many of the same piece sizes that you have whenever you're adding or

  • subtracting fractions. So you're either gathering up more if you're adding them

  • or youre taking some away from what you have if you're subtracting. Now this is

  • only in the case where you have a common denominator or you have a common piece

  • size between the fractions. If you don't have that, that's for another video.

  • So I hope that this has been helpful for you. If you have any other questions

  • about adding or subtracting fractions with common denominators, please contact

  • your Highlands instructor.

  • Thank you.

Welcome to Georgia Highlands College Math 97 and Math 99 video tutorials.


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A2 初級

Math 0097 & 0099 Tutorial 46 - 同じような分母を持つ分数を足したり引いたりするには? (Math 0097 & 0099 Tutorial 46 - How do you add/subtract (combine) fractions with like denominators?)

  • 25 3
    Hhart Budha に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日