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  • They've been handing out the MBA's M V P since way back, and I know he likes to talk about only things in keys.

    MBAのM V Pは昔から配られていて、キーの中だけの話が好きなのは知っています。

  • Lifetimes is gonna go back a little before Key.


  • You were born.


  • They've been handed out the M V P in the MBA since 1955 56.

    1955 56年からMBAでM V Pを配られています。

  • Bob Pettit was the first winner of the legendary Bob Pettit.


  • Yonas has been the most recent winner.


  • In fact, he's won the last two before the season starts on Tuesday.


  • You have all these anonymous surveys that come out, and it's actually really cool.


  • They talk to the G m.

    G mに話しかける。

  • The rial decision makers were the fans, but they asked the decision makers who's gonna be the M V P.

    リアル決定者はファンだけど、誰がM V Pになるのか聞いてみた。

  • Who's the best player in basketball?


  • And they pulled about eight guys.


  • You know, about a quarter of the league of 25% of the league or so a little little less than that.


  • And seven of the eight dudes, Key said.


  • Your guy LeBron hands down is the best player in the n B A.


  • But barely any of them think he can win the M V p.

    しかし、彼がM V pに勝てると思っている人はほとんどいません。

  • And to a degree you seem to agree with that as we embark on a 72 game season.


  • If he carried the Lakers to their 17th championship and is showing no signs of slowing down whatsoever.


  • How come you're not given the green light for LeBron winning yet another M V P?

    レブロンがまたM V Pに勝ったのになんで許可が下りないんだ?

  • I think when you look at it, there's gonna be a couple of things.


  • That factor is this.


  • The LeBron James fatigue.


  • And not only that, the low management situation he on the on the front and on the back end, LeBron's gonna get rest.


  • I think we all know that once once certain seedings are put into place and they clinch certain things, LeBron will start to rest up at the beginning of the season.


  • Just finished playing basketball month ago, so you're not going to see him all that much in the beginning of the season.


  • At least I don't think so.


  • You'll see him in the middle of the season, but then once they clinch and you get on the back end of it, they'll rest up and into the playoffs.


  • In those decision makers of those voters.


  • With that plus the fatigue factor of LeBron LeBron LeBron LeBron you know, and he's a polarizing figure.


  • They're not gonna vote him in.


  • I mean, they're not gonna vote for him.


  • That's just the reality of it.


  • And I don't know.


  • I mean, there's a small part of LeBron that would love to get another M v P.

    レブロンの中にはもう一回M v Pが欲しいと思っている人がごく一部にいるんだよね

  • There's no question about it, but in the end, I think for him the championship is way more important than an M.


  • V p.

    V p.

  • Okay, I'm onboard with you.


  • Look, they're gonna load manager LeBron James that the course of the year he'll fight that.


  • He'll continue to play, but Luca don check is going to win.


  • M v p and people are probably going to drop their mouth at this comment.

    M v pと人はこのコメントで口を垂れるだろう。

  • He's the next coming of LeBron.


  • Look up the video footage LeBron James had literally said during a sit down on the road trip in podcast at the only player in the NBA he wanted to sign to His own shoe deal was Luca Don Check, look pedantic.

    ビデオ映像を見てください レブロン ・ ジェームズは文字通り座っている間に言っていた彼は彼自身の靴の契約に署名したかった NBA の唯一のプレーヤーでポッドキャストで道路の旅に彼はルカ ドン チェック、衒学的に見えます。

  • Averaged 25 points, 7.5 assists, nine rebounds per game.


  • He led the N B A in triple Double 17 before he got injured this past season, he was in the N V P conversation Top five in the league.

    今季は怪我をする前にトリプルダブル17でN B Aをリードし、リーグ戦ではN V Pの会話トップ5に入っていた。

  • In the league, he has been a meteorite that has been ascending, and the one thing I could say about him is there certain players that when you see them on the court, he's must watch TV.


  • Zoubi You talked about that earlier in the segment about Yanis about you felt like it was hard.

    Zoubi さっきヤニの話をしていましたが、大変だったんですね。

  • Janice doesn't pull you to the TV screen to watch every time Luke Adan check is playing.


  • I'm watching that damn game because he makes the game easier for everybody else around him.


  • He sees things before happens.


  • He doesn't have the explosiveness like LeBron did at this stage of his career, but his skill set is off the charts.


  • Man, He could get to anywhere he wants to get on the court.


  • He could score over anybody.


  • And I'm telling you that certain guys the game plays fast.


  • He sees the game slow, Play fast, think slow.

    彼はゲームをゆっくりと見ている 早くプレイして、ゆっくりと考える。

  • That's what Luke Adachi is in a dime, 24 7 all the time.


  • He certainly up there on the list.


  • I mean, there's no question about it, and I think when you as you start to think about some of the players.


  • I think you're gonna fall into the same category where Yana says LeBron James, where there's Yanis fatigue and Yanis hasn't even delivered the championship yet, and he's been in the playoffs several times, so it's kind of he keeps getting bounced, so they're not going to reward him for those things.

    ヤナがレブロン・ジェイムスと言ってるのと同じカテゴリーに入るんじゃないかな ヤニスの疲労があってヤニスはまだ優勝すら届けてないし プレーオフにも何度か出てるからバッシングされ続けてるようなものだから そういうのは報われないんじゃないかな?

  • Anthony Davis, another big for the Lakers, is kinda gonna split those conversations between LeBron, a teammate of his and himself.


  • So he's not gonna win out on those things.


  • You think about Steph Curry.


  • Steph Curry, depending on where he bring, would bring the Golden State Warriors to If he, all of a sudden, the Golden State Warriors, air at the top of the heat, then you you can't leave.

    ステッフカリーは、彼が持ってくる場所に応じて、ゴールデンステートウォリアーズに持ってくるだろう 彼は、突然、ゴールデンステートウォリアーズは、熱のトップで空気、その後、あなたが残すことはできません。

  • I'll Steph Curry, because that means he's done some magical stuff to get them in that conversation.


  • And then I think lastly, what Kawhi Leonard can Kawhi Leonard get through with the Lakers and tie Lewis the new coach and give you something that makes you believe that the Clippers can go on and win the championship.


  • Okay, I will say one dark horse.


  • You can't look them over just cause I think they're going to be the most polarizing team in the NBA.


  • He's able to stay healthy.


  • Is Kevin Durant well Kevin Durant?


  • Just one of the most prolific scorers we've ever seen?


  • Just gotta.


  • He's a dark horse in this whole thing, because if him and Kyrie start clicking at the right time between things that they're going to say between things that they won't say between I G stories and then going I g live, I'm just telling you they're gonna be the most talked about team in the NBA this year because of the electricity that they have between the two of them.

    彼はこの全体の中ではダークホースだ 彼とカイリーが適切なタイミングでクリックを開始した場合、彼らがI Gの話の間に彼らが言うことはありませんが、その後、I Gライブに行くことになるので、私はちょうどあなたに言っている 彼らは今年のNBAで最も話題のチームになるだろう、彼らは2人の間にある電気のために、彼らの間で持っている。

  • Couple of points here, fellas, before we get back into some more NFL talking just a bit, Jay's got Luca Don t, which is the favorite to win.

    ここでいくつかポイントがあるんだが NFLの話に戻る前に ジェイはルカ・ドントが優勝候補だ

  • He just said it.


  • He's also the betting favorite to win, courtesy of Caesar's William Hill.


  • So Jay comes from that n b a experience, perspective and the gambling perspective also on the Mavericks young superstar to Qi's point Today key, believe it or not, is the 65th day since LeBron won the championship, so it's been just over two months.

    だからジェイは、そのn bの経験、視点、ギャンブルの観点からもチーのポイント今日のキーにマーベリックスの若いスーパースターに来る、それを信じているかどうかは、レブロンがチャンピオンシップを獲得したので、それはちょうど2ヶ月以上されているので、65日目です。

  • They clinched the championship on a Sunday night October 11th.


  • It's been just 65 days.


  • It'll be 71 days.


  • I love use uber there, I said a month.


  • That's so Zubin went right to the numbers 65 days and for the day.


  • But I'm just accentuating your point, which is, you know, I just love it, though I can always count on you, Zubin, to make sure that the numbers are correct, right?


  • And the thing about it is, I'm just accentuating your point that it's really no off season at all.


  • If you're basically talking to plants months, it'll be 71 days until they get back on the floor.


  • Last thing.


  • I want to stay on the M V P chatter, and I agree back in the old days.

    M V Pのおしゃべりのままでいたい、昔に戻って同意。

  • Two.


  • Keys point story line.


  • You can't give it to Michael every year.


  • Let's give it to Charles Barkley.


  • One year.


  • Let's give it to Karl Malone one year because of the storyline.


  • But keep in mind here just in the last decade, and you fellas know this.


  • We've had repeat winners just this last decade.


  • I'm talking like 2010 to 2020.


  • LeBron's wanted twice in a row.


  • Steph wanted twice in a row, and Yonas has won it twice in a row.


  • So the storyline perspective is there, but the voters have shown if there's somebody overwhelmingly their toe win it, they will give it to you back to back.


  • Thanks for watching ESPN on YouTube for live streaming sports and premium content subscribed to ESPN plus right now.


They've been handing out the MBA's M V P since way back, and I know he likes to talk about only things in keys.

MBAのM V Pは昔から配られていて、キーの中だけの話が好きなのは知っています。

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ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級 日本語 レブロン mvp キー 疲労 シーズン nba

'ルカ・ドンシッチがレブロンを下してMVPを獲得する' - ジェイ・ウィリアムズ|キーショーン、JWill & Zubin ('Luka Doncic is going to win the MVP' over LeBron - Jay Williams | Keyshawn, JWill & Zubin)

  • 6 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2020 年 12 月 19 日