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  • Aaron Rodgers, Patrick Mahomes and Tom Brady are the only quarterbacks with a higher Q B R than Mayfield has had going back to October 25th.

    アーロン・ロジャース、パトリック・マホメス、トム・ブレイディは、10月25日に遡ってメイフィールドが持っていたQ B Rよりも高いQ B Rを持っている唯一のクォーターバックだ。

  • And so I looked it up.


  • And coincidentally or not, that is exactly when Odell Beckham was lost for the season.


  • So we'll make this a change my mind.


  • And I wanna make it clear that this is not a value judgment on how good a player Odell Beckham is, because one Odell Beckham, is healthy.


  • I still believe he is a good is practically any receiver in the NFL, but I think it cannot be overlooked that Baker Mayfield has just flat played better since Odell left.

    私はまだ彼は良いと信じています NFL の実質的に任意のレシーバーですが、それは見過ごせないと思うベイカー メイフィールドはちょうどフラット オデルが去ってからより良いプレーをしています。

  • And my theory is that sometimes some quarterbacks need to be the number one guy on their team.


  • Some of them just do it naturally, and others may have a little more difficulty with that.


  • And it feels to me like that has been the scenario here in Cleveland.


  • One way or another, I think it is just in arguable that Baker Mayfield has been better since Odell Beckham went out Dominique Fox with Do you want to change my mind?

    一つの方法または別の方法で、私はそれがちょうど議論の余地があると思いますベーカーメイフィールドは、オデル-ベッカムがドミニク-フォックスと出て行って以来、より良いものになっていますDo you want to change my mind?

  • So first of all it's hard to argue with the numbers, but you understand that just because there is some correlation that does that that does not mean that that is the cause.


  • Like it's impossibly hard for me to imagine that a team is better without a more talented player and my assessment of that.


  • It reminds me a bit of the Carson Wentz situation, where some people suggested that drafting Jalen Hurts impacted Carson Wentz so much psychologically that he was bad now.

    それは私を少し思い出させるカーソン ・ ウェンツの状況は、いくつかの人々 はジャレン ・ ハーツをドラフトしたカーソン ・ ウェンツに影響を与えたので、心理的に彼は今悪いことを示唆しています。

  • So if you're arguing that having possibly one of the best receivers in the game on your team and whatever his personality is, it's so big that your quarterback can't handle it.

    もしあなたが議論しているのなら ゲームで最高のレシーバーの一人を チームに抱えていて 彼の性格がどうであれ それはクォーターバックが 扱えないほど大きなものだということです

  • That it makes him bad like that to me suggests it says Mawr negative about the quarterback than it does about the receiver.


  • So it does.


  • I don't I find it hard to believe that Baker Mayfield guy who's out there and brash and attracting all this attention and seems to thrive on the trolling that Baker Mayfield is intimidated by by Odell Beckham's presents so much that he forgets how to throw the football.


  • Like I feel like there are a lot of other reasons why Baker is playing well, and maybe Odell being out is part of it.


  • But it is the tiniest part of it.


  • It's not worth us, um, giving it the credence that I feel like you're trying to give it.

    私たちには価値がないのよ あなたがそれに信憑性を与えようとしているような気がするの

  • I think you just took what I said and attached a lot of words I didn't use.


  • I didn't say intimidated.


  • I didn't say that he he wasn't terrible and then became great.


  • But I do believe that your initial point is right.


  • Is there a correlation or is there a cause?


  • That is the question we're trying to get to the bottom of.


  • And it feels more and more to me like it is the cause.


  • Desmond Howard, what do you think?

    デズモンド・ハワード どう思う?

  • I put it to you like this.


  • This is the holiday season, right?


  • So you have toys as a child, and then during the holidays, you get a special toy when you get this new toy and the inclination is I wanna play with this new toy.


  • I want to try it out.


  • And then you don't really give a lot of attention to your old toys.


  • That's Odell Beckham coming to the brown.


  • So you get this transcending type of talent.


  • This guy is a guy who the offensive coordinator says when I'm game planning, I gotta work him into the game plan.


  • We got to get it to him.


  • And so the quarterback is saying, Okay, I got this new toy.


  • I got to get the ball to him.


  • I gotta, you know, feature this guy when he's gone.


  • Now everything is more balanced Now.


  • You could play with all your old toys.


  • Everything has more harmony and things go smoother.


  • So now with Odell Beckham Jr out there are more balanced offense.


  • You don't feel as though you need the force, the ball toe, a particular receiver.


  • Now you got you got you got Travis.


  • You got You got, uh, people's jobs you can throw the ball to.


  • And you got a great running game too.


  • You guys, you guys are making slightly different arguments and greedy.


  • I'm certainly familiar with having your words mischaracterized.


  • So I'm sorry for that way all are aware of, but I would say that you're making different arguments.


  • I don't think the number is necessarily support.


  • I could be wrong.


  • I'm sure himbo will correct me if I'm wrong.


  • I don't think the numbers support that they were forcing the ball to Odell Beckham when he was out there and greeny.


  • You're arguing something different, that it's about being the man in the room and I'm not sure what psychological impact it's had on them.


  • That's the thing I'm not willing to accept.


  • I maybe I may understand that maybe the office of coordinator is stressed by trying to figure out how to get the ball to Odell Beckham and maybe they have, UM, or well rounded game plan.

    私は多分私は多分コーディネーターのオフィスはオデル ・ ベッカムにボールを取得する方法を把握しようとすることによってストレスを受けていることを理解するかもしれませんし、多分彼らは、UM、またはよく丸みを帯びたゲーム計画があります。

  • But they weren't over targeting Odell Beckham.


  • Throughout the course of this and again I go back to my original point.


  • If somebody's personality is becomes bigger than yours in a room as a quarterback, and that's enough to impact your play, I think that you're saying something, Maura about the quarterback, then you're saying about the receiver or you could just have a quarterback who came in and wasn't playing well and had been struggling and heard.


  • Extraordinary criticism may be disproportionate to how badly he was actually playing because he made himself such a target by being so brash and by having all the commercials and planting a flag and winning the Heisman and being the number one pick and all those things that come with it.


  • And so all of that negative attention is out there, and it is difficult for him to take over the room to be like All right, guys, follow May.


  • I'm the man and I'm gonna lead us where we want to go.


  • Now again, I'm just supposing all of these things, But it does make sense to me because anyone who's ever been around Odell Beckham, who was a brilliant player, knows that when he's in the room.

    仮定の話ですが 筋は通っています オデル・ベッカムの周りにいた人なら 誰でも知っているでしょう 彼が部屋にいればね

  • Ah, lot of the attention is on Odell.


  • That's just the nature e I love.


  • I love all the Odell's brashness.


  • I love all these commercials and anyone who says that because he's not playing well, he should stop.


  • That should shut up.


  • But that argument you just made suggesting me that it's better to help Odell Beckham on the team on the team because Odell Beckham is then that lightning Rod Odell Beckham is the guy we're talking to talking about doing these things off the field and doing these things on the sideline, and we are super imposing all these thoughts on Odell Beckham that we have about other people and Odell Beckham attracts at attention.


  • I would argue that having Odell Beckham gives Baker Mayfield the space to focus on these other things because when Odell Beckham goes out, you know who we blame.


  • We don't have that easy scapegoat of pointing at the diva wide receiver.


  • We blame Baker Mayfield, so I would argue that your point like it doesn't make sense to me necessarily.


  • You want that lightning rod, You want that attention?

    避雷針が欲しいのか 注目されたいのか?

  • E.


  • Dominic is going with this, but I just think they have a more balanced office now with Jarvis Landry.

    ドミニクはこれで行くつもりだが 彼らはよりバランスの取れた オフィスを持っていると思う ジャービス・ランドリーと今は

  • People's Jones, The running attack.


  • I don't know about what Odell Beckham does off the field.


  • How it affects, uh, Baker.


  • Mayfield Baker.


  • Mayfield has a strong enough personality that he's going to be who he is.


  • He showed us that when he was in college.


  • It just continue when he is in Cleveland with the Browns.


  • Say, you know, with or without Odell Beckham Jr.


  • Baker Mayfield still going to be Baker Mayfield.


  • Thank you for watching ESPN on YouTube for live streaming sports and premium content.


Aaron Rodgers, Patrick Mahomes and Tom Brady are the only quarterbacks with a higher Q B R than Mayfield has had going back to October 25th.

アーロン・ロジャース、パトリック・マホメス、トム・ブレイディは、10月25日に遡ってメイフィールドが持っていたQ B Rよりも高いQ B Rを持っている唯一のクォーターバックだ。

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