字幕表 動画を再生する 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント These are my hidden spots in Azabu Juban 今日はオラの隠れたおすすめスポットを紹介すっぞ ♪music♪ 麻布十番 I'm back with another food video, 今日もまたうまい食いもんを食いに行くぞ 今回オラは麻布十番に来てんだ this time I'm in Azabu Juban 今回行くのは、オラのおすすめスポットと 隠れた名店! and I'm showing you my favorite spots 麻布十番に来たことない人がいたら ここはなんつーか、、独特の雰囲気があるところなんだ and some of them are actually 日本と欧米が入り混ざったような感じなんだ hidden spots that I haven't shared before めっちゃユニークな街で、 オラが初めて日本に来た時に好きになった町でもある If you guys have never been to Azabu Juban, じゃあ早速、オラのおすすめスポットを紹介すっぞ then it has kinda its own atmosphere その前に、まずはオラの日常はインスタでチェックしてくれ It kind of has this mix of チャンネルサポートはグッズ購入からお願いな a Japanese and European Western vibe 日本のことや日本旅行について知りたい人は DISCORDコミュニティーをチェックしてくれ Which is so unique on its own よっしゃ〜!今日も食うぞ!! and it's one of the first neighborhoods I discovered 麻布十番は六本木の隣で南北線と大江戸線が通ってるから when I came to Japan and I wanted to めっちゃアクセス抜群なんだ share with you some of my favorite spots 麻布十番は江戸時代からさかえてたらしく、 レトロとモダンが混ざった高級住宅街なんだ I'm so excited to start this video, まず向かいたいのは、もちろん麻布商店街! but before I start, 300以上の店が軒を連ねてんだぞ if you wanna see what I do on the daily, 100年以上続く老舗の隣に 最新のグルメスポットがあるっていうのが面白いよな check out my Instagram 脇道を無視(SLEEP ON)すんじゃねーぞ、 本当に寝る(SLEEP)のもダメだし If you wanna support, check out the Tokyo merch とにかく、絶対脇道にも足を伸ば住んだぞ If you have questions ここはこのエリアで有名なカスタムベーグルショップだ about Japan or your Japan travels, check out my Discord community レインボーベーグルで一躍有名になった店なんだけど そんなトレンドに騙されちゃまだアマだぜ Without further ado, let's get our food on! すんげーうんまいサンドイッチがあるんだぞ フッフ〜〜〜〜〜〜!!! Azabu Juban is located right next to 自分でチョイスできねぇってやつは Roppongi with Namboku and Oedo lines 内容は決まってるメニューから選べるぞ 食事系からデザート系まであるんだ running to the area, ヴィーガンのオプションもあるしな! making it fairly easy to access 決めらんなくてさ。。。 オラ、2個もベーグル買っちまったぞ An affluent area since the Edo period, まずはデザート系から行こうぜ!! それがオラのやり方だかんな Azabu Juban is known for its high-end これはオレオモンスター! residential spaces with a mixture of a retro and modern atmosphere クッキーとブルーベリークリームチーズとオレオを ユニコーンベーグルに挟んだぞ Of course, the main attraction here is まず、一口 Azabu Juban shotenkai which has more than 300 shops 全部食べたらめっちゃ罪悪感だぞ and I love how you can find shops with ベーグル自体はめっちゃ新鮮で、もちもちしてて うまくないわけないよな over 100 years of history sitting next to a trendy international gourmet shop, なんてすんばらしいメシなんだ but don't sleep on the side streets! ほらみろよ I mean, yeah I guess don't sleep there, めちゃカロリーすげーぜ but also you should visit the side streets 2つ目はビーフ&チーズブリスケットだ #1: New New York Club めちゃ肉が分厚いぞ this is the go-to custom bagel sandwich shop in the area この肉からめちゃめちゃ色んな味がするぜ It got popular for its rainbow bagels, チーズと良い感じだしソースは甘い系だけどそんな甘すぎずが良い感じだ but don't get blinded by the trendy flash チーズが良い感じに溶けててオラ好みだ They make excellent bagel sandwiches これは結構ボリュームある方だから 何口か食べただけで結構ハラにずっしりくるな that will have you singing, "Hold me, hold me!" ブリスケットにめちゃ合うと思ったから ベーグルもチーズにしたぞ And if you're not about that custom life ここにはどんな組み合わせのベーグルもあるから you can pick up from one of their set bagel configurations アメリカンな、とかニューヨークを思い出したかったら ここに来るといいぜ from savory to sweet; they even got a vegan option! 70年以上も歴史があるこの店は 今川焼きが地元の人にも人気だぞ I couldn't actually decide today, オラの人生はいつ始まったんだ? so I got two of the bagels って、自分が何言ってるかもよくわかんねぇ First of all we're gonna start with the dessert because とりあえず今日一日めちゃいい日になりそうだわ that's how I like to roll だってこのちっちゃいうまそうなやつ手に入れたからな This one is their 'Oreo Monster', チーズとカスタードだ you can see the cookie チーズから食うべ It has some blueberry cream cheese, なんかメシっぽいからな it has some Oreo cookie, 2つの柔らかい皮がくっついて and then I got the unicorn bagel この皮には黒糖が混ぜられててさ 柔らかくてうめーんだ Let me just take a bite ぱっと見、硬くてパリパリなんだけど もちみたいなふわふわ感じがあるぞ I feel so guilty eating this そこが他の店とは違うところだな The bagel itself is super fresh 食べてみたらチーズだけじゃなくて なんかマヨネーズみたいな味もするぞ It's a little on the chewy side, バターの風味もするし but has a nice kind of chewy texture to it デザートっぽくて、パンケーキにチーズとマヨネーズを トッピングしたみたいだ Cannot go wrong with this こっちがデザート用に買ったカスタード What a stupendous meal, カスタード落とすんじゃないぞ 湯気も見えてんな look at that 秋になってちょっと寒くなってきたし、紅葉もいい感じで落ちてるし そんな季節にはまじぴったりのおやつだな That is some junk in your trunk カスタードは卵の風味もいいな and let me show you the second dealio さすが70年以上も続いているだけあるな This one is the 'Beef 'n' Cheese Brisket' そんだけ続けようと思ったらうまいはずだぜ Look how thick that meat is right there さて、次 There's quite a lot of flavor coming ちょっと寄り道して空港の土産店的なところだぞ from that brisket paired with the cheese 見てみろよ!!これ全部豆だぜ!! 100種類以上じゃねぇか? the sauce itself is a little bit sweet, 土産にはちょうどいいサイズで、めちゃ種類もあるぜ but not too sweet 絶対何かしらは見つかるな Cheese is just melty and melty, ここは知る人ぞ知る店だ just how I like it 地元の人に人気なとんかつはポークカツレツだな This one is quite on the heavy side so 豚肉は毎日神奈川と群馬産で特別に選んだものを使ってるぞ even just eating like just a few bites オーダーしてから肉を切り分けられるぞ you feel like this one will fill your stomach カウンターに座ってるとまるで寿司屋に来たみたいだな I got the cheese bagel, I thought it'd go really well 豚肉は低温と高温のグレープシードオイルの中で2回に分けて揚げられる with the brisket and the cheese エクストラクリスピーな衣にするためだ At the end of the day, よだれが止まらないぜ you can have whatever bagel combination 特ヒレカツだ you want in this place, so have fun ほら見ろよ、衣がサクサクだぜ If you want a little piece of the US 一つ目のソースにディップするぞ a little piece of New York, 見ただけで何でこれがスペシャルかわかるだろ? come to this spot まじで今までで食べたベストな豚肉だ!! #2: Tsukishimaya 外側がスーパーサクサクで肉はめちゃ柔らかくて旨味たっぷりだぜ With more than 70 years of history under its spell 甘めのソースにゴマを振りかけたらさらに風味が加わって this shop is beloved by locals for its 'Imagawayaki' ん〜〜〜たまんない!!オラ、ここ来て幸せだぞ Oh okay! Has life started? スペシャルとんかつソースに、だし醤油、2種類の塩、山椒 そして何とカナダ産メープルシロップが用意されてるぞ I don't even know what i'm saying but メイプルシロップでためさしてくれ i feel like today is gonna be a good day ほら、メイプルシロップが垂れてんぞ because i have these びっくりだぜ、肉とメイプルシロップめっちゃ合うぞ two pockets of joy in my hand i've got オラ、他にとんかつとメイプルシロップ一緒に出してる 店なんて聞いたことねぇぞ cheese and i've got custard first of all 塩をちょっと振ってっと i とんかつに塩ひとつまみしただけで、マジうまい personally like to start off with the さらにメイプルシロップ。。。 cheese because it feels more kind of そんで、スペシャルソースに戻る like a real そんでもって、また塩に戻って〜 deal meal こんな色んな味付けで楽しめてマジウメェ it's like two flat biscuits smashed これは豚汁だ together what's really nice about the これさ、底の方におっきな肉の塊があるんだ outer shell ここは何も無駄にはしねーんだ is that they added some black sugar to 衣が分厚目のところが好きなら it to give it that soft texture オラは「むら中」をおすすめするぞ it looks like it would be like hard and 平田牧場の三元豚を食えるんだ crunchy but it has this nice 高くないしさ よだれが止まんねぞ kind of playful bouncy mochi texture ここでこの動画のスポンサー Mobal WiFiを紹介するぞ that 日本で家にWiFiをつなげようと思ったら、まじてーへんだぞ a lot of other pastries like this don't 在留ビザに日本の銀行口座、しかも書類でだ have and then when you take a bite Mobal WiFiはこの面倒な書類の山を全部すっ飛ばすことができるぞ it's not just cheese it almost tastes Mobal WiFiのルーターをONして、hotspotでWiFiに繋げたらもうそれだけだ! like there's like a mayonnaise モバイルかルーターか電波が強い方の回線に繋がるから常にベストな状態が保証される flavor to it like a buttery flavor to it ルーターはコンセントに繋げても使えるし、充電も可能だから持ち歩きもできるぞ more than a dessert 12ヶ月のプランがあるから長期の滞在におすすめだ it feels like i'm having kind of like プランが終了したらルーターはオメェのものだ pancakes with cheese and mayonnaise on オラが Mobal WiFiを勧める理由は、 top of it Mobal日本の住所に送料無料で送ってくれるし、 英語でのカスタマーサポートも完備してるぞ and now for dessert we have the custard 日本でインターネットに繋げたい場合は概要欄のリンクでチェックしてくれよな wow whoa don't lose the custard 以上だ!!さて、次のフードスポットは?? you can see it just steaming perfect for 次にオメェらに紹介したいスポットは、ここだ a fall ビールとぎょうざをつまみたい気分の時は、オラはここをおすすめするぞ day like this when it's a little bit 雰囲気は居酒屋的な感じだな。飲んでつまんで、ツレとしゃべって chilly the leaves are turning brown オラのビールとぎょうざが到着したぜ they're falling on the ground 羽がついててパリパリしてるぞ you just need something to warm you up ほら、聞こえるか? and this is the perfect treat 肉汁が溢れ出てるぞ the custard itself it has that kind of でもまずはビールだな that eggy taste to it i can see like うまいっ this shop has been around for 70 years 酢と醤油とラー油でタレを作るぞ and you know a shop to last タレつけて、と that long it has to be good but anyways ほら見ろよ!!肉汁あふれる〜〜〜 let's move on to the next spot めちゃパリパリ let me show you one spot real quick that 豚肉めちゃうめぇ beats the airport souvenir shops 脂身に肉汁がぎょうざから溢れ出て、まじやばっ look at all these beans i think they パリパリからの口の中で旨味爆発!! have more than 100 めちゃ飛びまくる different beans here it's like kind of 中身がめちゃジューシーなの見えるか?玉ねぎも豚肉も入ってるけど like the perfect place if you want to なんか若干甘味も感じるぞ、多分玉ねぎの甘味だな bring back some souvenirs for some ぎょうざまじうまっ family there's just ビールで流し込んだらまじ天国! so many different types that i think オラ、満足!! you'll be able to find something for 次に行く前に、このスポットを紹介するぞ なんて言うか、電車の駅みたいな感じだな [Music] 受賞歴のあるコロッケ食ってみたくねぇか?? someone 次のスポットへようこそ! number three tonkatsu miyako this spot ここは揚げ物専門店 is one of those 小学校の時のブレスレットみたいに全部手作りだぜ if you know then you know shops ultra 北海道ニセコ産のきたあかりって品種を使ってる popular amongst locals for its tonkatsu 甘味が強いのが特徴だ pork collets ソースの代わりに自家製羅臼こんぶ塩をおすすめしてるぞ the meat is carefully selected every day 材料の味を最大限に引き出すんだ from kanagawa and guma prefectures ウメェやつ手に入れたぞ guaranteeing superior quality and that 見てみろよ、これは和牛コロッケだ fresh fresh the meat is sliced じゃがいもが中に入ってるはずだ only after you order just sitting at the パン粉はカリッとしてこんがり揚げられてて ゴマが振ってある counter it feels like i'm at a sushi 最高だ!! restaurant the meat itself is deep fried まずは一口 twice in a low heat and then a high heat あっつ熱っ rapeseed oil producing an すでに揚げてあるやつもあるし 5分待ったらおめぇらのために揚げてくれっぞ extra crispy shell my mouth is already 揚げたてをもらったから めちゃ熱々だ watering 大きめの和牛も入ってるな i got the tofu hidekatsu look at how たっぷりってだけあって、めちゃ入ってるぞ crispy それから白い粉もくれたぜ the outside is i'm gonna dip it in the 塩やけどな first house from this restaurant like 塩パラパラかけてっと that じゃがいも自体の甘味と、和牛の旨味がマッチしてる oh i mean just look at it you know why そんでもってオラ、このサクサク感が好きなんだ this is this special dish どんだけサクサクかやってみっぞ [Music] もう食っちまったぜ もっと買っとけばよかった oh that's one of the best pieces of meat 実はコロッケだけじゃなくて メンチカツも買っておいたんだぞ i've ever tasted that's golden crispy on 見てみろよ、一口いただきっ the outside and that コロッケ並みにあっつ熱っ meat is so tender and flavorful 肉汁もいい感じなんだけど、もう少し味を足したいな そのために塩くれたんだな oh and that sauce the sweet side add 塩をひとつまみ振りかけることによって、味が強調されるんだな that little sesame there adds a little サクサク bit more texture to it パン粉が全部パンツにかかった。。。 i am so happy coming to this spot ナプキン用意してから食ってくれよな they offer a special tonkatsu sauce いつもどうり顔につきまくるからな dashi soy two kinds of salt でも、うまいっ sancho pepper and wait for that good old ここはほんとにおすすめローカルスポットだぜ canadian maple syrup さて、次 and let me dip it in some canadian maple 1927年に大阪で開業した喫茶店だ syrup 当時働く女性が増えて、女性客の間で 天のやは人気になったらしい look at that dripping maple syrup 芝居見物や観劇などに一口サイズの 「玉子サンドイッチ」が喜ばれたんだって surprisingly that pairs it really well うまそーなの手に入れたぜ together there's no other この箱、今日受け取った中で一番ハッピーな箱だな place i know where you can get maple 包装がすげぇぞ syrup and katsu クリスマスにプレゼント開けるみたいだな together and then also you can throw 見ろよ、このプレミア感 some salt on it めちゃ大量のエッグサンド!! wow the salt just itself with the katsu 家族用じゃね? is it brilliant let me just 1、2、3、4、5、6、、、 フレッシュなエッグサンド throw some more maple syrup on here 半分になってるから12個だな and then go back to the miyako special 半分にしたら丸々一個ってわけじゃないか。。。 sauce and then throw it back with some めちゃすんげぇエッグサンドだぞ more salt マヨネーズの匂いする i love how you can taste all the うんめぇ〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 different flavors here このエッグサンドイッチ、まじぶっ飛んでる this is their tonjito right here and ほんと、うんめぇの what i love about it 卵焼きから滲み出てる水分見えっか?? is if you kind of dig down deep huge 卵焼き自体は結構固めなんだな chunks of meat inside 前食べたやつとかはもっとふわふわのやつとかあったけど、これは詰まってる感じ [Music] マスタードか、ワサビか、その両方か入ってるな none of the scraps go to waste here now めちゃ色んな味がしていいな if you're into a traditional tonkatsu 出汁もよく効いてるぞ with a thicker breading i もしこれをラッピングしてプレゼントされたら also gotta give a shout out to muranaka オラまじで喜ぶぞ they serve a delicious sangen butter ありがとうございます もう一個もらってもいいですか??ってな pork from hirata farm 止まんねぇぜ、笑がごぼれちまう and it's a mouth-watering pleasure that たまごサンドイッチの王様だ!! won't break the bank オラの麻布十番おすすめスポットは以上だ before i continue on i wanted to give a 楽しんでくれた人はいいねボタンよろしくな quick shout out to our sponsor for this 日本の食べ物やガイドが見たかったらチャンネル登録と通知設定も忘れずに video またな mobile wi-fi if you don't already know in japan getting a fixed internet into your home is a nightmare it requires a resident visa a japanese bank and a slew of paperwork mobile wifi helps you skip all that mess with no complicated paperwork with a mobile wi-fi rider just turn it on connect to the wi-fi hotspot and you're good to go it connects to whichever mobile network has the strongest signal so you're guaranteed to have the best coverage mobile wi-fi can be plugged in for constant use and it's also battery powered so you can take it with you wherever you go and stay connected comes with a 12 month contract so it's ideal for longer stays in japan and even keep the device at the end of your service here are my top reasons why you should use a mobile wi-fi mobile offer free direct shipping to your home address here in japan and mobile have english speaking customer support so make sure you're always connected in japan and get your mobile wi-fi today by clicking on the link below that said let me take you to the next food spot [Music] number 4 dalian so this is another little secret spot that i wanted to share with all of y'all if you're looking for a kind of like a beer and some gyoza spot then this is where i would recommend to go i mean if you just look around it is kind of like has that izakaya atmosphere you come here to drink and eat maybe just like hang out with some friends i've got my beer right here and i got these awesome dumplings you can see the top of it it's all kind of fried together they call it like putty putty like crunchy and hear that crunch when you break it juices just dripping from the gyoza first i gotta have a beer though that's nice for my little sauce here vinegar soy sauce and some chili oil dip it in like that look at all the juice coming from that dumpling it's just dripping [Music] that is so crunchy that pork is so flavorful all of the oils and the meat juices are coming from that gyoza it's amazing first thing is the crunch and then the next thing is the explosion in your mouth [Music] it's spritzing everywhere you can see how juicy the insides are you see the onions in there you can see that pork has a little bit of a sweetness to it just a little bit maybe coming from the onions the gyoza is just amazing but then to wash it down with the beer is just job done i'm so satisfied so before we continue on i wanted to show you this little spot it's kind of like a little train station let me show you number five rakuman kuroke ever been like hey i want to eat an award-winning koroke well welcome to the next spot this shop's fried goodies are just like my bracelets in elementary school all handmade they use a kitakati potato from hokkaido nisiko which are known for their strong sweetness instead of sauce they recommend using their original rausu kombu salt to brighten up the taste of its ingredients i got the goodies look at this this is a wagyu croquet it should have some potatoes in there crispy panko golden fried sesame seeds on the top can't beat it and take the first bite [Music] wow that is a piping hot you can actually get the ones that they've already made or if you wait five minutes they will freshly fry it for you and that's what we've done and that is ultra piping hot right there and you have these really really thick pieces of wagyu beef they say tapi meaning there's just like a whole lot of wagyu in there and they give you some white powder as well it's actually salt throw some salt up in there look at that sprinkle a little bit on just like so wow [Music] wow the potatoes itself gives off a nice sweetness and the wagyu beef gives the umami just to round out the flavor and i just love how crunchy this is let me just share with you how crunchy this is and i'm all done i should probably have ordered more luckily i didn't just order the koroke i ordered also their menchikatsu look at that let me just take a quick bite [Music] dude super hot just like the croquet the meat juices are on point but i think you just need a little bit more flavor and that's why they give you this salt and then you just gotta like throw a little bit of the salt on to accentuate that flavor and to kind of bring it all out so you got all the salt flakes on there right there and it's just so crispy you can see it just flakes off getting all over my pants make sure to have your napkins ready probably have it all over my face as usual but it's just so good definitely another local spot that i'm showing you all today but that said let's move on to the next mod and number six amanoya this japanese style cafe goes all the way back to 1927 in osaka originally gained its popularity from serving egg sandwiches in bite-sized form to mostly women entering the workforce who also appreciated being able to take their food with them while working outside or visiting the theater i got the baggies of goodies we got the boxes of all boxes this is probably the happiest box i'll get today the wrapping is just insane in japan i feel like christmas where you have to just get through all the wrapping to get your present and bam look at this premium oh my god this is a lot of egg sandwich wow this is for like a small family look at this one two three four five six six healthy egg sandwiches if you split that in half that is a 12 full pieces well if you split that in half i guess that's not a full piece this is the real deal egg sandwich oh you can smell the mayonnaise wow that is amazing that is an egg sandwich that will kick you in the junk this is awesome you can see all of the moistness coming from that egg the texture of the egg is quite solid like some of the eggs i've had are really really fluffy where this one is quite dense wow you could really taste that i think it has some mustard in it but it almost tastes like a wasabi or like a mix of both there's just so much flavor and that dashi is really really strong literally if i got this as a present wrapped in a box like this i would be happy i would say thank you very much can i please have another one i really just can't get enough i am so happy this puts a smile on my face winner winner egg dinner so those are my top food spots in the zaba juban if you guys like this video help me out and hit that like button quick shout out to noon thank you for helping me film this video and if you guys want to see more food videos more japan guides hit that subscribe button and the bell button i'll catch you guys in the next one
B1 中級 日本語 すすめ ベーグル スポット チーズ シロップ 日本 Hidden Japanese Street Food Tour Tokyo Azabu Juban 10 0 Summer に公開 2020 年 12 月 18 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語