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Well, you see what I'm saying?
I most definitely am not welcome to watch Mojo.
And today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 creepiest places on Earth that can't be explained.
Once thought to be the result of a meteor impact, researchers now believe it was caused by a large dome of molten rock, uplifting and once at the surface, being shaped by wind and water into what we see today.
There's still no riel confirmation as to where the water goes.
Once it goes in.
Some researchers suspect a highly poisonous bush of the U Phobia family.
They believe it contaminates the soil so badly that even after its death nothing.
Congrats for this list.
We're looking at the most unsettling, mysterious locations around the world.
If there's a place out there with fearsome features, you can explain, Please tell us about it.
In the comments, Number 10 Catatumbo Lightning storm Venezuela at the mouth of the Catoctin Bow River, where it spills into Lake Maracaibo.
The weather gets a little intense.
Generally, the storm is not only the lightning.
It's also sometimes hurricane force winds, tornadoes, all sorts of formations of clouds, very heavy rain the Cat Atutubo Lightning storm is a phenomenon that occurs between 141 160 days of the year, usually at night.
それはまた、時にはハリケーンの力の風、竜巻、雲の形成のすべての種類、非常に大雨猫Atutubo雷雨は、年間の141 160日の間に発生する現象であり、通常は夜間に。
While its exact frequency varies from year to year, the strange occurrence has been happening with surprising regularity dating back to at least 18 26.
その正確な頻度は年によって異なりますが、奇妙な発生は、少なくとも18 26に戻って驚くほどの規則性で起こっている。
Each storm last for 10 hours and can have 200 lightning strikes per hour.
On some occasions, it's been recorded as having AH lightning strike every second.
Scientists have had some success with predictive models, but theories on its exact cause remain inconclusive.
Ideas have ranged from localized uranium to methane to a convergence of atmospheric variables.
It originates from a massive storm clouds over five kilometers high, which are likely the result of winds from the lake meeting surrounding mountain ranges and collecting heat and moisture, creating electrical charges.
それは湖の会合の周囲の山脈からの風の可能性が高い結果であり、熱および湿気を集め、電荷を作成する 5 キロメートル上の大規模な嵐雲に由来します。
Whatever the cause, the effect is stunning and terrifying.
Number nine.
The Hostel in Lights, Norway Since at least the 19 thirties, strange lights have been observed in the sky above the hostel in Valley in Norway, sometimes resembling spheres and other times streaks.
ノルウェーの光のホステル、ノルウェー 少なくとも1930年代から、ノルウェーの谷のホステルの上の空に奇妙な光が観測されており、時には球体や他の回の縞模様に似ています。
Thes strange lights are not in Aurora, nor are they any known craft, although aircraft have been mistaken for them their duration, speed, time of appearance and behavior very wildly to the point that making observations or hypotheses has proven difficult.
Aside from the inevitable claims of alien activity, a number of ideas have been put forth, such as plasma created from Radan decay or electric charge is generated from quartz grains in the valley below.
Until a conclusive theory is reached, we'll just have to keep looking to the sky.
Number eight, The reshot structure Mauritania Located in the Sahara Desert, the reshot structure, also known as the Eye of the Sahara, is a strange Siris of concentric geological rings.
8番、レショット構造 モーリタニア サハラ砂漠に位置し、「サハラの目」とも呼ばれるレショット構造は、同心円状の地質環の奇妙なシリスです。
Due to its remote location, it's not easily observed.
Curiously, archaeological evidence points to early human activity in the area.
The reshot structures origins have long puzzled the scientific community, with theories ranging from it being an impact crater to the lost city of Atlantis.
Wait, mother of Jefferson Davis.
It's beautiful.
The current theory is that it was originally a naturally formed volcanic dome, which collapsed long ago.
Once thought to be the result of a meteor impact, researchers now believe it was caused by a large dome of molten rock uplifting and once at the surface, being shaped by wind and water into what we see today.
Still, the fact that it's rings are equal, distant and that it's so circular is a little unnerve.
Ing Number seven Devil's Kettle, Minnesota Yusa In Judge CR Magne State Park in Minnesota, there's a waterfall named Devil's Kettle.
Ing Number 7 Devil's Kettle, Minnesota 遊佐 ミネソタ州のジャッジCRマグネ州立公園には、Devil's Kettleという名前の滝があります。
The falls split into two, with one side going further downstream and the other flowing into a hole in the rock.
Attempts at throwing objects into the hole and looking for them further on have proven unsuccessful, and the surrounding rock is not the type that usually forms underground passages.
U of M professor Calvin Alexander calls it a giant blender, shredding whatever enters.
But where does it exit?
A recent theory holds that the objects thrown into the kettle are pulverized by the water pressure before they can reappear downstream.
Since there's little loss in water volume, DNA are said Tuesday that hydrologists believe that water re enters the river from underground, not far downstream.
They concluded that because the water volume flowing over the two falls nearly identical to the flow below them, so the mystery water isn't flowing someplace else.
There are those who find fault with the theory, however, inviting us to wonder what's really happening at the devil's kettle.
There's still no riel confirmation as to where the water goes once it goes in number six tonight in Pesca, Peru, deep in the Peruvian Amazon, there lies a very unusual river.
ペルーのアマゾンの奥深くに 非常に珍しい川があります ペルーのペスカの今夜の6番で 水がどこへ行くのかは まだ確認されていません
The show, 19 Pyszka, also called La Bomba, is unlike any river in the world for one simple reason.
ラ・ボンバとも呼ばれるこのショー、19 Pyszkaは、世界のどの川とも違う、シンプルな理由があります。
It boils.
The river stretches nearly four miles long, boils toe over 200 F and is one of two geothermal systems in the world not attributed to volcanic activity.
The temperature of the water there ranges from 120 to 200 F.
It's hard to physically imagine that much hot water.
You stick your hand in, and you will see 2nd and 3rd degree burns.
Although there are other bodies of water that experience higher temperatures, most of these others air located near volcanos or substantial geothermal vents, which the shin item pyszka is not.
より高い温度を経験する水の他の体がありますが、これらの他の空気のほとんどは火山の近くに位置しているか、shin アイテム pyszka ではない実質的な地熱ベント。
Some of the leading theories involved a fault lead, hydrothermal feature or even an oilfield accident.
But for now, the cause of the rivers heat remains open to debate.
But again, despite all of these studies, all of these discoveries and the legends, a question remains.
What is the significance of the boiling river?
Number five Crooked Forest, Poland.
5位 ポーランドの曲がった森
The last or crooked forest lies just outside graphene Oh, a town in Poland, a grove of pine trees.
The crooked forest, true to its name, consists of trees whose trunks are unusually bent towards the north shortly after the emerge from the ground.
Although planted fairly recently, if you can call 1930 recent, there's no record or conclusive proof for why the trees air shaped like something out of a Brothers Grimm fairytale.
You see what I'm saying?
I most definitely I'm not.
Theories abound, with some believing a snowstorm could have Bentham, while others suggest human involvement to shape them like boat hulls.
The equipment and method used in the latter case is anyone's guess.
Number four Maggie Cheung, China Maggie Cheung roughly translates to City of the Devil, and that's ah, hauntingly apt name for this desolate desert region.
4位 マギー・チャン(中国) マギー・チャンは「悪魔の街」という意味で、荒涼とした砂漠地帯にふさわしい名前です。
Ah, huge stone formation resides here with shapes that resemble castles and demons.
As creepy and mysterious is, the stones are what's even more spine tingling is the ambiance.
Visitors report hearing a variety of eerie noises on the wind during sunny days.
It said that music could be heard while cloudy days bring on the disturbing sounds of people in pain and wild beasts.
Ghost enthusiasts are sure to get a kick out of the place.
But until science can explain this chilling phenomenon, other tourists may want to steer clear.
Number three Coca MOJ um Indiana Yusa, The City of Firsts Coca, Mo.
第3位 コカMOJ umインディアナ遊佐 初代コカの街 Mo.
Indiana may seem like any other city in the United States, but there's an invisible force terrorizing the locals sound.
Some residents have reported a persistent, low pitched humming noise in the town Since 1999.
The noise has been blamed for everything from headaches to nausea to joint pains.
One possible culprit is the nearby DaimlerChrysler plant, and it's huge, large cooling towers.
You might not have to travel to coca Moto experience the hum, however, as reports from across the world have people experiencing similar symptoms, is it a case of mass hysteria, or is there something connecting these accounts?
世界中からのレポートが同様の症状を経験している人々 を持っているようにハム、しかし、コカモトの経験に旅行する必要はないかもしれない、それは大量のヒステリーの場合ですか、またはこれらのアカウントを接続する何かがあるのですか?
It remains a disconcerting mystery.
Oh, God!
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
Oh, God.
I'm so start number two fairy circles Namibia, The crop circles of the natural world fairy circles are bare circular patches of grass found in the desolate grasslands of Namibia as well as in Western Australia.
The local people have ascribed the circles creation to gods or spirits, much like the similar phenomena of fairy rings, which are found worldwide.
There's actually millions of them, and in fact, they can grow up to 65 ft in diameter and live up to 75 years.
Scientists have no idea what the heck they are or how they're formed, but their nicknamed Ferry Circle More scientific explanations, however, includes sand termites, which have been found in and around most of them, or else as a result of underground moisture competition among grasses.
Some researchers suspect a highly poisonous bush of the U Phobia family.
They believe it contaminates the soil so badly that even after its death, nothing congrats.
Oh, even a combination of plant and animal interactions has been considered, but the's uncanny circles have yet to be conclusively explained.
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Number one movie like Cave Romania, discovered in 1986 off the coast of the Black Sea, movie like Cave is one of the most unique ecosystems in the world, isolated from the rest of the world for 5.5 million years.
Move L.
A cave has air with high levels of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide.
This has led to the evolution of at least 33 animals found nowhere else on Earth over millions of years.
The creatures in this subterranean world have adapted to the conditions.
Many of them are blind.
The skin is translucent.
In this dark place, evolution has done away with all superfluid.
He's coming down here is like traveling back eons in the history of the Earth.
Scientists are particularly interested in studying the life found there as it could give clues as to what life on other planets could look like.
Given the inherent danger of the environment, access to the movie like cave is strictly controlled by the Romanian government.
This is a dark world of sterile beauty.
Which man enters at his peril?
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