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the Electoral College has spoken, ending his long silence on the outcome of the presidential election.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, the top Republican in Congress, congratulated President elect Joe Biden and Vice President elect Kamala Harris on their victories Tuesday from the Senate floor.
So today I want to congratulate President elect Joe Biden.
今日はバイデン大統領を 祝福したいと思います
The president elect is no stranger to the Senate.
He's devoted himself to public service for many years.
I also want to congratulate the vice president elect, our colleague from California, Senator Harris.
副大統領候補のハリス上院議員にも お祝いを言いたい カリフォルニア州の同僚です
Beyond our differences, all Americans can take pride that our nation has a female vice president elect.
For the very first time since the Electoral College confirmed Biden's victory on Monday, several other senior Republicans finally acknowledged publicly that he will be the next president, abandoning support for Trump's effort to try and reverse the election outcome that included Trump loyalists Senator Lindsey Graham as well as Ohio's Rob Portman, Missouri's Roy Blunt and Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia.
The Senate's number two Republican, John Thune, said, It's time for everybody to move on and that any effort to try to overturn the result when Congress counts the Electoral College votes on January 6th, an idea floated by Trump is quote not going anywhere.
Senator John Cornyn of Texas agreed, saying such an effort would be soundly defeated in the Republican controlled Senate, adding quote, There comes a time when you have to realize that despite your best efforts, you've been unsuccessful.
That's sort of the nature of these elections.
You've got to have a winner.
You've got toe have a loser.
Trump said in November that he would leave the White House if the Electoral College confirmed Biden's win certainly will.
Certainly, I will, and you know that.
But Trump kept up his baseless claims on Tuesday, posting a Siris of tweets about voting machines, and that there was quote tremendous evidence pouring in on voter fraud.
Meanwhile, one international holdout finally recognized Biden's election victory on Tuesday.