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  • Guinea's president Alpha Conde has kicked off his third temp with a vowed to tackle high level corruption in a country ranked 1 38 out of 1 80 on Transparency International's global corruption index.

    ギニアのアルファ・コンデ大統領は、トランスペアレンシー・インターナショナルの世界的な汚職指数で1 80のうち1 38にランク付けされた国で高レベルの汚職に取り組むことを誓って、彼の3番目の臨時雇用をキックオフしました。

  • At a swearing in ceremony in the capital Concrete on Tuesday, Candy pledged policies to help the poor, who he described his victims of bureaucratic negative a film it in.


  • We promised to firmly fight against gangrenous corruption and clientelism clientelism Navarro this all may we want to govern differently.


  • We have promised to do before the people.


  • Given the trauma, that means working with the most vulnerable layers of society.


  • Condi announced that ministers, their wives and Children will have to declare their world while companies linked to ministers and senior civil servants who were excluded from winning government contracts.


  • Kenny has enjoyed sustained economic growth during Condi's first two attempts, particularly due to its mining industry of gold, diamonds iron, or unbox it.


  • But if you have seen the benefits, unemployment remains high and power cuts and protests have been frequent.


  • His decision to extend his decade on power was met with violent protests in with dozens of people were killed before and after the election.


  • Honda is the second West African president in as many days to be inaugurated for a controversial the 10th that car Lassana will throw in neighboring Ivory Coast.


  • He argues that constitutional changes reset the clock on his presidency, allowing him to stand again.


Guinea's president Alpha Conde has kicked off his third temp with a vowed to tackle high level corruption in a country ranked 1 38 out of 1 80 on Transparency International's global corruption index.

ギニアのアルファ・コンデ大統領は、トランスペアレンシー・インターナショナルの世界的な汚職指数で1 80のうち1 38にランク付けされた国で高レベルの汚職に取り組むことを誓って、彼の3番目の臨時雇用をキックオフしました。

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