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there are fresh warnings tonight that any relax ation of coronavirus restrictions over the Christmas period could risk a third wave of infections.
新鮮な警告があります今夜は、クリスマス期間上のコロナウイルスの制限の任意のリラックス イオン感染症の第三波を危険にさらす可能性があります。
In an open letter, NHS providers, which represents more than 200 healthcare trust in England, deserves the prime minister toe exercise caution when the current tear lists are reviewed next week, the letter says, There are now 10 0 fewer beds in operation, then last year because of coronavirus infection controls, with large numbers of co vid 19 patients needing treatment on top off the usual winter pressures, like flu on all this comes along with the new demand of having to deliver the coronavirus vaccine with more.
オープンレターでは、イングランドで 200 以上の医療信託を表す NHS プロバイダーは、首相に値する toe 運動注意現在の涙のリストが来週見直されているときに、手紙は言う、そこに今 10 0 より少ないベッドの操作では、コロナウイルス感染制御のため、昨年は、通常の冬の圧力をオフに上の治療を必要とする co vid 19 患者の大規模な数で、インフルエンザのようなすべてのこのコロナウイルス ワクチンをより多くの配信することの新しい需要と一緒に来る。
Here's our health correspondent Catherine DeCosta.
Yeah, on the front line.
ああ 最前線だ
On under pressure, hospitals expect to be at their busiest over winter.
But with the unprecedented impact of coronavirus, this will be a year like no other.
There's no question that were full on during the second wave.
Now on, we're seeing certainly where I work, increasing numbers of covert patients coming in.
今、私が働いているところには 隠密の患者が増えています
We're also dealing with the normal winter pressures, but we're at the same time trying to keep everybody safe and socially distanced while we're dealing with staff who are also unwell.
In a letter to the prime minister, NHS providers say there were 13,000 COV patients in hospital in England this week compared to 500 in early September.
Well, trust me is very concerned.
Its chief executive has urged caution ahead of the review of Tears next week.
What we're saying is you just need to be really careful about relaxing the restrictions on social contact because we know that that inevitably at the moment, what that means is more covert cases, more pressure on the NHS on to be frank, more people dying unnecessarily.
私たちが言いたいのは、社会的接触の制限を緩和することに 本当に注意する必要があるということです。 今のところ、必然的に秘密の事件が増え、 率直に言って、NHSに圧力がかかり、 不必要に多くの人が死ぬことになります。
All four nations have bean under tough measures in recent weeks, but the our number which shows whether the epidemic is growing or shrinking, is thought to be above one in some areas.
4 カ国すべてがここ数週間で厳しい措置の下で豆を持っていますが、流行が拡大しているか縮小しているかを示す我々 の数は、いくつかの地域では 1 つを超えていると考えられています。
So it's thought infections arising in London, the southeast and east of England and in Northern Ireland.
And it's a similar picture in Wales to, and that's raising concerns that household mixing and travel over Christmas could lead to a third wave.
Think about what you should do.
Do you really need to have should you really see three different households together indoors over this period.
Can you see fewer people?
Can you see people for a short period of time?
The government says it won't hesitate to take necessary actions to protect local communities.
Its review will be based on the latest data that will include factors such as infection rates among the over sixties and pressure on the NHS.
そのレビューは、60 代以上の間で感染率や NHS への圧力などの要因を含む最新のデータに基づいています。