I mean, I amkindof, youknow, it's funtobe, uh, namechecked, but I wishthatintheinthesongDickthat I weren't beingnamecheckedtorefertothevoluptuousnessof a woman, whichisessentiallywhatthey'resaying.
No one's gonna ever say that Conan Whip out that Conan Let's see what you got You know, no one's ever going to say he can't and me long into the night.
I can't ride a horsetodaybecause I wasConandollnight.
アンディ・リヒター、Starboi3 & Doja Catの新曲で名前をチェックされたことに反応 - CONAN on TBS (Andy Richter Reacts To Being Namechecked In Starboi3 & Doja Cat’s New Song - CONAN on TBS)