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  • but I made the cut like a pack of blade.


  • You could call me Brush making weight since actually Banks, because I had a fade.


  • But that's 90 to 91.


  • Welcome to watch Mojo.


  • And today we're counting down our picks for the top 10.


  • Tyler, the Creator songs.


  • Wait.


  • Sure.


  • Okay, Don't you don't have to hide.


  • I could smell it in your eyes, but this got it for this list.


  • We're looking at the tracks Tyler has put out since bursting onto the scene alongside his collective odd future.


  • Which Tyler, the Creator song is your favorite.


  • Let us know in the comments Number 10 Young Perfect for such a sun drenched tune.


  • This tractor comes close to some shady subject matter when you're 35 41 when I'm 27 years, 21 years is dumped During the first part of the song, Charlie Wilson croons a melodic hook while Tyler raps about falling in love with a young girl.


  • This is more than a question, always just during the second part of the song, the tune turns into a low fi duet with songstress Kallio churches at its core.


  • The track deals with the eternal balancing act between following societies, rules and giving into temptation.


  • But Tyler has always prided himself for being a rule breaker, which is why it doesn't come as a surprise when the track reaches this conclusion.


  • Baby Just going Maddie Number nine New Magic Wand.

    Baby Just going Maddie Number 9 New Magic Wand.

  • In this fast paced banger, Tyler raps about a woman he has feelings for who is trying to convince not to leave him.


  • However, the woman has her previous partner on her mind, while dark and catchy.


  • It's the quick and rhythmic manner by which Tyler refers to the song's title that draws listeners to the song like Magic Through Tyler's epic, lyrical prowess were taken into the mind of an individual who, while going through a wide range of emotions, is willing to take extreme measures to be with the person he has feelings for.


  • Thing wait.


  • Even Tyler himself once proclaimed this song to be his favorite, and we can understand why people don't like what time and I'll make you look a certain way.


  • Number eight.


  • Who That boy yo waken see from other collapse like potato salad.


  • Anytime Rocky and Tyler joined forces, they go off still doing math when I missed my class wasn't Summertime six at the number nine.

    ロッキーとタイラーは いつでも力を合わせた 彼らはまだ数学をしている 私が授業を休んだ時は 9番でサマータイム6ではなかった

  • Who?


  • That boy is a question.


  • We already know the answer to its Tyler, but the real question is, Who's shouting it out?


  • It could be the general public wondering who Tyler is because there's no one else out there like him.

    彼のような人がいないから タイラーが誰なのかと 疑問に思っているのかもしれない

  • It could also signify that Tyler will be sad when people's eyes will no longer be on him, if ever his fame is diminished.


  • Either way, it's a high strung expression of lofty ambition.


  • Get outta my way way.


  • But that's McLaren.


  • That 0 to 60 and two point new weather.


  • I'm going, MM Number seven.


  • Smucker's Money, Money, money, money, money, motive it Nobody knows.


  • It's almost offensive that a song that goes so hard can remain so relentlessly melodic.


  • But Smucker's achieves just that.


  • Kanye flexes on averse, celebrating what he does best, how he made it to the top, dropping the iconic line Richard and white people with black kids, skerry and black people with ideas.


  • Soon after, a Lil Wayne comes through with a slick verse.


  • Tonci, homey master of ceremonies.


  • I knocked him down down No effect, no pepper, beautiful trumpet underscores the track, and it teams up three completely distinct and multitalented artists in hip hop with one another, a feat Tyler was extra proud of pulling off when he was on Lee, 24.

    この曲は、ヒップホップ界の3人の完全に個性的でマルチな才能を持つアーティストをチームにしたもので、タイラーがLee, 24に出演していた時には、その功績を誇りに思っていました。

  • What isn't too like Number six Earthquake?


  • If one thing is for certain, it's that this song certainly made our earthquake Earthquake things.


  • Tune has Tyler once again, rapping about love and trying to convince a lover not to leave him.


  • Utilizing a combination of musical styles from previous albums, Tyler hits all the marks To top it off Playboy, Carty's featured verse with soothing background piano chords, is an excellent added touch to the song How oh My God.

    過去のアルバムからの音楽スタイルの組み合わせを利用して、タイラーはすべてのマークをヒットさせるためにそれをオフにプレイボーイをトップに、カーティのフィーチャリングされた歌詞となだめるような背景のピアノの和音は、曲のHow oh My Godに素晴らしい追加タッチです。

  • However, it's the manner by which Tyler delivers an epic plea to his offer.


  • Mentioned the lover that has this absolutely mesmerized Don't yeah, this one captivating yet so relatable it simply has this feeling all the feels.


  • Number five.


  • She she gives the police's stalker anthem every breath you take a run for its money.


  • It's lyrics explore themes of obsession and go assed faras to insinuate dark subject matter.


  • So good thing there Contrast it by oceans Honey Sweet Hook, E Doc When You're sleeping.

    So good thing there Contrast it by oceans Honey Sweet Hook, E Doc When You're sleeping.

  • It's a haunting slow jam that on Lee gets under your skin.


  • Once you identify with the lyrics air about.


  • But don't worry, we don't think Tyler or Frank we're actually standing outside anyone's window because they were so busy in the studio.

    でもご心配なく タイラーもフランクも 窓の外には立っていないと思います スタジオが忙しくて...

  • Is that your window?


  • As the third single from Goblin, which dropped the same year, is Oceans Mixtape, Nostalgia Ultra.

    同年に落としたGoblinからの3枚目のシングルとしては、Oceans Mixtape、Nostalgia Ultra。

  • She makes 2011, The year Frank really landed on the scene with the help of his cohort, Tyler Number four Boredom.


  • His album, Flower Boy is rife with lyrics that tackled Tyler's preoccupations of time and timelessness.

    彼のアルバム『Flower Boy』は、タイラーの時間や時間を超越した先入観を扱った歌詞で溢れています。

  • Boredom is an anthem straight from the dog days of summer, when you run out of things to do and become engulfed in on we because Tyler doesn't have anyone to spend time with, Got some cars like a handle, but nowhere for performance.


  • My stomach, me and yelling, I need some food.


  • I order with some great vocal editions in the form of rising British singer Rex Orange County and Norwegian artist Anna of the North.


  • This is a happy, sad song about solitude and feeling lonesome grading e e don't know anyone with Hook boredom.

    これは、孤独を感じ、孤独を感じることについてのハッピーで切ない歌であり、グラデイングE Eはフックの退屈さを持つ誰も知らない。

  • Got a new best friend.


  • We really get an insight into Tyler's mind and the way even musicians surrounded by a horde of people can still struggle with feeling alone.


  • Number 3911 Mr Lonely.

    3911番 ロンリーさん

  • This two part track extends the theme of loneliness that keep sprouting up through Flower Boy we owe.


  • In Part one, Tyler performs a fictional jingle for a would be help line that comforts the lonesome.


  • But it turns out that Tyler doesn't want just anybody.


  • I've been looking for a listen to the speaker.


  • If you fit description, Get me on my beat by that 91 When the song goes to Part two, Tyler offers an explanation for why he has such an abrasive personality.


  • I said a lot of sense of Rome was probably the loneliest one in the brome.


  • Sometimes the saddest messages come packaged in a hype beat that people couldn't go crazy, too.


  • And 911 Mr Lonely is pure evidence of that.


  • But in keeping with his diverse and wide ranging style, he does make some interesting references in the song, including one for a certain wealthy entrepreneur.


  • Sex.


  • You can't gas me up Shut out Thio, Elon Musk Number two, Bastard Inside of Me.

    You can't gas me up Shut out Thio, Elon Musk Number 2, Bastard Inside of Me.

  • But the thoughts he tell me are still evil with the state of mind.


  • Big moves.


  • Max Keeble, the title track on Tyler's debut, Mixtape Bastard, is a force of nature that packs a real punch to the gut.

    タイラーのデビュー作『Mixtape Bastard』のタイトル曲であるマックス・キーブルは、自然の力でガッツリとパンチを効かせています。

  • Over the course of nine Chilling versus Bastard Unfolds is a therapy session between Tyler and his imaginary psychiatrist, Dr TC, whom he has been forced by a schoolteacher to speak with.


  • Marked by a repeating piano cord and piercing synth notes, the song recounts Tyler's traumatic upbringing, which includes being abandoned by his father, getting picked on at school and battling depression.


  • I wanted a brother, my mother, I told her.


  • But instead I got a sister just like me with her.


  • Mr.


  • Nada, it was the industry's intro to Tyler is a solo artist.


  • And boy, was it an up close and personal first peak of the rapper to come.


  • I'm bad milk drinking before we unveil our number one pick.


  • Here are a few honorable mentions sandwiches, E f h y.

    ここでは、いくつかの名誉あるサンドイッチ、E f h yを紹介します。

  • I'm bad at keeping my emotions, but good be in trouble.


  • See you again.


  • E infatuation into another.

    別のものへのE infatuation。

  • What you call it, I think e I ain't got time How I got this far, Boy, I can't believe it that I got this car, So I succeeded.

    何と呼べばいいのか 時間がないんだ どうやってここまで来たのか 信じられないよ この車を手に入れたから成功したんだ

  • Passenger What boy I look like my favorite.


  • What more mojo Sound Mojo brings you music from new and emerging artists in all genres from across the globe.

    何がもっとモジョ Sound Mojoは、世界中のあらゆるジャンルの新進気鋭のアーティストからの音楽をお届けします。

  • From interviews, the live shows and deep dives into music culture Sound Mojo has you covered.

    インタビューからライブショー、音楽文化への深堀りまで、Sound Mojoがお届けします。

  • Be sure to check out Sound Mojo to find her new favorite artists.

    彼女の新しいお気に入りのアーティストを見つけるために、Sound Mojoを必ずチェックしてください。

  • It's a number one Yonkers synthetic wigs made of Anwar's dreadlocks.


  • Bed Walk, Tyler's trademark song first went viral after Kanye Tweeted that it was the video of 2011.


  • Yonkers, which is named after the city in New York state, was intended to mock New York style beats.


  • But after Bowl not went home for some damage, Nature Time Track plays out as a dialogue with his alter ego, Woolf Haley.


  • I'm overachiever.


  • So how about I start a team of leaders and pick up Stevie wanted to be the wide receiver.


  • Although it has garnered critical acclaim, it has also earned infamy, most notably for its controversial one take Music video, which features threats and a questionable snack, among other things, it was only a four warning to the odd future the world was about to become immerse in through Tyler's Vision, and Yonkers captures that breaking point.


  • Do you agree with our picks?


  • Check out this other recent clip from Watch Mojo and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos, Yeah.

    Watch Mojoからこの他の最近のクリップをチェックアウトして、私たちの最新のビデオについて通知されるように購読し、ベルを鳴らすことを確認してください、Yeah.

but I made the cut like a pack of blade.


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