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  • Hi, I'm Ronnie. I have a YouTube channelYou're watching it, but you need to  

    こんにちは、ロニーです。YouTubeチャンネルを持っています。 あなたはそれを見ていますが、あなたが必要なのは

  • subscribe to it. EnglishLessons4U.  Hit that subscribe button, do it,  

    を購読してください。EnglishLessons4U. 購読ボタンを押してください

  • do it now or I'm not going to teach you... okay,  I'll teach you anyways. But subscribe and sign up.  

    今すぐやらないと 教えるつもりはありません... いいですよ、とにかく教えます。でも購読してサインアップしてください

  • It'll be great, you'll love it. No, you will. I'm going to teach you phrasal verbs, and phrasal  


  • verbs are essential. A lot of people kind of get  off track and they start to study idioms. Wow,  

    動詞は必須です。多くの人は何となく調子に乗って 慣用句の勉強を始めてしまいますうわー。

  • idioms are kind of old, in my opinion, and not  very useful. But, one thing that is essential  


  • for you to understand and learn in English are  these crazy phrasal verbs. What is a phrasal verb,  


  • you ask? You did, I heard you! A phrasal verb  has a verb + a preposition. So, prepositions  


  • are things like "up, on, down, around". Soif you have a verb and a preposition together,  


  • magically these are called phrasal verbs. And  they're very confusing. A lot of people have  


  • problems with them, because one phrasal verb can  have many meanings, but I'm here to make it easy  


  • for you and teach you about something you probably  do every day. It's called your morning routine.  

    あなたがおそらく毎日やっているであろうことを 教えてあげましょうそれはあなたの朝の日課と呼ばれるものです

  • I don't know about you, but I have to wake up  in the morning. Some of you have to wake up in  


  • the afternoon or at night, depending on your  work schedule or if you work. So, the first  


  • thing that happens. Most treacherously and most  terribly is, "My alarm goes off". In the past,  

    起こること。最も背信的で最も恐ろしいのは 「私のアラームが鳴る」ということです過去には

  • I could also say, "My alarm went off", maybe  at 7:00. If you wanted to be very specific,  


  • you could say 7:00am. But because most people  wake up in the morning, you don't need to say  


  • "am". Most people understand you're waking up  in the morning. If you work a night shift or,  


  • I don't know, you're a vampire, you could also  say, "Oh, my alarm went off at 7:00pm". That's  


  • cool, but usually we don't need to specify or  we don't need to say "am", because most people  

    かっこいいけど、普通は指定しなくてもいいし、"am "と言わなくてもいいんだよね。

  • understand it's the morning time. And this is also  very illogical, crazy in English. An alarm goes  

    朝の時間だと理解していますそしてこれも非常に非論理的で 英語では狂っていますアラームが鳴ると

  • off. But in reality, it goes on. Because it makes  a noise. So, in English, we just like to have a  


  • giggle and make it difficult. So, we have to say,  "My alarm goes off". It means my alarm sounds or  


  • makes a noise. And then, I turn off the alarm that  went off. Don't get it? Don't worry about that.  


  • So, my alarm goes off at 7:00. What do I do next?  I wake up. That means I open my eyes and I - Oh  

    目覚ましが7時に鳴ったわ次に何をすればいい? 目が覚めるのつまり、目を開けて...

  • God, why isn't is Saturday? Why do I have to wake  up? Why was I born? Then, to actually physically  


  • leave your bed, you're going to say "get up". Somaybe you are good at getting out of bed, but I'm  


  • not. So, my alarm goes off at 7:00, but I actually  get up, which means I leave my beautiful, warm,  


  • luscious bed, at 7:30. What are you doing for half  an hour, Ronnie? Yes, I am trying to make time  


  • stop so I can sleep longer, but it never worksAnd then I try to figure out all the problems of  

    睡眠時間が長くなるように 止めるのですが 効果はありません そして、私はすべての問題を解決しようとしています。

  • the world and solve some English problems, but  yeah. 7:30 comes again and I have to get up.  


  • I take off my PJs. Peanut butter jam? No, PJs are  the short form of pajamas or pyjamas. Pajamas are  


  • the clothes you wear at night in your bed. You  can wear them in the daytime too, doesn't matter.  


  • They're usually funky, though. This phrasal verb  we can replace with just the verb "remove". So,  

    普通はファンキーなんだけどね。この句動詞は「取り除く」という動詞だけで 置き換えることができますということで

  • you can say, "I remove my pajamas" or my  PJs, but that sounds very strange. We don't  


  • say that. If you said it, I would understandbut that's not how we speak naturally. We say,  


  • "I take off my pajamas" or my PJs. I actually shower, okay? I - it just  

    "パジャマを脱ぐ "とか "PJsを脱ぐ "とか。シャワーを浴びるんだ私は...

  • wasn't a phrasal verb, so I couldn't put it in  here. But after I take my shower, I need to put  


  • on my clothes. Now, in English, we don't use the  verb "wear" when we're actually getting dressed.  


  • Which means, putting on your clothes. In some  languages, you guys say, "I wear my clothes",  


  • but we don't use the verb "wear". We say,  "I put on my clothes". So, in the morning,  


  • we put on our clothes. I take off my PJ's, I  have a shower, and then I put on my clothes.  


  • Because it's illegal to walk around naked. The next thing I do is I put in, or I can also say  


  • I put on my contacts. Now, contacts is actually  the short form of contact lenses. We don't need  


  • to bother to say lenses. Everybody knows if you  put in or put on your contacts, those are contact  

    わざわざレンズと言うのもどうかと思います。誰でも知っていることですが コンタクトを入れたり 装着したりすると それはコンタクトです

  • lenses. Maybe you also like to wear makeup, so  you can say, "I put on my makeup". You could say  


  • apply my makeup, but again, it's not naturalWe always use a phrasal verb "put on". Maybe  

    お化粧をする、しかしまたしても自然ではありません put onという句動詞をいつも使っています。もしかしたら

  • you want to wear glasses. Don't, please don't put  on contacts and glasses at the same time. You'll  

    はメガネをかけたいと思っています。やめてください コンタクトとメガネを同時につけないでください眼鏡をかけていると

  • hurt your vision. But you would definitely put  on glasses and you would put on jewellery. This  


  • is a difficult word for people. Repeat after mejewellery. I put in jewellery. As I said before,  


  • rings, earrings, a necklace. All of these things  are jewellery, and we put them on, because they're  

    指輪 イヤリング ネックレスこれらのものはすべて宝石です そして私たちはそれらを身につけます なぜならそれらは

  • outside of our body. So, I put on these things. Then, just to help with life, I do the most  


  • essential thing. I turn on the coffee  maker. I could say "start the coffee maker",  


  • but because it's a button, I would say  I turn on the coffee maker. "Start"  


  • is too formal. You can start your car, but  you're going to turn on the coffee maker.  


  • Now, one thing that you should do, not every daybecause you can't, but I highly suggest that you  


  • sign up for notifications by ringing the bell  - ding ding ding - on EnglishLessons4U. This is  

    ベルを鳴らして通知を受けるには、EnglishLessons4Uのベルを鳴らしてサインアップしましょう - ding ding ding ding ding -。これは

  • what you're watching. This is the amazingness of  what you're doing right now. So, if you sign up  


  • for notifications and you ring the bell, this  means that when I make a new video for you,  


  • you get a notification and you can watch it  right away. Because some people say, "Ronnie,  


  • you had a new video and I didn't know!" Did you  ring my bell? You gotta ring my bell to get the  


  • notifications. So, actually, do it now. Do it  now, hit the bell, ring the bell, ding ding.  


  • And I'll see you later. Please don't forget to  shower, though. Essential, essential.


Hi, I'm Ronnie. I have a YouTube channelYou're watching it, but you need to  

こんにちは、ロニーです。YouTubeチャンネルを持っています。 あなたはそれを見ていますが、あなたが必要なのは

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