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  • electric carmaker, the Tessler.


  • So with an eye popping $540 billion despite having a global car market share of less than 1% that gives Boss Elon Musk an opportunity to use is hyped up stop to merge with an old fashioned business, just a zeo l did with media titan Time Warner 20 years ago.


  • Speaking at a conference earlier this week, Musk seemed open to the idea of a deal with another car maker, Tesla's existing customer based might their soup a luxury mark on one with a low voltage electric strategy where musk can add the most value?


  • U.


  • S rivals Ford and General Motors hardly fit that description on Europe's Volkswagen has already gone all in on electric vehicles he might consider BMW.

    S のライバル フォードとゼネラルモーターズはほとんどその記述に合うヨーロッパのフォルクスワーゲンはすでにすべての彼は BMW を考慮する可能性があります電気自動車に行っています。

  • But the fact that it's owned by a family probably rules out to take over, and history shows it's difficult for foreign companies to take over the Japanese ones.


  • That leaves $74 billion Daimler, maker of the Mercedes Benz on the world's biggest selling luxury comic.


  • Now it's true that attacking on a fossil fuel business with somewhat dilute Kessler's green credentials.


  • But adding Daimler could increase Tesla's global car output by around four times.


  • And more importantly, the company's deep foundations in Europe and China, the world's two biggest battery car markets would give Mask a much deeper platform from which to launch his electric offensive.


  • There's another sweetener to under U.


  • S stock exchange rules.


  • Musk would only need shareholder approval if Tessa increased its outstanding shares by 20% a test of his current equity value.


  • That means mosque to theoretically snap up a target worth $100 billion more.


  • So if you add a 40% premium too dangerous share price, Musk could drive away with brand new bands empire without even asking permission.


electric carmaker, the Tessler.


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