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Hollywood actor formerly known as Ellen Page, on Tuesday announced he was transgender and had changed his name to Elliott's.
ハリウッド俳優のエレン・ペイジ(Ellen Page)が火曜日、トランスジェンダーであることを発表し、名前をエリオットのものに変えた。
The Oscar nominated star of Juno posted a personal statement on Instagram and Twitter that read quotes.
I can't begin to express how remarkable it feels to finally love who I am enough to pursue my authentic self, adding, I love that I am Trans and I love that I am queer.
Page said he would use the heat they pronounce and admitted to being scared of potential jokes, hate and violence.
Page, who came out as gay in 2014, wrote to all the trans people who deal with harassment, self loathing, abuse and the threat of violence.
Every day I see you, I love you, and I will do everything I can to change this world for the better.
Messages of support flooded in on social media You are so loved and admired, wrote actress and writer Lena Dunham.
ソーシャルメディアに溢れた支援のメッセージ あなたはとても愛されていて賞賛されている、と女優で作家のレナ・ダナムは書いています。
A tweet from Netflix, which showcases page in the umbrella Academy Red.
So proud of our superhero.