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Number 25: Despite the fact that you will sleep for roughly 1/3 of your life, scientists are still not entirely sure as to why.
Number 24: As far as resting your body is concerned, sleep doesn't really make much of a difference.
8 hours of sleep will save you 50 kilo calories.
That's roughly the same amount of energy as in a piece of toast.
Number 23: The real reason you sleep is because your brain needs it.
But it's not like your brain just shuts down.
It actually gets more active than it is during the day.
Number 22: So, basically the idea of sleeping to rest is for the most part wrong.
22番:だから、基本的には休むために寝るという考え方は<a href="#post_comment_1">forforfor the most part<i class="icon-star"></i>間違っています。
If you don't sleep though, after only 17 hours you'll start to experience cognitive difficulty with remembering and perceiving things.
Number 21: Your pain tolerance will decrease and you'll become more sensitive to stimuli.
Number 20: You'll probably gain weight because during sleep your body releases hormones that regulate your appetite.
Number 19: In fact, after 24 hours you'll be functionally worse off than someone with a blood alcohol level of .05%.
19番目:実際には、24時間後には、<a href="#post_comment_2">worse off<i class="icon-star"></i>血中アルコール濃度が0.05%の人よりも機能的に悪くなります。
Number 18: If you decided to give up both food and sleep indefinitely,
you would likely die from sleep deprivation before you starved to death.
Number 17: In spite of that, the longest officially verified record for sleep deprivation without stimulants is 11 days.
It was accomplished in 1965 by high school student Randy Gardner under strict scientific supervision.
Number 16: Since then the Guinness Book of World Records has stopped keeping records for fear that people might harm themselves.
Number 15: Some mammals like giraffes and Asiatic elephants typically sleep less than 2 hours per night.
Number 14: Koalas are the longest sleeping mammal at 22 hours per day.
Number 13: When dolphins sleep, only half their brain loses consciousness.
This helps them to maintain breathing because unlike humans, dolphins and whales are conscious breathers.
Number 12: Ever since the advent of color television, studies claim that the percentage of people dreaming in color has increased significantly.
12位:カラーテレビの<a href="#post_comment_3">advent<i class="icon-star"></i>以来、研究では、カラーで夢を見る人の割合が大幅に増えたと主張しています。
Number 11: If you don't dream, the prevailing consensus is that you most likely have some sort of personality disorder.
11番目:夢を見ない場合、<a href="#post_comment_4">consensus<i class="icon-star"></i>は、あなたがパーソナリティ障害のいくつかの種類を持っている可能性が高いということです。
Number 10: Don't panic though, within 10 minutes of waking up almost all of your dreams will be forgotten.
Number 9: You can allegedly only dream about faces you have already seen.
Number 8: To extend this, people blind from birth typically have dreams involving smell, taste, emotion, and touch.
Number 7: Parasomnia is a sleep disorder that causes involuntary actions and movements during sleep.
Number 6: Benign forms of parasomnia involve sleep talking and sleep walking.
The more serious types have led to sleep driving, robberies, and even rape or murder.
Number 5: British soldiers were the first to develop a method of consistently staying up without sleep.
When they got fatigued, they would put on special visors that simulated the brightness of a sunrise and woke them up.
Number 4: A survey of 6,000 British adults found that listening to Coldplay did in fact make them more likely to fall asleep.
4位:イギリスの成人6,000人を対象にした調査では、Coldplayを聴いていると<a href="#post_comment_5">in fact<i class="icon-star"></i><a>眠りに落ちる可能性が高くなることがわかりました。
Number 3: It has also been scientifically proven that counting sheep is an ineffective method for falling asleep.
Number 2: Somniphobia is the fear of sleep.
And number 1: Speaking of fear…an adult bed bug can survive up to 1 year without feeding.